Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Study abroad information offered
Women's Sexual Icl**nl ily
(iroup meets todav front noon
to 1 p m in EMI 1 (letf.tr Room
I) Call 346 1095 or 146 4096
for more information
Marijuana Re-legalization
meeting will be held today at 4
p ut. in EMU Cedar Room I)
An information table will be
held today in front of the Uni
versity Bookstore today from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. For more infor
mation. call 485-3579.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
support group will meet Sun
day at 3 p.m. at the Emerald
Peoples Utility District Build
ing, 33733 Seavey Loop Road.
For more information, cull
Continued from Page 1
The group has also devel
oped a comprehensive listing
of local public safety govern
ment. education and human
rights agencies that provide
emergency services, counseling
and information to the t ummu
nity Rikhoff said the listing
will be available with the task
fort e broi Imre
A host ot speakers, forums
and workshops will be featured
at the group's Community
S u m m i t on Mali* C r i mes
planned for Mart h t.
The summit Is designed to
give activists law eniort ement
and justice system profession
als. human servii e workers and
educators an understanding of
hate ( rimes and their \ u toils in
the community
The workshop will also e\
amine methods of developing
agent y information sharing and
( rnss education on the issue oi
hate crimes
"1'his is aimed .it at tivists
and professionals who work
w ith these issues all the time.
Kikhofl said "Hut. we want e\
eryboth ill the community to
have and equal opportunity to
participate " ’
The cost of attending the
summit will be lietween Sa and
$10. he said.
The Community Task force
Against Hate Crimes meets on
the third Tuesday of each
month at 7 p in.; public input
is welcomed
Traveling soon? |
Need a ride?
Offering a ride?
Kid*? Share brings together
people needing and offering
rides anywhere in Oregon or
throughout the country I or
more information call i
345 7600
Looking tor a good deaP
Chock tho Emerald ADS
Miriam Whitkin a mush i.m
will speak mi the healing pow
er (it nurturing one's self es
teem, Suml.iv .it 10 .10 .1 m .0
the Unitarian Church Uall
080-2775 lor more information
“Sharing Our Blevsings" in
thr title of a Thanksgiving Lit
urg\ to l)«‘ held at the Newman
Center. 1850 Emerald St to
night at 7:30. There will be a
baked goods potluck after
Mass, with extras to lie distrib
uted to soup kiti hens on
Thanksgiving For more infor
mation. call 343-7021
Life Choices/Reproductive
Freedom Support Croup spun
sored by Women in Transition,
will la1 from 7 to 8:30 p m in
EMU Century Room C Regis
tration is required. Call
.140 or 146 40<l>t tor more
Hillel's Jewish [iers|ii*ctives
on current issues will Ire .it 4
l> in at the koinonia ('enter.
1414 knu .ml St ( .ill 14 l-H‘»2(>
for more inforni.ition
learn how you cun study in
the Soviet l Inion .it .1 to |> m
in i:\tl Cedar Koom ( Also,
vou i an learn .iImiuI other over
seas study programs offered
tliroiiith the University ('.ill the
Offic e of International Services
at Hl> .1207 for more inform.i
Deadline for submittirift Kt
als to t/ie Kmerald front desk.
t:\tl' Suite 100. is noon thr day
hr fore fiuhlu at ion HI als run
thr day of thr rvrnt unless thr
rvrnt takes plat r before noon
Xolirrs of events with a do
nation or admission < haryr will
not hr accepter!
Continued from Page 1
11>11 lit not lie reached f*>r comment
However, even with license in hand KKMA still faces po
tented funding difficulties Mike t.olson, ln< idental l ee
( iommitlee chairman, said students ma\ not have heen aw .ire
ot the fist at iinpac t of the radio station when they voted las!
spring to give KKMA S'Ja.Htit m im idental fee mimes for its
first year
Colson said nest sear s budget for the radio station, svhii h
will ini hide the bulk of start-up costs, mas be as much as
$70,000 to $100,000
KKMA organizers mas be able raise the funds the station
needs through outside sources, but they mas also ask tor an
im rease in funding for next sear from the li t
"Students were not told ttfxiul these start up i osts beyond
the first sear. ’ Colson said
As a ness student group. KKMA does not tall under the
umbrella of traditionally funded groups (those that have been
funded for seven or more years), and the possibility that its
funding may lie dei reused or dropped exists, although it is
not likely. ( uilson said
To look at the issue of funding lor start up rusts, the IFC is
soliciting student input and support Another possibility is
sending the issue Isu k to the ballot, allowing students to
vote on whether they want to pay the additional c osts