UNIVERSITY KRMA to hold general interest meeting tonight Survival Center Youth Greens meet at .140 p.m .it the l.ora\ Manor. Ih-KI Alder St ('all 346-4.158 for information Et als Students lor the Kthical Treatment of Animals meets at 5 p.m. in I'M! ‘ Cedar Room F Call 346-4 tr.t. for information KRMA the campus radio sta tion. will hold a general inter est meeting at 8 p.m. in Room 110 Willamette I (all. (lall 342-7080 for details Pre-physical and occupation al therapy practicum meeting is Tuesday at 7 a m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Call 440 till 1 for information KMl! Child Care and Devrl opmi'nt ('.enter parent count il meeting is at t> p m .it the Hrt>yvTi 1511' : Moss SI t/afl Ml. 1 IH'J tot details / The Survival Center is spoil soring Leo Yanex. Si Ivat ulturalisl. and John Bern, I'.S Forest Service ranger, to lead a disi ussion on new for estrv at I It) p.m in the KMl' lien Linder Room Speak out against war and hear the inusit of I’atrit k Dodd at 12 to p.m in front of the Chiles Business Center For information tall 142-7014 or :t-P> 1204 Discussion on the task fort e Groups miss funding date Six student groups will not be funded by student fees next year because they did not submit 1991 ‘12 budgets by Thursday's deadline. The groups that were zero-funded for 1991-92 are: American Society for Interior Design. Itig Time Poetry Theatre. International Studies Association. Oregon Pre-Health Students Association. Telecommunication and Film Association and t!() Song and Dance. All six fell under IF( Resolution 12. stating that groups that fail to submit a budget by the deadline without proper prior notifi cation will not he funded. The deadline for organizations requesting more than $5.(MM) is Dec. fi. Although the zero-funded groups technic ally have- no recourse to appeal the- denial of funds. Resolution 12 leaves a loophole at least one organization may exercise. 1FC Chairman Mike Colson said. The Student Insurgent missed the1 Thursday deadline but may submit a request for more than $5,(MM) by Dec. (> so it i an continue receiving IFC funds. Colson said Colson said the loophole was unintended and that the IFC may consider amending the resolution to prevent such a move in the fu ture. A W holistic Approach To Healing Chiropractic Care 10% Student Discount ■ Preventive-Oriented Care ■ Individualized Treatment ■ Chiropractic Manipulation ■ Therapeutic Massage ■ Therapeutic Stretching OUtm I low* ItTf I T-ltS-Tpa Craig Balter D.C. 342-4520 The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette - Parking tn rear When only the best will do. Quality, professional service and repair. REPAIR 1917 Franklin Btvd. Eugene 485-82X6 on internationalization of the Ihiiversitv will lie .it ' .to p in in the EMIf Maple Kootn ('all ,14ti 4.187 for information meeting on in tensive Spanish course set in Mexico this spring will he at 4 to p in in Koom 118 f riend Iv Hall Over its and Alive support group, sponsored In Women in Transition, will be from 7 to 0 p m at 84 t E 18th Ave This is a c losed group ( all t in loo . or 140-41)0*1 lor information lesbian Support Group sponsored In Women in Iran sition. meets from i> to 7 .10 p m in KMU Century Koom !•' Registration is not required Call .Uli-4IHI5 or Ut> tO'1‘1 for details Students for Creative Anach ronism will hold ,i plague revel at it p in in Agate Room I Call -JH'i HBOH or hit 11117 for infor mat ion learn how to study in Hun gun at an informational meet nig .it I til p in in 1 All ' t edar Room It Call the Office of In ternational Servo es .it t tti t-07 for information JUNIORS, SENIORS & GRADUATE STUDENTS OF COLOR There will be a working meeting on a proposal for tui tion labor and guaranteed GTF positions for graduate students of color. WHEN: Monday, Nov. 19th at 7pm WHERE: Cedar Room B, EMU Call for more information 937-2179 CAR SERVICE SPECIALS In time for Thanksgiving! Get your car ready for cold weather! Tire$tone W AMERICA'S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE i LUBE, OIL A FILTER ■ • Chassis Lube ■ • Up to 5 qts. new oil | • New Firestone oil filter I $4 C99 most | 19 CARS MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS j • • 6 CYL 8 CYL. | <•»' $59.99 $69.99 J New copper plugs, sel tirn a Ing’, and idle* Visual inspec- ! lion ol Idlers, belts, hoses, J PCV/EGR valve wipers, lights. I and fluid levels I 'moalatac >gn cars Transwraa V 6 «ng | A A/C »«!fa *1! *pphc«bl« ■ j SNOW TIRE CHANGEOVER I We'll remove both regular I tires, mount your snow $4 A J tires & electronically com- I 99 p* •coupon | puter balance them on j standard wheels I ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR SOME SPECIAL WHEELS RADIATOR SERVICE Flush, fill & add up to 1 gallon of coolant. In spect belts, hoses and water pump. $29" Chemical Treatment Power Flush $4999 $1 00 shop charge added lo all prices No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan when you want it! SunShowcr on campus WWI'IHI II* Xnioi *V KM« • * tmiNoetuuiD * GUI AT » 0« PARTI! S ANO BIRTMOAYS 5^i/inPn Alt GAMES WON* ,IUlU WITH NICAl IS GAMES aomission *1 so STN STRUT PUSUC MARSH fUCtRf •M1I4S4 ❖ TURKEY SALE! regular price, they wouldn't sell at the sale price, but they will now at these prices quantities limited, so hurry in! I” Jumbo Photo Albums . hold 4t6 print* ................1 Aglechrome lor Slides 4 Rolls ISO 100 fraih ilalm! 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