BICYCLE SERVICE CENTER I I 30 tn! 13th EUGENE OREGON MS WS2 $ Save On $ a rainy day! 20% off when it rains in Eugene hours: 8am>6pm Mon-Frl Oam-Spm Saturday offer good thru 12/15/90 J I | Offer good only with » Gina and Sheila ILLUSIONS 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS customized for you* tw type ! s27 95 LOOP RODS • SPIRALS lit k «uL>f» C onckt *Onm cut 4*fv*P' R£C 00 HAIRCUTS 39.95 s7.00 ILLUSIONS • 345-1810 U^i) l tre-- ' }■* - .* {id*ff (.-■ ‘ > H-.W rj Mir» C C i Good through December 20.1990 I ilr photo Although the efforts of the opponents to measures 8 and 10 were successful in the Nov. 6 elections, people involvmi in anti-abortion if roups say they are far from quittin/f in their fi/fht to make abortion illegal. MEASURES Continued from Page 1 Life, will continue to pursue its general goals to educ ate people alioul abortion and work to hring alxiut "appropriate legislative changes Considering the strong will of both the anti almrtmn and pro-abort ion groups, Katun said, she is certain of one thing There will be legislative proposals from both fa< lions for mans years to come. "I don't know that pro-lifers or people who are pro-abortion are going to see the kind of end ing (lies would like to see." she said Kahili said she ssas disappointed about the defeat of the measure even though the rai e was "about as i lose as you tan get She attributes the loss to .1 lai k of campaign funds and the No on II and 1(1 Committee's alnlits to drum up na tional support to defeat Measure 1(1 "The fact that there were two (related) meas ures on the Iwillot . allowed (the opposition) to attract national attention and personalities to pa rade through Oregon," she said Walton said his group was a "little sur prised" at its loss but now realizes that what was needed was more time to educate the public to show them that a "blob of tissue is a life." He also said that his group over anticipated the mini tier of votes they would get from religious groups "One of lh(< first things that jumped out at us was that we made the false assumption that the Evangelical Church and Catholic Church would be behind us " Walton said. He said that many church-goers in Oregon have had abortions or have had their lives affected by one so for to peo ple "to vote ‘yes' on Measure H they would have had to say what they did before was wrong. " WOMEN Continued from Page 5 continue to c arr\ the problems of child t .ire and running the houseliold in addition to hold ing a job," Acker said "Wom en are expel led to do the work that makes it possible for men to hav e niiwrs Although several organize tions sin li as the Oregon Public Kmplovee I'nion and the Coali tion of Labor I'nion Women are working to address working women's concerns harriers to solving problems and organ!/ i»H ( ontinue to stand ‘‘One problem with organiz ing is that the work women do is often de skilled to the point where employers think it's eas ier to replace them than give them better conditions and pay." W inkier said DUCK BUCK I! jJTacoTime MEDIUM SOFT DRINK WHEN YOU BUY A SOFT FLOUR TACO AT THE REGULAR PRICE Limit su per coupon Good only at participating restaurants ( Cash value 1/90« Not good with any other oiler 1990 Taco Time International. Inc __..... , _. _ expires dec. 31,1990 1401 Villard St. Eugene Cold Weather Means Hot Specials Visit us at 1401 Villard St. Eugene FALL TAN SPECIAL $5*00 Off Current Prices ( SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS 874 E. 13th Ave • upstairs by Kinko's • 485 2323 ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT • EXPIRES DEC. 1. 1990 ii SunShower Tanning Center We