LETTERS Real democracy Politics anil football don't mix. The recent pronounce ments by S'FI. commissioner Paul Tagliabue amount to blackmail of the people of Ari zona. and our demix rutic pro cess Politicians in Arizona are now desperate!) trying to de (ermine if they can pass a bill combining Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays and leaving room for a King day It's obvious that Arizona vot ers voted their conscience tier tainly. it's disheartening that the spirit of equality and to getherness does not pervade in the state However, the voters have spoken and the democrat ic process is confirmed. By attempting to punish the voters of Arizona, by taking away the Superbowl, the demo cratic process is threatened. If people cannot freely vote their conscience without fear of re prisal. America is no better th.in the host of authoritarian figures around the globe In deed, it is no better than the once glorified kkk in the South which punished blai k voters and white sympathizers for participating Michael Colson Political science Law breakers It's great that organizations which discriminate on the basis of race or sexual preference are not allowed to use University facilities, hut I don't care if the CIA hires only blacks, hispan ics and homosexuals they should not be allowed to use the University or the Emerald as their recruiting territory. Equal opportunity terrorism is no better than any other kind of terrorism. If the CIA had the fairest hiring practices on the planet, it would still !>e racist If it obeyed every affirmative action law on the books, it would still be a law-breaking organization. The CIA has waged, and will r continue to wage war on peo ple of color. It has broken, and will continue to break interna tional law. and it has never had and will never have a legiti mate role in a University envi ronment (let them off campus and get their ads out of the Emerald Molly Kness Eugene Stamped out Shocked and embarrassed were the words I would use to des< ribe inv feelings w hen I was denied the food I had placed on the counter of the campus 7 1 1 store because they no longer accept food stamps I am a struggling student w ho does not always have time to prepare a sack lunch for my self while trying to get my child off to day care in the morning, get myself together for a long day of school and a day at the office (I work for the 1 'niversity). So. where within walking distance, can a University stu dent go lietwcen classes for a bite to eat if they are cursed enough to have to use those in convenient things called food stamps' It seems to me like an other misunderstood, dis< rim inatorv step taken against the inipov erished Natasha Brady Eugene King for a day As the editorial in the Krner aid noted |Nov 12). there has lieen a great deal of i ontro versy over whether a day should lie set aside to rum memorate Martin I.other king |r s birthday This letter is to suggest that king is not an appropriate role model As is well known, king had several extramarital affairs even while ordained .is a minis ter In addition, it has recently been established that king pla giari/.ed much of his d to Mon -Fri . includes entree h dinner salad REMEMBER US FOR LUNCH ON WEEKENDS. 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Sat H.»m 5pm TNK PAR SIDK By GARY LARSON a > /*fSf V 9 The n-YfAR CICADA (PM« IT THt STORY Of A LM R FLUKE AND Tut BOY WHO LCVEDHiM 101 WO-jff-UKS Nature films that Disney test-marketed but never released. Oregon DAILY EMERALD I* O lt*.« The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Today ercept during eiam wee* and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecutable by law Editor Alice Wheeler Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Anna Rem bee hi N»w» tdilof Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entartalnmant Editor Night Editor Onrts BOumif Pa! 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