SPORTS Colorado’s Bieniemy should win the Heisman When the dust settles and the air c lears, the MHH) Heisman Trophy will la-long to Colorado's super, se nior tailback. Eric (Public) Bieniemy Or at least it should. The Heisman. college football's top prize, is sup posed to be given out annually to the- nation's lies! col lege football player, but it doesn't always work out that way Behind-the-scenes influences always seem to c rop up and make the final dec ision w rong and < ontro vended Is tin- player on television enough? Is he a senior7 Is his sc hool on probation? And finally, does be attend Notru Dame? In this wild and i raze, year of college football. Bieniemy has proven week in and week out he s the nation's l>est player Other players may have put big ger numbers on the I man! or played as well as him in liig games, hut nobody Inis done it every weekend against one of the nation’s toughest sc hedules His yards per game and total rushing yardage numbers arc- tops in the country Impressive numbers considering Bieniemy and Colorado have faced nation ally ranked teams such .is Tennessee-. Washington. Oklahoma. Nebraska. Illinois and Texas The final three games were all on tin- road At Nebraska. Bieniemy struggled early, losing three of his five fumbles, but recovered (pardon the pun) to rush 38 times for 134 yards and four IDs All From the Sidelines by ROBERT WEBER I__ four of Ins scores (a me in the quarter as Colorado overcame Bieniemy's five fumbles and a 12-0 Corn liuskcr lead to win 27 12 The only other person close to deserving the award is Notre Dame's Kaghib Ishmail Nobody in the game can break open a game like the Rocket Hut whilo he has played great in the Irish's big games. Ish mail hasn't been healthy enough to produce lleisman like numbers What about Brigham Young's Ty Detmer and Houston's David Klinger, you ask? Well, what about them? Consider these quarterbacks' overall perform ances in big games you'll have to look closely lie cause there aren't many big games on either teams' sc hedules — and both of these guys fall from serious contention Detmer. who last weekend became the first junior to pass the 10.000 career yardage mark, is the latest thrower to emerge from Quarterback I . but his num Iwrs are dec uiving Sure, he averages over 4(1 attempts KM) yards and three touchdowns a gome, but this is against Western Athletic Conference teams that play defense about .is often and well as the Denver Nuggets After dissec ting the Hurricane defense in I’ruvo. I Mali. Detmer fell on his face before a national televi sion audience against the Ducks He threw five inter ceptions and was sacked five times as the Cougars, then ranked fourth in the nation, lost to Oregon 32- Hi BYl) Coac h 1-aVell Kdwards said he would never leave Detmer in a game just to rack up stats, yet Detmer was still throwing, and chasing a NCAA re cord for consecutive 300-yard games midway through the fourth quarter of a 52-0 romp over Colorado State While Delmer’s obsession with numbers is annoy ing. Klinger’s have been downright offensive. As Klinger was busy tossing 11 touchdowns in Houston’s 84-21 rout of Division I-AA foe Pastern Washington, sport purists everywhere were tossing their lunch. Klinger’s biggest test of the year c ame against Tex as two weeks ago. and he failed miserably. He- may lead the- nation in passing, but that’s like- shooting bas kets by yourself and grabbing the most rebounds. When the numbers are tallied and the votes cast. Bieniemy should win the Heisman. but if history re peats itself. Detmer. Ishmail or even (please say it isn’t so) K linger will grace the cover of Sports Illustrated Oregon signs three basketball recruits for next season Tlii< Oregon men's basketball Irani lias announced the signings of three high si hool players to letters of-intent in the List week The Dm ks took advantage of the early November signing period to land ti-foot H kevinn Robinson from Houston. t>'I |«>ff Potter from Redmond, Wash . anil ti-8 Damon Runyon from l-'resno. (laid Robinson, a t»-H. 185-pound forward from kashmure High School averaged 1 ri ti points and N I rebounds per game hist season Coach Don Monson projects Kohiuson to play small forward for the Ducks Runyon averaged 18 points and eight rebounds [M*r game last season for Red wood High School in Vista. Calif. Pot ter. meanwhile, is considered to la* one ■ ■■■■■■■■■ of the top prospects on the West Coast. Oregon is also expected to sign ti-6 John McFarland from Santa Monica. Calif McFarland signed with the Ducks last season hut was unable to enroll in school at Oregon bec ause* of academic: reasons util mimmiT OREGON DAILY EMERALD'S ^ SEASONS S GREETINGS! A HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE FEATURING GIFTS FOR UNDER S50M • Computers —> • Stereos V, • Athletic supplies ' • Clothes • CDs «St C Cassettes • Gift packs • Flowers &c Plants • Jewelry A Christmas list for the University of Oregon’s Community Distribution includes Valley River, 5th Street Market, and Eugene Downtown! LONLY $50 FOR COLOR ON YOUR AD ^ GREEN OR RED (regular $ 110 value!) YOU GET MORE THAN YOU PAY FOR! ^ 13,500 PRINTED (3,000 EXTRA) 27,000 READERS!!! 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