Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 26, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Anachronism students to meet
Students for Creative Anachronism will hold
a meeting and dance practice at 8 p m. in Agate
1 For more information call 485-8608 or
t.H 3-1117.
Et als
KRMA. the student radio organi7.ation. will
hold a general interest meeting at 8 p in in Room
lit). Willamette Hall Call 342-7080 for more in
Asian/Pat ilii American Student Union
meets at 0 30 p m in KMC Cedar Room C. Call
346-4243 for details
Christian Science College Organization
meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p m. in the hasement of
the Koinonea Center Call 343-4640 for informa
The Alternative Energy Fair, sponsored hv
OSP1RC. is from 10 a m. to 4 p m in the EMU Fir
Room Call 340 4.177 for more information.
Professor Seiichiro Takagi from Saitama
University will lecture on "Sino-)apanese Rela
tions: The Aftermath of Tianamen." at 4 p.m in
EMU Cedar Room C. The event is sponsored by
the (’.enter for Asian and Pacific Studies.
An informational meeting about the 1991-92
Hebrew University study program in Jerusalem is
at 1:30 p m. in EMU Cedar Room C I)r. Lawrence
Hesserman will discuss the program. Contact the
Office of International Services at 346-3207 for
more information.
Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Emerald
front desk. EMI/ Suite 300. is noon the day before
publication. Ft als run the day of the event unless
the event takes place before noon.
Continued from Page 1
guy,” and he dislikes the jukes
because people assume that all
politicians are evil
Craig said he gets frustrated
when he reads something in
the newspapers that he believes
is unfair or untrue "Those
type of articles ruin my day.”
he said
Despite the drawbacks. both
men said their father's position
has not interfered with their
"The phone (at home) some
times rings 4() times a day
He's been busy, but we've still
gotten the benefits of his l>eing
a great dad,” Mark said "Bot
tom line there's been more
positive than negative things
Aside from their personal
views, and considering that
their Republican father has
lx*en characterized as "intense
ly partisan”— a description
Rep. Larry (Campbell
that may not lx? good news for
the Democratic minority in the
House ('raig and Mark said
they have confidence in their
father's ability to lead a politi
cally divided House.
"I think he's as good a leader
as the House of Representatives
could have. He's very bright ...
and willing to work with the
new governor and Senate. He'll
do everything he can to cooper
ate,” Mark said.
Mark and Craig speak of
House politics with an air of fa
miliarity. Hut after learning
from their father and viewing
the process more closely than
most of their peers, both doubt
they will follow in their fa
ther's political footsteps
After Mark finishes his grad
uate work, he plans to go on to
medical school. Craig said he
had political aspirations until
he saw how campaigns can get
negative, and how that can ad
versely affect a politician's fam
In their own family, they
said, their father always sat
them down and warned them
of the negative implications of
political life. "There are going
to Ik; some tough times," Mark
said, quoting his father.
Embracing Change
November 27, 1990
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