Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Ducks open against Wisconsin
By Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Ed>loi
Oregon men's basketball coach l)on Monson
has long hern known for defense and defense is
his biggest niiiaTli heading into Saturday s sea
son opener against Wisi onsin
The Ducks hi'at Brandt Hagen .t Herman na
tional i lull. U2-H8 in an exhibition game on Sin
1 I hut Monson said Oregon didn't pla> good ile
lense in that game
"Defense is what we've been working on in
practice, and that's im biggest concern.'' he said
"I don't think we were a very good defensive
team a year ago We need to start getting Ink k
and control people on defense
In beating Brandt Ilagen. the Dinks built up a
tiig lead early and then wall lied their lieni li let
the Hermans bac k into the game
Monson. however, isn't lomerned about his
Itench despite the for t that walk on guard Brett
luhnson is the only non starter with any college
"Inexperience wasn't a lug concern because
you don't usually play all vour players m a (regu
lar) game.'' he said
One iif Monsun s biggest concerns (resides de
fense is finding .1 fifth starter to fill the vacancy
left b\ s null I forward Keith Reynolds. who gradu
.lied last year
Senior David Blair will start along with guards
I errell Brandon and Kevin Mixon. 1 enter Ru hard
I.in as and forward Boh l ife How ever. Blair is
still in a Battle w ith freshman |ord\ l.vden for the
final starting spot
Neither Blair not l.vden played well in the
Brjindt Hagen game a game Monson was hoping
to use to determine who would fill the final starl
ing spot
Wisionsin. which finished tied for eighth in
the Big 10 last year at 414 in conference action
and 1417 overall, returns three senior starters
this season in 1 enter Ratrie k Tompkins (6-fuOt-fi).
forward Willy Simms (fi t)) and guard Tim locum
(h 4|
Siinins w as Wisc onsin's sec one!-leading sc orer
and rebounder last season, averaging 13 it points
per game and 4 8 relxiunds a game Tompkins
was the leading rebounder at t> 4 per game while
laic urn added *1 H points |>er contest.
All three played two years ago when Wisconsin
buried the Due ks 74 47 in Madison. U is
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I ilr photo
Guard Kevin Mixon and the rest of the men's basketball team
will open the season Saturdax at McArthur (.ourt against
It iv on sin.
Bowerman Foundation
donates track building
By Jake Berg
Fmoraid Sports Repot ter
Hill Hmverrnan is finally
Hist doing it
After eight years of pursu
ing his dream of .1 track
house at Hayward Field, the
Nike I111 i o founder and
former l' 111 vers it \ t r.o k
1 o.u li received the go-ahead
Friday to fund a two-story
building for Stevenson
True k
File Oregon State System
of 11 Igher Kd in at ion ap
proved the plan on Friday
The i ost of the trac k house
will lie paid with donations
made to the I'niversity
Foundation through the
Howerman Foundation The
l,n ilitv is expec ted to cost an
estimated $2.1 million The
state yyill incur no expense
for the track house under a
design huild agieement by
the 1 niversitv Foundation
This agreement gives
Itowerrnan tin- pmuT In
choose both the contr.H tor
and an lulri t of the f<k ilit\
Stafford An Idler Is and St
(tale Roberts (to Inc both
of Kugene have tieen select
ed for the projec I
Howerman's building will
serve the I 'diversity in main
The slruc lure, tentatively
set for completion in fall
1991. will house locker
rooms lor the home and \ is
itiny* track and field teams,
treatment facilities where
physical education graduate
students ran train, on-site
offices for the Oregon track
program's staff, offices and
tai ilities for the Internation
al institute for Sport and Hu
man Performance, and a cir
cuit training room
"We want it to be tin
most functional and useful
building possible so that the
physical education program
Turn to BUILDING Page 10
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