Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 26, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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Basketball teams sign recruits
Two more basketball players have signed
ietters-of-intent with Oregon.
The women's team has added Jessica Schutt.
a high-scoring guard from Washington state
while the men have inked John McFarland, a
player who had originally signed a year ago,
but couldn't enroll in school because of aca
demic problems.
Schutt was a second team all-state selection
last season for Sunnyside High School where
she was the team captain and most valuable
player. She averaged 17.7 points and 8.0 re
bounds per game in leading Sunnyside to a
20-7 overall record and an eighth-place finish
in (he AA slate tournament.
The 5-foot-10 guard set a state tournament
single-game scoring record when she tallied
35 points against Seattle Prep and also set a
one-game record for field goal percentage at
86.7 percent by hitting 13 of 15 shots.
Schutt was a first team all-tournament selec
tion and also set state tournament records for
free throw percentage (85 percent) and scoring
(88 points).
Meanwhile. McFarland was expectod to sign
with Coach Don Monson's team and did so last
Wednesday, giving Monson four recruits al
ready signed for next season.
Continued from Page 13
downs before he suffered a sea
son-ending ankle injury against
l K'l.A McOallum led the
Ducks in scoring for the second
straight season with 7<i points
He made 14 of 17 field goals
and all i-1 extra point attempts.
Oregon had four players on
the defensive second team as
junior defensive lineman Matt
I-aBounty and Marcus Woods
received recognition, as did
sophomore free safety Eric Cas
tle and freshman punter Tom
my Thompson
Receiving honorable mention
recognition for the Ducks were
seniors Scot Boatright (center).
Todd kaanapu (offensive tack
le) and Joe Keit/.ug (wide re
( eiver). Other Ducks receiving
honorable mention were junior
cornerback Daryle Smith, soph
omore inside linebacker Joe
Farwell and freshman running
hack Sean Burwell.
Washington running back
Greg I.ewis was named offen
sive player of the year while
Arizona cornerback Darryl
Lewis and Washington defen
sive lineman Steve Kmtman
shared the defensive player of
the year award
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