Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 26, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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Two Ducks named all-Pac-10
Oregon t|uar1crhat k Hill Musgrave and out
side linebat ker Holer Hr.intlev. Iwitli seniors, were
named to the hrst team all-l’at ifn -1(1 Conference
foot ha 11 team last week
Musgrave. from (Irand function. Colo, !«•<I
the Ducks to a 7-2 rec ord in games Ice starlet! and
finished this season as Oregon finished M l over
all. its first eight-win regular season sim e lllfi'l
The Ducks also finished third in the I’ac-10
with a 4 :t conference record Musgrave was one
of the major reasons for the Ducks' success He
completed 17.1 of 101 passes for 2.2111 yards. 1-t
touchdowns and 12 interceptions
Musgrave is fifth on the all-time I’ac 10 list
for passing yardage and sixth in total offense His
f)7 career touchdown passes are second only to
Stanford's John Klway in I’ac 10 history
Hrantlev. from Irvine. (laid . vv.is one of the
iimnv standouts on the Oregon defense this sea
son He finished with 44 tackles, two i|uarterhui k
s.u ks and caused three fumbles
As .1 unit, Oregon's defense finished third III
running, pass and total defense in the I’ai III and
vv.is second in scoring defense, allowing only
17 2 points per contest, the fewest int naih Ki< h
brooks' 14 years at the helm
Six other Ducks made the second team and
six more re< eived honorable mention recognition
juniors |elf Thomason (light end) and Oregg
Met .ilium |ki< ker) both made the set olid team ol
Thomason had It I receptions and six touch
Turn to PAC-10, Page 16
Hill MusKrave
Ner Brantley
Continued from Page 11
Normally. Oregon's go-to
guv. Hrandon scored seven
straight points early in the sec
ond half to give the Ducks .1
50-45 lead with I2:l!;t left, hut
didn't score again until his
jumper in the lane with 4li set
ond left helped send the game
into overtime.
“Individually we all hail our
moments hut we had a couple
lapses in the second half where
we could have taken the lead
Inil didn't," Brandon s«iid
Wisconsin also had its proh
It'ms, especially wlii'ii Peters
was almost tin; go.it rather Ilian
the hero.
The Badgers, with a ti‘)-t>7
lead in the extra session,
stripped Brandon of the hall in
the lane and tried to run out the
i lo< k before I’eters was fouled
with 21 seconds remaining
He missed the front end of
the one-and-one and after a
timeout, the Dm kx took a 7(1 tin
lead on a three point Bomb by
(uiard Kevin Mixon was I lit*
first option on the piny, hut
when he couldn't net an open
shot, he penetrated and kicked
it to l.vden. the second option
who drilled the shot
"I didn’t mind taking the
shot hecause I had been shoot
mg the three pointer in prai lice
and I had the green light," l.y
den said
Then it was Peters' turn
The Badgers were looking for
either Tim Locum or Brian
(loud to take the shot, hut with
time running out Peters was
fort ed to put up it 2 I footer
than made him the hern
" I hosr were nur main shoot
its and I just know thorn wasn't
enough timo In makn a p.iss
and got a shot off.'' I’otors, a
non si holarship transfor from
Kijron (lollege. said
llaskotiiall is a game of con
fidonco and ovorv win wo got
adds confidence that will holp
us with tho Hlg lO season." ho
Perhaps tho kind of confi
dom o a toam hoping lor an
\( :.A A Tournament hid needs
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