music ca °o GUITARS 345-1872 TUES-SAT Noon-6 I Buy, Sell & Trade Used & Vintage Acoustic, Electric, Archtops, Steels. Also Amps, Mandolins, Ukes, etc. High-Quality RS System & Soundman lor Hifr 1328 Lawrence, Eugene T - ◄DON ROSS ; ◄PRODUCTIONS Full service audio production <5* reandmR studio ■ Pro DAT digital mastering/recording ■ 16 Hack 1 TASCAM multi-track ■ High quality real-time cassette duplication ■ Production and engineering lor Demos. Albums. CDs and Cassettes * Professional quality at affordable rales 343-2692 -\ World Class Sheet Music Selection plus A LOT MORE! VISIT OUR NEW ****** LOCATION ON THE ** DOWNTOWN MAU £** \VfP tvJ'^ Harnionrji batons *V»s wilson musk: hoist: CO DUCKS! mar. merJvif, suco *U? 'M i dive Street (SOS) 345 531 'l Eugene. OR 97401 ) The Macintosh. The monitor. The money Save now on select color Macintosh systems Hus Apple's new Mas inlosh IIsi ami an AppleColor High Resolution ROB Monitor now through January 5. IW. ami save * The Mat intivsh IIm is Apple s latest powerful, allortlahle system It s built lot people who want performance and need affi>rdahtlily At 20 megahertz, it tan esen do serious number trumhing at an impressive speed Amt like all Macintosh computers, it s easy to set up and easy to use So you tan spend less time learning and more time doing \k hat s more you tan save mu only on the new Macintosh list, hut also on the Macintosh llct or the maximum-performance Macintosh Ills Just combine any of these exceptional computers with an Apple-Color High Reso lution Rfilt Monitor, amt sou II he getting a system of lasting saluc Not to mention great sjs mgs Hurry in today lor a closer look at the new Masintissh list system and the other Macintosh II systems Then choose your Macintosh, your monitor, ami see how much money you'll sase when you huy now Microcomputer Support l.ab 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday 4am 5pm 9 tts ^cutc/v ujutlv AtfuAio £cA>aat In Aiuu KrmKnk Classical guitar student Hina \ ancek practices a composition in her room in Clonn Hall. X'ancek, a senior, will complete a bachelor’s degree in music performance next year and hopes to continue studying guitar in graduate school. Classical guitar student at music school still getting used to concerts, butterflies Since the age of 16, practice has paid off backstage in a concert hall, Vancek, like most performers, is nervous. To relax, she begins to picture the per formance she is about to give. Step by step, piece bv piece, each note must be perfect. “Performance is such a risky thing," the classical guitarist says. Vancek remembers when she first picked up the guitar. It had been sit ting in her house in Vancouver, B.C., and placing it “was just some thing I always wanted to do," she says. So while other 16-year-olds asked for cars for their birthdays, Vancek asked for guitar lessons. She learned quickly. “When you like something, it's easier to do,” she says. Her parents were encouraging when she announced her plans to study musk at Douglas College in Canada where she spent her first two years. Vancek, 21, says musii is "a really personal thing that you can share with people. It’s definitely a form of communu anon and expression.” She looked into many schools to transfer to, but Oregon stood out be cause the application process was or ganized and she had heard positive tilings about the Schixil of Music. She is majoring in classical guitar ina Vancek knows well the feelings performing music gives. Standing performance but would eventually like to teach both music and English at the university level. Now a senior, Vancek lives in Goran Hall, the music dormitory, in Hamilton Complex. Cloran has a practice room, and each term there is a fireside concert where students |>er form for each other. Vancek practices alone three to five hours a day, practices with an ensemble group twice a week, and is also in the University Women’s Choir. Vancek also tutors for the music analysis class and works in the music school library. She says one of her concerns is that the school doesn’t have a guitar program, Vancek receives lessons from Da vid Case, adjunct instrui tor, and says the teai hers are all encouraging. “The thing that really stands out to me is that the teachers really keep you going,” she says. r Because she likes the romantic and Spanish classical music, Yancek has studied it since she began playing guitar, but she would also like to trv ja::, blues or rm k music someday. Although there is a lot of anxiety to performing solo, Vancek says she likes it more each time and is getting better at it. “People say you get used to it the more you do it,” she says. When Vancek is getting ready for her next |xt form ante, the Christmas Choral Concert on Dec. 4, she may again experience the nervous feel ings. But she knows performing is worth it. "The best part is afterward know mg that you played as well as you could because you -.jx-nt so much time practicing," she- says. An rut Remhecki 1 MUSIC Continued from Pane IB mi theory. Another emphasis, musk education, is popular. Many music education majors plan to teach at the high school and junior high levels. “The Sc hool of Must, teac hes the students everything they need to know about teaching music," said Dane Peters, the office man ager for the band department and a member of the Oregon March mv; Band. I he School hopes to continue it- excellence in ensemble prodiu non, develop new technologies for music and expand its faculty music performatu es, said hdward Kaimnerer, (he schixu's associate dean of undergraduate studies. “The st hool is tucked Initk by ISth Street, and I think most peo pie don't know what we offer,” hdwards said. “Some people say we should toot our own horn Icmu/cT Thomas more. NEW & USED & VINTAGE Guitars, Basses & Amps Gibson. Fender. Martin. Guild. Ricken backer. Gretsch. Charvel, Stemberger. ESP. Mesa Boogie. Marshall. G-K. Vox. Peavey. Rowland. Musicman McKenzie BUY • SELL River TRADE • REPAIR Music 525 E. 13th St. Eugene, OR 97401 • (503) 343-9482 t wttn»4trt l tliUlt Brass • String ' Woodwind Percussion • Lmw Program* • New Maxine Walton "Blends smidgens of group therapy, sex education and musical comedy N Y l imes Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays Nov. 23-Dec. 15 at Seymour’s Restaurant CALL 687-5000 Student Tickets $5.00 Good for November 23rd & 24th at 8:3()pm & 25th at 2pm ^ Brass & Woodwinds Guitars & Amplifiers i Percussion Keyboards ^Accessories ifis •N JVm Lane County’s most complete repair facility! f 15% OFF ANY I REGULAR PRICED ITEM | K\pire> Nov 30.1990 Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner JAZZ & BLUES, RECORDS, TAPES & CDs IN THE FIFTHPEARL BUILDING FIFTH & PEARL EUGENE 686-8742 Bring In This Ad For $1.00 Off t**p. Nov JO, 1990 "ATLAST, A STORE FOR THE TRUE COLLECTOR " MR. MIKE'S Has Moved! Eugene's largest selection for Records - Tapes - CDs Large Selection of Jazz and Classical CDs WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE i 343-1293 mJ 19^EM7tMcorneiM)M7tl^indJPearl)^^2j f ”77ASTORE FOR THE NOVICE AND SERIOUS \ COMPACT DISC BUYER!! 1 Over 16,000 Titles in stock, ranging from Blues. Jazz. New Age, Classical, Rock Country, Reggae | I SPECIAL ORDERS ARI ALWAYS WELCOME / 00 OFF Any Regular Priced I Disc over $1000 or S1 00 ort discs under $10 (not good on Sale Items) ONI COUPON PER DISC ONI COUPON PER CUSTOMER The most complete selection ot CD's. You must see it to believe it. Great selections of storage units, carrying cases & blank tapes. I 2100 W. 11th 683-6902 Across from Waremart Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-8. Sun 11-6 ’locally owned for personal service" expires November 30 1990