Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Q/l£ A*XA*X Correct your ad call: O^tO'^tO^tO ismm HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kim J ! $co*«. Mm1 lov«, Kmcy Chis. Hatty, Hrftsn Adam Outdo N»co*#. KalM Have you seen this MAD WOMAN? If to... with htr a Happy Birthday! We love you Cynthia! - Your roomies (and Tom) <4^ MERRY ^ MESSAGES ) ROM A KOI M) rill’ WORM) jrr < uming lo lown l)n rmbrr 7 50$ PER LINE! $1.50 FOR ART! |9«cate3tc3$ca*e3«c3tea#c3*c3*catc3«i PLAV IT AGAIN. SANTA MOIO NCMAraKAfioiti 1»h HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO Md there i more where lhal c«m« Ifom hAmrry Owttlmat Holly* OWMI. We m»» be I u hom borne bol m sbll beve eech othel' I love you C..oi qMsSj? DIANA, Siwt-.p ihn >«*»»»’ *m d ntS the year aftr' Ihll the >e«? 4*»r» that amj SCOTT ALPHA PHI S We Wish you a mefiy Choalma* We w»Rh you 4 metry ChnilmM We *i*>h you a merry Chr«»tm*!> AotJ we u *«*? you '»«*! year THE KAPPA S1G 5 ***** ** *** ** Ikw I Id >«hji Iftcm|\ jfd d»j> lor the H.ilhljw MitlxHil 4 word from >«hj MAURA MKVSAUt.S kon» (hr \Nnrld Mill *f>prar lridi>, Ifct 7 in the Orrc«Mt Ihttli tmrrald < UvwifWds CONGRATULATIONS Doug Hinli ; **n b*»ng ihe ttf#t piflOW <0 correctly j ( fill owl yettefdfty * croatevord fir? the »<♦*! pewton lo l*»ng j ! 1h# V> pMMa*'> •IT Thank* lo* the greef pizza party and I unci ton IN Duck *>n made it and n<*n belt** aiCUM lo c«M«t>*ale! l.ove .iAJ GREEKS* Today »# the day lo turn in you* order #mrtMOpt« from la*! wee* end ft party Wally. J4447S0 Your help is needed! Ottering up lo ITOO (depending on par finance and quantity of fact*! lor information concerning individual* and organization responsible foe notation ot bettc human right* * lander* orgem/ed herettment. and chaeactor a**a»«»netton of mate individual on Mtlyerd St at tSth Be aware that these per tone operate on the principle of "disinformation' concerning both themselves and me. the target of their operation* Mull be witling to have information notarized Both information and witnesses are needed to inmate legal caee Write Jon Gregerton ISM Hilyard St . Eugene 0* tee me directly between 6pm A 1 p m MARC CUE M Happy ?!' Here * your long deserved Bday card Ptanned Parenthood has a pregnancy last that •* H9*« accurate one day after a missed period' Includes unbiased counseling Cil 144 94 n _ THANK YOU ALL VOLUNTEERS AND VOTERS WHO HELPED DEFEAT MEASURES 8 & 10 Student* tor Choree 146 4431 To my -n?» the'apof Dr Lydia If you re ever m a jam here l *m If you re ever up a tree < all on me And if you eve* win the lottery, remember who was there when you were m a jam and up a Her* From Beautiful Ma % Conyralulata* it* naw i»*o my President Vice President T reasurer Persunnw* House Manage! Pledge Tramer Push Cha*r Panheilemc Social Chair Chapter Correspondent officer* tor Kristin M Jennifer P Jennifer D Jean B Beth » Metmda 8 K r 141 an C Jennifer P Mehssa M Shawn# P Anne W no. 5HH m Found Mountain Bike near campus Identify to claim 342 21BS.__ i o*i ear key ring - 1 keyt He ward Call 4ft4 4?S1 FOR SALE mTTPlri WORD PROCESSING fast t1 p*< pago Laugh AM Tha Way To Tha tank' Advarti&a any tiaen under SSQO to* 4 day* It »l doaan't **»i call u» and *<* ii *t aga>« I(m 4 days FREE' fMUM»«r D*»* Oregon Daily Emerald's 1slop Marketplace Auguat Wasl Word Proeaiaing i a*** • i • Day* ' j Pvt .... - - FLYING FINGI RS f aai acc.uraia profasnonai r tOff <,< . IMWM JO the typing pro M340M IBM WORO PROCESSING fDlTING Hi M * : ISM RTAG n* ‘’•Oflt»S*K< Expanancacf typ«tt onaring »*rvicaa on IBM compute' aystam and la**' printer Raav>n*t?l« »ataa Call Paggy at 34J 4S6C Plat a ad* at Rm X>0 EMU UO 8ook*to»a PROFESSIONAL TYPING Ai*o word processing editing f ree ptckuiMWiNry Rond* 936 1692 ROBIN J440749 ?Ot»i YEAR' GRAO SCHOOL APPROVED f i*k l Vmv««wa» 1 A»a i*nntifl&<’laptnc* I dtting/Kfiumes CAROLYN CtNOY TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Compatible SG'kl School Approved Guaranteed Please c»« 485-3343 Barbara Land ?S1S F ronlMM Blvd #6 Serving lb» U of O e*«*a hoc* t£8’ «»TWWE MATH-BIOLOGY-CHEM Tutoring at your home or school One on one or group by credent M S teacher Cell Joe el MS 7496 164 W BroaiVay Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 L / V I N G i?0 TUTORmfe Needed tutor lor Accounting t7*»r Cell 4A4 1*4 wMikii - Car COIft A UK>. 160 And SpaAk**' bOAfd S?0 fO< VW Sc*»CKf-:,: filar* tloormat* V 7 . m i*d top steel 6'itnnQ Almost n#» with w* hardshell camp Tuning tors A new llringi Com® with Great deal .«*■<■ ‘Ai'/nd Hoc* Hopper Min B’*M? 2* . Only 1' : yf oW less than 200 mil*** Smmeno hyperghde sprockets ?a! boy »i‘ greet J>A‘nt Clean tubed Qi*a1 Sh4p4* . S'." GOVERNMENT SEIZE0 Vehicles trom S HX) Fords Mercedes Cwvt II#* Chevy* Surplus Your Area (1) AOS M7 6000 E ■! S 9642 Radar Detector Whobo T had 342 695 7 'inimin Pioneer multi disc player with remote and tour cartridges Model PD MS0 *89 Ceil 344 1669 BeeuMui restored Ttgei Eye o*» Haddortf upright Grand piano Must ',ff np.4> t< 4X>P'f< >4t*» *4 ’ ‘M* . PrcxJute> Pubtisher John Sherfcey has h««n teaching guitar keyboards bass and song writing *ch over ?0 years (2 hit singles end 3 ^bumti Lesson information 344 44U/345&3t2 j Mum^niL mu.: I all term books will be removed from our sales floor beginning Monday, Nov. lMIli to make room for winter term books. Please purchase any remaining fall term books now. Thank you, UO Bookstore C oursebook Dept. Staff UO BOOKSTORE Hth (* knu-itJ Open Mon S.it shipment - RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc MV3SI TO 5cm w/Tryolia 3*0 AD KolUch CE 550 boots 344 3835 Ski* boot*. and tkt equipment Downtown Goodwill 28$ W 8th 200 TRAVEL - Airline HellWt on# way Portland ‘ • Neeark N J J«n 7 Fem*i# 485 3430 im . CHEAP TICKET On# way 10 San Fr *noKo SI SO Leave* Eugene 12/U C#u 342 7396 CHRISTMAS. Spring Brne* travel FREE Air courier* needed and cruise ship jobs C#n i 806682 7556 #«! F 1461 FOR SALE PLANE TICKET RT f uQ#n# to S F t eaves w#d Katie 4a - s. - ' HOT'HOT'HOT'HOT' HOT'HOT'HOT' INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO 1800 543 920!) Rd trip an tkt l‘orl to Orange Cty. Leave 12/12 r1m* 12/27 $t75 0Oot>o Call 345 0095 or 344 5876 2 on# way plan# tickets from Eugene D#c 11 for Texas continuing on to Florida $99 each / both S175 345 0880 AMm tick#I Eugene 12/27/90 to 1*6/90 to Burbank CA Jt90 cash •42 0019 Orttomt forum. HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR Th# Cultural Forum is looking lor a student to coordinate folk music programs at th* U ol O for Winter & Spring terms 1991 and 1991 92 academic year Stipend available Includes programming W«Hamette Valley Folk Festival m the Spring We have applications and position descriptions in the Cultural Forum office Suite 2 EMU 348 4373 Deadline Wednesday. Nov 71 si Th# Outturn Forum is a# EQ>AA ampioyr FRESHMAN •SOPHOMORE* JUNIOR Be a Pec* Advisor Become familiar with English & UO requirements Gam eit*n«nte as an advisor.'tounselor Earn credit The English Pm( Advising Office is now accepting applications. Pick on# up in tha E nglish Offica or 122 PEC REPOSSESSED VA 4 HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also ta* delinquent foreclosures Cali i 806*8? 7565 eat H 1454 tor repo list your area Tuition waiver plus monthly stipend tor qualified person* interested in earning a master s degree and special education ceM i tic at ion For more detail* write to Sand) Davis 175 Education. University of Oregon Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company E iceiient money 1030 Hwy 90 North 6IMM7 HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed $35,000 potential Details (1)405 647 6000 E*! B 9642 INTElUOCNCC JOBS All Bra US Customs D£A etc Now hiring Celt (1) 805 687 6000 E«t K9642 li t easier then you tMflk to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Can Naru.ee or B'ook for per sonal interview 344 6697 Early morning hours Must be Current in life guard edification CPR. first a>d Appioa 16 20 hr* weekly Apply at River Road Park 1400 Lake Dr Eugene by Nov 241 n ____ ENGLISH MAJORS SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM 220 HI Lite Guard HELP WANTED NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • San Francisco 1 o*»> ItSG'wk • • 5o Cat’' newborn It « • Conran tfcut .nfant f 180 wk « • Ikon I on 1 g»rl $160wk • • Vifgmi# ? < hiidren 5225 wk • Many positions available On© year commitment necessary Call 1 800 937 NANI OVERSEAS JOBS $900 2000/mo Summer, yr round, all countries. all fields Free info, wrtie UC PO B* 52 0RO3, Corona Dal Mar CA 92625 235 aPts/pu^lexes ALDERWOOD MANOR 1660 Aider Street Accepting applications tor 1 bdrm 6 Studio tiais m e*ceiieni campus com p)e> Cali M'ke '144 5695 tor details Jennlnga ♦ Co 663 4219 COLLEGIAN 18th 6 Aider Seated studenl living including meal *»©rvi< e Apply now for winter 343 1255 Hideaway 715 Mr E 16th Great 3 t>drm apt close to campus Fully appiianced private parking, covered walkway Move in bonus Call 663 2271. 344 4219. or Chee 465 6236 Move in bonus' FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry 1 bdrm apt avail now New carpel balcony, and laundry 5385 715 E. 16th Single room In large house just one block from campus Call Chee for more Into/showings 4656236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice 1 bdrm apt Less than 1 bik from UO Com op laundry on sue OM street parking Only 5345 663 4219 or Mike 344 4219 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 Briarclltt Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' 5395 553 E. 18th Ouad available new in small comple* Parking, laundry private bath 5260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 block* bom campus ONLY *3451 Jennings-Co 4M E. 11 th Aw. 603-2271 Large. clean 2 bdrm 1 blk to UO Furn. dishwasber/disposai lots of parting ne« carpet vinyl j>83 89 Large on* bedroom apt. (lose to campus 946 6 I9tb $39?* VonKiem Property Mgmt 486 /776 Irg 1 Bdrm Clo** to Campus Sap ba/vanity large walk in closet bd/tvgrnWutil closet Spacious kitchen In a clean, quiet complex Call 4*4-4103 Millrace Apts 1A0S Garden Awe 2 t»drm fiat just 2 blocks trom campus $525 Hurry' Only 1 left' Can Gary at 345 7275 or Jsnnm^i . Co M3 2271 t«M Ferry St 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry, off street parting, no pets By appt M6 1130 Spyglass Associates 1923 Garden Design your own space with moveable dividers Accommodates up 10 3 people Fully applianced Spacious On Mill Race $445rmo Lease required Call Jennings . Co_.M3227l Campus Court Quad avail after Dec 1 One block from campus Single room private Vi balb mcludes util 484 7140 RESERVE NOW' Limited spaces available Newly remodeled unils at prime campus location $235/month. utilities paid laundry facility and covered parking Quiet students only 13C0 Alder Street 34SS949 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU attention. CAmSKb' Mf 'vt 60T COMPANY! 1 f I I I I TES. AT WO HOURS -THAT'S 2 00PM. FORTOURESERVISTS - THIS BASE CAMP SOMEWHERE IN THE MlPEAST MU* BC PPJV/LE6EP TO HOST THE C-IN-CHISSUF! S_ 50 if you seRvico guys 'n' 6ALS MU JUST SHOU) UP IN CWES& FORMATION IN FULL OLAR, JHL PF£Z HAS PROM tS££> TO DUlVOt A F€W 9OM0SHEUS...OOPS, 1 MOAN, CHOlCO WORDS ' HA,HA' /£$ oom KILL US - ocrs! r DOItZHAVt fun Hem CRIWAT* sum is FA1NIN6 TURKEYS TWSU&K. MIN I I M \l /^r Coffee Bar I Open 7am 8pm Mon. Sal f I 1888 Franklin T M