Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    CDs and TAPES
Buy - Sell - Trade
music Revolution
1217 Alder sir.
G/i»*m-s / Contorts / Imrii'- ivmplelc lab on premiss for fast vrn< c
$15.00 off Eye Exam
with Student 1.1). Card
rainbow optics
7I 1 Vh Am* «hh* bit* k from L of O I nv p.irkmg in b.tt i
Hour* Ml H,im - 7pm. Sif Ham UfrTKK KMMKKS II Ml *M)
Sun. Nov. 25 Hult Center
Tickets on sale at Hult Center Bo* Office and all
Hult Center outlets. Charge by phone 687-5000
A Cloud 9 Production
Power to be shut off to buildings
By Bob Waite
Emecaid Repofie*
Much of the University will be powerless Sat
While many people will be away recovering
from turkey dinners, those who plan to work on
campus will tie without electricity from 8 a m. to
111 a m Saturday morning, said George Him hi. di
ns tor of the physic al plant
Him ht said in a memorandum to University
staff the power shutdown will stop all el»M:tri< al
(lower, refrigeration, air and heating systems, ele
vators and anything else that uses power
People who use computers should shut them
off beforehand to avoid possible power fluctua
tion damage. I fee ht said
The power outage is necessary so contrac tors
can modify electric al systems to prepare for new
transformer installations. Heoht said
"It’s going to prepare us for entry into the 2 1 st
century'." said John Tyler. University construc
tion project manager. "The general theme is to
update our transformers that have been in service
longer than their design life, and to generally po
sition the University community's electrical sys
tem for the future."
Without electricity will be Cascade Hall. Ore
gon Mall. Slreisinger Hall. Ksslinger Hall. Pacific
Hall. Willamette Hall, the- old portion of the
KMU, Onyx Bridge. Deschutes Hall. Volcanology.
Mueslis Hall. Klamath Hall. Heady Hall.
Karl Straub, the east part of Hamilton. Law Cen
ter. Allen Hall. Villard Hall and the north and
east sections of l-awrence.
Contact Tyler at t> T>r>8:) for more information.
Continued from Page 1
«il harassment and rape In ad
dilion to that, we've rewritten
our student handbooks to in
dude these issues
Members of the committee,
along with international stu
dent groups on campus, plan to
adapt a hriM hure on rape to
several languages and cultures
for international students
That brochure. Creating A
Rape-free Knvironmont is i ur
rently available to all students
It was put together by mem
bers of the Unwanted Sexual
Behavior task forte Committee
memliers are requesting th.it in
the future, the English version
of the brochure int lude a sei -
lion on international students
"We need to educate the gen
eral population about being
sensitive to international stu
dents.’’ s a i tl Sand v
Tsunyevoshi, psychologist at
the University’s Counseling
Center and committee member
The group has also made a
videotape available to interna
tional student groups The
Wrong hie,i presents different
scenarios involving interna
tional students in sexual ha
rassment situations with pro
fessors and other students
Committee members have of
fered to serve as fat dilators at
meetings where the tape is
Thursday, 11/22/90 Saturday, 11/24/90
Friday, 11/23/90 Sunday, 11/25/90
The Student Health Center URGENT CARE
will be open daily
12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m.
Please use the Beech Street
Full Italian Dinner Menu
Chicken Cacciatore
Mon.-Thurs. 11:00-Midnight
Fri. 11:00-1:00am
Sat. 3:00-1:00am
Sun. 3:00-11:00pm
delivery available
15th & Willamette 342-8111
Fholu b\ Aiulrr Kmnrii
Members of the l 'nwanted Sexual Behavior task force disi:uss
the safety of international students.
Stark silici plans art; also un
der wav to prodm r sue h a v id
eotape at tlir University
I'ouad Klj4h.1r.1bl 1. member of
the committee and of the Arab
Student Union, said it is impor
tant for international students
to know more about how others
feel about discussing rape and
sexual harassment
"It is not something that we
talk about among ourselves."
he said "There are a lot of mis
conceptions and misunder
standings among international
students themselves
Tsuneyoshi said that even if
a student does not speak Kng
listi well, it's nut an insur
mountable barrier in a crisis sit
"You don't need technical
words to talk about feelings,"
she said, adding that students
have told her some things are
easier to talk about in English
Resources are available to
students who have been in
volved in sexual harassment or
rape situation
The (lounseling Center, Inter
national Student Services and
the American English Institute
all offer guidance If a student
intends to press charges after
an incident, the ASUO Legal
Services office can help
2222 Centennial Blvd.
Eugene (next to Autzen Stadium)