BUILDING Continued from Page 8 (ind lli«* overall sports program will benefit from access to it Howerman said Construction on the building will begin in )anuar\ The building will wrap around the northwest corner of Hayward Field where the bleachers lot .at i'll ,tl (he start of the 100-molor dash now stand. The building's location will help bhm k out winds fmm tin north, whii h have interfered in the past with I ho i lot km# of possible record times at Hay ward Field Bowernian. the Ihnks' coach from 1W fill on• r«st«'d«y % ciu»i«o'() ih« fir«t person lo Ixiog c*o%%«y «s*y' RiH«t A p«g oul* 900d') J«nn Thsnk You? Phl 0*lta Th*ta! Th* KIDSPORTS lUft with** to lhank Pht Dalta Th*i* and tp*oltc*liy Ho man Ron lor lh*u h*lp wtlh ih* *990 KkU Bowl *1 Awl/*«i Stadium Fill**n lo 20 m*mb*«» cam* out on a w*l Sun day. October 2tth and worfcad lo* 4 hour* halpmg lo mak* our loumam*nl a hug* *ucc*«a Happy Turkey Day! MOM! TCj 74ft £*#' Gobbi* Gobbi* Gobbi* • Thanh* to* »laying tat I naght I fail in lovi «ll o«*f again With you could ba horn# with ma now I mitt you HAPPY THANKSGIVING" lo*a Kal P S I'll b« amiout to taa you tnday' Jon 7 Happy B day I »Otr« you Toco_ K I© Congratulation* Pally and 6»*l We K>»* you Loir# Vouf »i*ter* Plann#d Parenthood *o» Pap vn#t*;-, infection clMKks both control and counseling Days ant! evenings M4M11 no LOST & FOUND* Found aromen % M« -»<*. al r* Study of Women m Society Blown .1 ■ ■ plC e-aofb Found Mountain Biha near campus Identify to claim 147 7»*5 nol6sftf6l».D - Loti *»•»#» ► *» tinq <*'H 10 >•**» C*ll AM 4 7*i 1 ns TYPIWC SERVICE^ TYPING UNLIMITED IBM ComfMriibt* QimS School Aj>p«o*«k1 PWtM call 485 3343 B*1 « . up 4M 90 It JO THE TYPING PRO IBM WORO PROCESSING/! CM TING PAPf RS TM| SI S 01 SSI RTATK IN! PAPE RS DUE ’ NEED HE.I ^ You» R*»*afCh A*%i*tanl Prof***K>oal *0*0 p«OC«ft&4ttg lyping;*«|i|ing *tc V«f£«n.a 141 J306 (24 hr* ) P*9gy i Typing Sc/nct f »p«t»*n<:ad typist oit«ymg sarvicaa on IBM computer systarn and laser printer R»«on*(>ii! («l«t Call Paggy at 142 4AM PROFESSIONAL TYPINO Alfto word procasamg adding Fiae pKhufvttoiivv'y Rood*. 935 1892 QUALITY TYPING L«m« Printing f 1 IS par paga Norma 141 4943 or 146 2/80 ROBIN 144 07S9 JOlh YEAR* GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED f d.nngdef lation eapartiaa I uil rasum* s*r ru r laser pooling ON CAMPUS* CYA TYPING SERVICES High quality typing and adding l«l 24 hour »arv«ce Call Ann 145 9947 T ypmg word procassmg. Jniklop publishing graphics Umi pflntar IS • yaar s ©•perwmca |Tn» pick updalnrvryi Carol* 68995/9 WORD PROCESSING FAST. SI par paga 691 JUS for SALt Nislf ns TYPIHfi StR»m 344*4510 •OSE DthAv* Punted text to computer hies BBnmmnan ’’j 7 j Th* WORD SPECIALISTS! k (itidmK Sc knot Approved k DuKtlidiwclVia/I'iprH ► IBM < OMpaUbk/lmL < onvcnnm* • Uui Pnft(Mkg/( •ttpflK* • hdtfM&K CAROLYN QNOY Auguat Weat Word Proc#*atng tOMH P»*ftt**ig • tdrt'ng • Ora* Top Put f astf • Pit>J*»v«yv*i 4M 4IJJ i2o TVT9"W ~ Needed tutor tor KCOunltng t7/hr Coll 444 M44 Native French apeekmg anytime CH Nath#!.# 34? 2434 MATH BIOLOGY CHEM Tutormg at your home or school One on one or group by cmdtfll M S la ache? Call Jo# at MS 7494 no FOR SALE — Car co*#r wki/k S60 and ape#M*» board S2© it or VW Scirocc o, ttiw. k doormat* !*■ 2 6''. m»d speakers ftS 6444772 _ For %ale Takamme gu* hardshell case Tuning lor* A along* come with Great deal tHWmtK) For aal# »p«C'*ii.’ed Rock HopjK" Mtn Bifcn .'1'. Only t y» otd less than 200 mile*' Shimarx. hypeglid# sprockets let boy alicka great pa*n| i lean tubed great *h#p«< • . ■ > ■ ’■ - OOVIRNMCNT Sfl/FD Vehicle* from 1100 For da Merced#* Cor*# tie* Chevy a Surplus Your Area <1) 60S 647 6000 Cal S 9642 Radar Detector Whistler JS0 444 9043 FORSALEMISC 164 W Broadway f ugery Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 FUTONS & FRAMES t urfiivhinys # I ijihlinf! * Povlcr\ * llmhinj: * Jcvu-ln mlir INI Moga. waMaira original Manmafcko print* 175 4IS 8MI IMS Escort 5 »pM<] cruia* control lo* mile* ca»od car 17200 C«i) 4ft4 9471 us CARS n MG Mtdgat Pun just io »,m*- to-’ amttM I240&OPO MJ HIM 78 Olliun 8710 AM f McMMlIt. dalroal nt* lire* laOO'Otx) Call 6#9 9456 M TOYOTA CEUCA QT MO 2BK a*» •rtHHna. power wmduwfutocM More MXXVoffer 345 1355 RALEIGH TECHNIUM 400 Aluminum i'*me and nma 12 speed 198® modal etata 1775 OQiodof 346 9575 US COMPUTtBS/ELtCTBQIHCS FREE MOUSE! Compute* syetem »tth herd dish include) •'Ofd processing spread she*i end deleft*** ah fo» oni» $709 OO Computer Systems West 1754 WiMametle 342 4153 w°SOUND^YStEMS — Pioneer multi disc player wnlh iemi)le and lour cartridges Model PD MfiO Uft Call 344 t‘A9 17i INSTRUMENTS Beautiful restored Tige» Eye oak HOddorft upright Grand piano Must see hMf to applet ate I960 74 7 966.’ Producer Pubbshei John Sharkey has boon teat lung guitar keyboards Pass and song writing tor Over 20 years (2 hit singles snd 3 albums! lesson information 344 4462/346 6312 Used Peruel Mueller Wood Clarinet Great deal' lAXXobo Call Susy «M4W; TuWamnA Celebrate your greal study skills Walk a tee blocks to Bing Cherry Palace and tmd a great purchase 62 W t3ih Ohn 970 ft In 190 S7*. obo Ro** 41S 9639 Shit bool* and ski equipment Downtown Goodwill 2«S W 8lh Snowboard Bar loot 161 cm m turns binding $200 2001 Effl Roundtrip airlina Ik fcri f ugrn, 12 27/90 to it.‘10 it. Bor ban* CA H90 cash 942 0019 Rd trip air Ikl P< '! O <»•)€* fly L«•*** 12 12 runs 12 27 |1?SlXVobo Can >4 0095 or 344 *>676 200 TR*m CHEAP TICKET On« **y lo S«n Francisco USO L««v«s Eug«n« 12/14 Call 342 7396 MOT!MOT!MOT!HOT' MOT!MOT!MOT! INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO _ 1800 543 9205 Miami. Florida Oneway plane ticket February 27 Woman $120 negotiable 345 7286 nn'ireiMPiK' forum HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR The Cultural Forum t* looking tor a student to coordinate folk music program* a! the U of O tor Winter & Spring term* 199* and 1991 92 academic year Stipend available Include* programming Willamette Valley Folk Festival m the Spring We have application* end position description* in the Cultural Forum office Suite? EMU *46 4373 Deadline Wednesday. Nov 21 *t ’ Cultural (onim i* an CO A * employe' j SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition *e*ver plus monthly stipend tO» Quashed persons interested in earn mg a master s degree and special education certification For more details write to Sand* Davs 1 7*> Education University of Oregon : Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company E*cetient money 1030 Hwy 99 North 66*9027 NOME TYPISTS PC users needed SIS 000 potential Details < 1 i 80S 667 0000 Eat I M41 _ INTELLIGENCE JOBS An Branches US Customs D£ A etc Noe hiring Celtp) 8066876000 Eat K It's easier than you thins to pay tor yCHii college education working at Jiggles Eiceitent money HeaitJe hours Can Nance* or B'oofc tor per sonat interview 344 6897 Life Guard Early morning hour* Mu*t be cuifenI tn life guard cerlilici'ion C.PM first a«d Appro* 16 70 hn wee*i> Apply at Ri*er Road Par* 1400 lase Dr Eugene by Nov 24th NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • San Frar aco 1 g*ri $1SO'w* e • So Call* newborn $’ k • • ( uni t-- tiiu 1 inljfi! tldO'Wfc e • Bu*.U»n 1 gi»l JltK) w* • • Virginia 7 children S2??Ww* * Many positions available One year commitment necessary Cali 1 60093? NANI OVE RSI AS JOBS 1900 2000/mo Summer yr round all countries, all fields Free into write IJC, PO B* M 0RO3. Corona Del Mar; CA 9262S 23S*Pt*/Pl)Mg ALDERWOOD MANOR I860 AkWf Street Accepting applications for 1 bdim A Studio flats m e*cellent campus com p»ex Call Mike, 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co683 4219 COLLEGIAN 18th A Alder Seeled student living including meal service Apply now* tor wiinter 343 1255 _ Large cl«an 2 bdrm 1 blk to UO Furn clishwasher/disposai lots of parking new carpet vinyl 683 8919 An ODE Classified Job description can fill any position' 1660 Ferry St 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry, oft street parting, no pets By appt 666 1130 Spyglass Associates Large one bedroom apt. close to campus 946 E 19lh S39f> VonKlein Properly Mqmt, 4AS 7776__ Irg 1 Bdrm Cloao to Campus Sop bo/vanity largo walk in ctoaot. bd/lvgrm/utll cloaol Spacious kite non In a clo an quiol comploa Call 4*4 4103 Millrace Apts IMS Gar (ton Aw* Mrm flat |ust 2 blocks ftom campus SS25 Murry' Only 1 left' Call Gary al 1U!> 727fi ot Jennings • Co 66.122/1 Hideaway mw t wih Great 3 bdrm apt clow lo campus Fully applianced private parking Covered walkway Move in bonus Call M3 2271. 344 4219 or Chee 44S6234 Move in bonus1 FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry 1 bdrm apt avail non New carpet balcony and laundry $365 715 E. 16th Single room in large house just one block from campus Call Che# lot more inlovshowing* 49S 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice 1 bdrm aid teas than 1 bik from UO Com op laundry on site | OH street parking Only $345 M3 4219 or Mike 344 4219 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 Bnarcltfl Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' $395 553 E 18th Quad available now in small compie* Parking laundry private bath $260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units I Available now’ 4 blocks bom unpus ONLY $345* Jennings-Co y«UE 11th Av*. 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