THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER Saying YES to Who You Really Are! What is it al about? Why do we starve ourselves and exercise turiousiyv wny oo we ma*e ourselves feel so guilty? Why do we stand in front of mirrors to become critical of that stom ach bulge that is genetically endowed to be there? Our society and its expectations fostered by advertising with its drive for profits continues to do us all a great injustice. Are we really that superficial that we must all have tight butts, firm, full breasts, well-defined muscles, thighs so firm that they deny their natural capacity to spread when we sit down, have soft, supple skin, silent bowels, be 6'2", mold perfectly into every pair of jeans or swim suit, perform incredibly every time, and have fresh breath? What quality of life is this fostering? In the face of plenty, so many are down right miserable. Sta tistics show that generally only 50% of the people we meet like us, so why do we still be come upset and critical when not everyone we meet likes us? Until society matures and grows out of these crazy and very harmful ideals, we must overcome these "norms" on an individual basis. It is incredibly hard to go against such a wave of popular beliefs, but a leap into that vast unknown called self-love is essential for our mental health. Self-love cannot be conquered in one shot. As Scott Peck put it, self-love involves the “will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one's own spiritual growth". It is an ongoing process with use of certain principles that help us accept ourselves. Alan Loy McGinnis, au thor of Confidence gives some basic principles: 1. Determine to know the truth about yourself. Remember when we came rushing into the house as small children exploding with excitement and suddenly someone says. "Be quiet! What's wrong with you?’’. We learned quickly to button our lips. Unfortunately, to some degree, socialization has taught us to reject our inner selves. This is especially true if we were surrounded by people who infected us with the notion that our thoughts and emo tions were “terrible". We concluded that feelings should be controlled and eliminated if pos sible. Some ways to get back in touch with ourselves would be to keep a journal, spend some time alone, and look for someone you can confide in. 2. Focus on your potential instead of your limitations. How many times after we gave a presentation or speech did we say to ourselves, “I didn’t speak loud enough." or “I didn’t communicate well." and so on with out looking at any of our positive points? Get yourself away from comparisons! 1 Distinguish between who you are and what you do. Somewhere along the line we learned it wasn’t good enough to be a person we also had to do a lot to be accepted. The problem with this is that many of us go overboard. This can be seen in the Superwoman Syndrome or Workaholic Syndrome. Some ways to avoid these syndromes would be to leave time for play, become flexible in your schedule, take time out for honest appraisal of your work patterns, and examine your ethical and spiritual priorities. Other ways we can develop self-love would include: — Goal setting. Set realistic goals that encourage finding out what we are actually capa ble of. — Risk taking helps us attain goals. An important risk would be to open up to other people. — Patience with ourselves is a virtue. Like the flower that blooms, we too need time to bloom and that can only be decided by our own time frame. Life is not a quest to become another "beautiful" and “perfect" cardboard cutout! By Kaima Wimck £§om the hip INSIDE * DEPRESSION * CREATIVITY * STRESS HEY ALL YOU HEALTH NUT WANNABES... Drop by the health Education Center to see our selection of health books You'll find everything from eating nature s way t< meditation We re open 9:00 a m. to 2.3C p m Mondays thru Fridays IS STRESS SCARING AWAY YOUR SENSES????? Bring them back Go to the Health Education Center where we hav Peer Health Advisors who specialize in Stress Management Make an appomtmen by calling 346 4456 anytime during M-F, 9:00 to 2:30 IS IT A DELUSION??? OR IS THAT HEALTH PAPER REALLY DUE TOMORROW????? We have all kinds < up to date into on Ni trition. Stress Man agement Slit)'.tame Abuse and more Peer Health Advisors can advise you on those burnmr questions you've been wondering ; about all these years There's also all kind: ot pamphlets and handouts for FREE1 TESTED LATELY FOR THAT BIQ “C" WORD????? Come find out what your cholesterol level is on Tuesday morn ings from 9:00 to 11:00 You can also find out how to lower it by making an ap pointment with a Peer Health Advisor who specializes in Nutri tion It's FREE with a student ID Your health is worth it1!!