I Engine Service 1000 S Berlelien Rd II lugene OR 07*0* On* (lock Monk olW 111k Nolin tnd Plan Specializing in Volkswagon Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY next to LENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. CUEVAS OPTOMETRIST Of Ron V Cufn; 1 Associates 400 Valley River Center Eugene O'egon 97401 !503i«7e«» Am#r»c«n OplomclMC AllOCilltOfl EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7ani-llpm • drop offs 143ft Orchard St. • dr\ cleaning 345-6133 We’d like to compliment you on your choice. Sare now on select color Macintosh systems. Now through January \ Wl. take advantage of special savings w hen\( hi lxi\ a Macintosh* 11m Macintosh Ikior Macintosh Ills computer and .in AppleGilor * High Resolution RGB Monitor' Whether yt hi choose the new Macintosh list, Apple's latest powerful, atlordable system ()r tin- Macintosh llci, known tor ns high perfonmixe and expandability Or the maximumpertonnana?Macintosh lltx. with its\irtuallyunlimitede\|xindilxlit\ You'll lx* getting a svstem n R( IB M< >nili >r I him in tixlay for a ck ser look at tfxv Macintosh II systems. You'll praise tlieir value, and we ll compliment you on yourchoxv with s|x\ul savings No mailer which system you choose Microcomputer Support l.ab 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Frida\ 9am-5pm ■ A** (>•%] i kV JO o• 11 \ Vjlood items not Inc link'd take Out Available We Have Kegs and Party Balls to Goll 344.447 i 14th 6t Alder (7«>Ot I4lhi Come tnjot Sun jnd Y\u* On Our DecK! OPEN FOR LUNCH 344-447 1 Open I I..V)- 11 OOpm D.i»!\ ^ I - I I Weekends