Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 tfil'IHI: 105 PI •4^ MERRY MESSAGES FROM AROUND THE WORM) arr mmini to (own Itorrmbar 7 50* PER LINE! $1.50 FOR ART! Mr*********** MV RMY MESSAGES from lhr HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO and thara % mo* 9 mhare that cam* from Marry CtM»»tma» Holly' Garrett. We may be »ar from hom* but we tUM have each Other' i loea you. C«r<* OlANA. Same t*ma this year’ And n#«t year and the year attar that and th« year aMa* that and SCOTT ALPHA PHI S We w**h you a marry Christmas We wish you a marry Christmas We wish you a marry Christmas And we n see you na*t year THI KAPPA SIO'S _____ ************ PLAY IT AGAIN. SANTA >4 IAhi t Id snot fncixls jfd awa> f**r thr M<««u i~r^ MKRM MKSSAUKS from \round thr Workl will appr«ir trida>. On 7 in Ihr Orrv»»tt Hath ImrraM t Itmifkih An ODE Claa»ilt«d Job daacrtptton can lilt any position* IT’S HERE! Ski Season, That Is. ! November is the time to advertise your ski equip ment in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds! If your ski equipment doesn't sell within 4 paid days, we’ll run your ad for FREE, until Nov 30th! (Pnvala Paily Ada Only Ptaaaa'l Placa Mti at Room 100 FMU EMU Mam Daak 4 UO Bookatota o« call J46 4141 mmrnkii Mtii Oh UIWi l(M K«np4rH Vk <«h u»w«k 4m tal a ««it> a nrt«a|r *fth Thank* *K CONGRATULATIONS Eric Mom* on being the first per son lo correctly fill out yMUKtUy » crossword pu//*e Be the first person lo bring the solved crossword pu.'rte lo the Oregon Daily Emerald Ottlce, Room sOO EMU after Ham A wm a FREE ODE T-shirt A a 15 < redd for classified advertising' (1 wm pe? *efi please* i GREERS’ lay lay 1 f your order envelopes from test wee* ■ , »•’, Wally M4 HT SO. Happy Birthday JEFF! Don I worry no one would believe you re n somehow life jus! seeps (jelling better1 I love you. Amonde Happy 2 veai anniversary' I love you very much' Pup Planned Parenthood tor Pap smears infection checks tMrth control and counseling Days and evening* _ 344*411 Unplanned pregnancy'* BIRTHRIGHT a place to think things over Someone to I elk to Person#! confidential 6a/ wit Who's your favorite prolessor? Old Oregon the UO alumni msgvtns plans to profile some o* the UO s most noteworthy teacher* Which professors have made a difference in you* life * Whose lectures do you enioy? Who lake* an estra tnleresl m you* work7 Send your nomination* (include a paragraph espianation) to TOP PROFfOM Oregon University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 O* drop by our office at 101 Chapman Hall Thanks' YO SIRI! Just a little reminder lor you to have a “most triumphant" 21st B-day. Now you can drink BEER legally. Be excellent. Party on, Mli & Angie 11 noLOSUfdultO.. Found Mountain Bike near campus Identity lo claim 342 21*5 Lost Computer disks set of drawings and Zero* materials lost at UO Book store tt'?c» I dttiftg.Kf CAROLYN _QNDY Printed text to computer files obdizhhbob 747458® h *,t 0 1 Oregon Daily Emerald's 1 stop Marketplace 'JTjQ7uO 344-4510 60S E Uth At* August Word Pr46 3729 JO THE TYPING PRO IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING papers theses dissertations LASER IMPRESSIONS 10 a.m. * 4 p.m. M F 1Sth A Char net ton MS 6490 PAPERS OUC?NEED HELP"’ You' Research Assistant Professtonal arord plOCMPRO typtng'editmg etc Viro.ma 341 33» (24 hr% > P*My « Typing Service E *per»em.ed typist ottering mrrv.ces o« IBM compute' system and laser printer Reasonable fates _Call Pe^gy at 342 464* PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also e-ord processing editing Free pickupnJeiivery Rond a 93S »ft®? OUAIITV TYPING Lasei Printing, SI IS per page Norma 34 3 4*43 or 344 27B0 ROBIN 34407*9 20th YEAR* GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED Editing^**** i at »on e« peril mi Full resume se» v»ce Laser printing ON CAMPUS* CYA TYPING SERVICES High quality typing and editing Fast 24 hour service Cad Ann 34S 994’ Typing word processing It publishing graphics laser punter t* # year * experience (Free pick up-'detiveryi Carole 6W4V6 WORD PROCESSING FAST, tt per page __ 6*3 231S LASER IMPRESSIONS K) a m 4pm MF ISth * Char net ton 4*S 6490 i?o MflltlM - Native French speaking tutor available anytime Cali Nathalie 342 2S34 MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYStCS Call d you need tutoring Individuals or groups Emily 464 M08 mm Ci cov»i wi'iock 180 md tp# #k#r bOAfd 120 ifo^ VW SO'OCCO) BtACk »toorm#t* is 2 6v* mid *p*Ak*r* IIS 686*77? for Mtc Tafc#m»n# gutter *ot*d top *l«*l 6-Along Almost n#t» *-fb n#w n#rd*h*tt ca*# Tuning to*k 4 n#w along* com# #»*!* Great d#at 80S 6«7 6000 E«1 SM42._ Radar Detector WhitlNw ISO 4*4 9091 IMS Escort 6 speed cru»»# control ton* mil#* CAf*d tor CAf 12200 Call 4*4 94 71 H5UMH5 SEIZED CARS, trucks boats * *hw»i •»s motor homes by FBI IRS D£A Available your area now Call ' W*> 662 ?W>5 o«l C 1210 ‘74 Oatsun B210 am FM < asm*Me defrost new lire* IBOOrobo __Ca<» ea»9<5e_ 66 TOYOTA CELICA OT. «>ap'"28K, sit powti w indowadocks More l&?00tofl«f 345-1355 EUllilHHKffM'Jng: LITTLE RED ROCKET' Yamaha Scooter tow miles lull lace helmet. *275 663 4697 m&DMii /ELEdtRbNlgS Calculators HP 12 C Programmable financial MO Tl 3S II Scientific *5 HP 2AS like new 1120 Earl 741 7215 FREE MOUSE! Computer system with hard disk includes, word processing spread sheet and database All for only S799 OO Computer Systems West 1754 Willamette 342 4153 HI ESEOQE Producer Publisher John Sharkey has been teaching guitar keyboards bass and song writing tor over 20 years (2 hit singles and 3 albums) lesson information 344 44*2.'345 4312 1M RESALE CLOTHING Bundle upf Find a cosy sweater or surround yourseM with a snuggiy coat Bing Cherry Palac e 62W 13lh TOYS Before you pay too much try KIDSTUFF resale at its best" 6? W 13th 464 4456 11 * Mon Sal no SKI EQUIPMENT Ol.n 970 • In t«0 *75 obo Rots 445 963* Skis boots, and ski equipment Downtown Goodwill. 265 W 6th Snowboard Berloot 101 cm w>sims bindings *200 345 9603 1 FbltUiTOT 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 LIVING T.R.I.S. is Coming! The Forest Service “Trails Information System" is coming to the Outdoor Program. Select your type of outdoor experience and this computerized data system will provide a j trail for you. Hiking, biking, climbing, skiing or walking, come check it out. T.R.I.S. will be on line by Dec. 1st. It’s FREE! zooTRXM Hourvdtnp airline lM.net tuQene 12/27/90 to 1*/90 to Burbank CA $190 cash 942 0019 _ CHEAP TICKET Onemiy to San Francisco $160 Leaven Eugene 12 14 Cali 342 7396 CHRISTMAS. Spring Break summer travel FREE Air couriers needed and cruise ship job* Call i 806682 7666, e«t F 1461 HOT 'HOT*HOT'HOT' MOT'MOT'HOT' INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO _1800 54^9205_ Miami Florida One way plane ticket February 27 Woman $120. negotiable 346 7286 Work with an international computer company, Zenith Data Systems, on your campus as part of a student sales and marketing team. Guaran teed consulting fee plus commission, flexible hours, build resume, gain experience. FAX RESUME TO: 212 675-1732 OR MAIL TO: CTI, 5 West 19th St., 10th FI., New York, NY 10011 OR CALL: I_1 -800 827-8440._| REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also tax delinquent foreclosures Call 1 806 682 7666 ext H 1464 for repo list your area mMWto : HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE* Positions available to assist students with disabilities Reading and notetaking volunteers wanted (Some paid positions also > Cali Disabled Student Services 346 3211 Project Satende is looking lor an Advertising^ undraismg Manager Applicant should be sensitive to women t issues experienced m graphic arts Macintosh experience creativity and motivation to initiate protects Position runs from Winter to Spring term Stipend $l25/month. 16 hourvweek Workttudy encour eged but not necessary Application deadline Monday November 30 Project Satende is an equal opportu mty and affirmative action employer Stop by the Women s Center. Suite 3 EMU to pick up an application or CAM 304239 for more information 220 HtlP WANTED INTELLIGENCE JOBS An Branches US Customs DEA etc Now hiring Call (11 805 68? 6000 E«ri K 9642 It * easter than you think to p&f your college education working at Jiggles E*c#lt«nt money flexible hours Cell Nanew or Brook lor per sonai inierv.e*. 344 6697 OVERSEAS JOBS $900 2000/mo Summer, yr round, ell countries, ell field* Free Info, write IJC. PO B« 52 0RO3. Corona 0*1 Mer. CA 92625. HOME TYPISTS. PC user* needed $35,000 potential Details (11805 687 6000 E*1 B 9642 _ Telesearch Looking for pan lime leiesearch individual Hardworking and depend able Good pay, flexible hours 6897871. Sieve •MIIHE ALDERWOOD MANOR I860 Alder Street Accepting applications for 1 bdrm & Studio flats m excellent campus com pie* Call Mike 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co 663 4219 Club Wash Apartments 1 bedroom $375/month 342 1727 Hideaway 715 V, E 16th Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully applianced private parking, covered walkway Move *n bonus Call 663 2271. 344 4216, or Chee 465 6236 Move in bonus! FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry 1 bdrm apt avail now New carpet balcony and laundry 1385 715 E. 16th Single room in large house just one block from campus Call Chee for more into/showings 4656236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice 1 bdrm apt Less than t blk from UO Comop laundry on site Off street parking Only 1345 663 4219 or Mike. 344 4219 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 Brlarclltf Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines* 1395 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small compie* Parking laundry, private bath 1260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 block* from campus ONLY $34Sf lemWngs • Co 488 E 11th Av«. 6832271 Large, clean 2 bdrm t blk to UO Furn dishwasher/disposai lots of parking new carpet vinyl 683 8919_ Lrg 1 Bdrm Clot# to Campus Sep ba/vemty. large walk in closet, bd/tvyrm/utii closet Specious kitchen In a clean, quiet compies Cell 464 4103 Millrace Apts 1605 Garden Ave 2 bdrm flat |usi 2 blocks from campus 1525 Hurry' Only 1 left' Call Gary at 345 7275 or Jennings « Co 6632271 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E I5lh One. two and three bedroom units available winter term Calt now and gel your name m for upcoming vacancies' Prices range from 1415 for t bedrooms to J695 tor 3 bedrooms call Michael at 6634729 1666 Ferry SI 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry, off street perking, no pets By appt 666 1130 Spyglass Associates 1923 Garden Design your own spece with moveable dividers Accommodates up to 3 people Fully applianced Specious On Mill Race 1445/mo Lease required CAM jywinQi . Co. 883227 >_ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HI, SHARON. IT'S dOOPS/B. S/P IN' \ OH, HI, HON! rMAFPAiP you just MISetPHIM. He's on -\ h&may m HOMZ. CAN YOU PATCH M3 THROUGH TO THE CAR7 SORRY, HON. HFSVEPUP ON HtSOROUP THERAPY CON FBRENCS CALC. HIS WHAT-’’ \ NO, MY MOTHER1. ISAlPMY \ MOTHER HATED ME! HERE LOSING THE CONNECTION AGAIN If you're tired of the Movie Theater Shakedown ft OftlVIRV DOLLAR DAYS tvery Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate