BEST FISH & CHIPS IN TOWN Rose & Thistle 398 East 11th Ave Orders to go • 343-2244 Mon-Sat 11AM-9PM Sun 12noon-7PM Musique Gournyet Catering to the Discriminating Colleclor CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC S CASSETTE CD's FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM $2.95 In the Filthpeari Building ?0f E *)!h Avenue 343-9000 “27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% diSCOUnt to U of O students on all repairs. On.-- <}oo xtaltrd *ith (Ntpri chain* |Kt|*ri llowfit amt *y _ l#ntrnn France (>n ( I ve, I rent h t hildren put then shoes in iron! of the hrepUi v They hope that Heir Noel ll.ilher ( hfistmjsi will till them with I Choose Bright Red Art for only $ 1.50 each! / 2 3 dm 4 5 6 Qfe: ART?# Please Print All Information Clearly MESSAGE: _ Information below for office use only NAME:_ ZIP:. PHONE: 1 ADDRESS: # of lines:_+ Art $ 1.50 (50C per line!) Total Cost:_ Place ads at: Room 300 EMU*EMU Main Desk«UO Bookstore (Also in the EMU lobby starting Nov. 26!) Australia and V* Zealand Christmas comes in summertime in these countries families often celebrate bv having a picnic at the beach' ' Denmark I he people *»f Denmark have their big C hrtstmas meal at midnight on C hrtstmas Eve. For dessert thev have a special rue pudding with one al mond in it Whoever gets the almond has good lu«.k in the loming year