Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 msmiw INGRID: Groovy parly! We all had a FAR OUT lime!' mn&wm Dom»nu» O Th« GryJa looking gr«*»i W«d nighi So*»y you ***ft**J _ GREEK ACTIVITIES COUNCIL Applications Due Today _Suite 5, EMU GREEKS' Tod#* m tn« day to turn tn yOu» amvaiopM front l#«t Ac*** i»'vj *v parly Wally 34447S0 Greek Activities Council Applications Due Tomorrow. Suite 5. EMU Happy (Early) list Mikey Skiddles Your help Is needed! Offering up lo I 100. (depending on p«riinence end quantify of fecit) for information concerning individuals and organization responsible for violation of basic human rights slanders, organized harassment and character assassination of male individual on Hilyard St at ISlh Re aware that these persons operate on the principle of “disinformation concerning both themselves and me the target of their operations Must be witling to have information notarized Roth information and witnesses are needed to initiate legal case Write Jon Gregerson. ISM Hilyard St Eugene Or see me directly between 6pm A 7p m Kent K Love fo %«r you rule by in those tight fycta biher shorts' See you soon Phi) Kristin R Happy Rirthday* Roy R U getting old* Find any more gray hairs'* Love 02 Debs Planned Parenthood for Pap sm***s infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings 3444411 FOR SAIE MISC 105 PERSONALS t#t * go fo* pUia •<)**” toon' B*P at UO bus stop Please ciM MIS ?S64(nighis) o* PIC HS<£ng Dept) __ Pod btfca found on High St Present Krypt Colt 14* SMI mTYPIWC SERVICES DIAL A TYPIST 7777 Plying fingers lypmg tervice F**t accurate professional ft Ofrpapt up 444 9034 JO THE TYPING PRO 643 4044 IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING PAPERS THESS6 DISSERTATIONS PAPERS DUE’ NEED HELP’ You' Research Assistant Professional word processing firpmoNKfiting etc Virginia 341 3346disse» tation e>pentse Fuli resume se< . <■ i 4ir! ;-r.r<*.ng ON CAMPUS' CYA TYPING SERVICES High Quality typing and editing Fast 24 hou» service Call Ann 345 994 7 Typing word processing • • publishing graphics Laser printer 15 • year s e» penance (Free pick up'daiiveryi Carole 644-6576 WORD PROCESSING FAST St per page 443 2315 'Jttgd 344*4510 •05 I OlhAr* Panted text to computer hies BBammaan 7j74^6^ ''.O'm'* ■ b-*J »J [The WORD SPECIALISTS] * ( tfftdiulc School Apptovcd *X. * ! >i ur t tittoftilltr « (t.?ipcn * IBM (ompil^k.Diii (oi»vn»*m* 1.ASC! PllMtfl&tilftphK* } 4it»njt K«'urocs CAROLYN CINDY T, 170 TUTORING MATH BIOLOGY CHEM Tulonofl «i yout f»ome or trCftool Onaon o* »# of Q»oup. by M S Call Joa at MS 7496 FOR SALE MISC 164 W Broadway fcugerre. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 L / V / N G FUTONS & FRAMES l urmshinp • I ighling * Poster'. * ( Killing # Ji»clr> i?0 TUTORING MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS Call tl you lutonng Individual* Qtov0t Emily. *H4 MOB 130 FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED V*hicl*s from IKK) Ford* M*rc*d*s. Conr*!t*s. Ch**y* Surplus Your Area 11) 80S 887 8000 EH S 9642 Hal* your lumpy mattress'* M *• .* ‘ month old t*m, comfortable. and lor sale' K*Vo6o Cali 683 1434 Radar D*t*ctor Wh»ftl*r *50 484 9093 Hug* wall si/* original Marim*kko fram*d prints. S75 485 0583 Mi MBS SEIZED CARS, truck* tx>a!* 4 wh«*ei era motor homei Dy FBI IBS. DEA Available your area now Call 1 80S682 7655 e«t^ 1210 Ski Van Seat* 7 sleeps 4 Original A eiceilent S3300iobo 688 64 78 _ 1966 Toyota truck ... Canopy and tots of e»tr*3 16800 firm _ Call 747 9731_ M TOYOTA CEltCA GT wheels po««r Windows/locks Mora I820(*o*lf 345 1355_ TI7 CHEV Cavalier Wgn 4 < . 4 Spd last Job. Must S»M Sacrifice For 13700Or Trade 74/6697 155 BICYCLES RALEIGH TECHNIUM 400 Aluminum fr*m« *nd nm» 12 speed 1988 model while %32t> OttoMer 346 9576 its COMPUTERS/EIECTRONICS Calculator* HP 12 C Financial programmable 140 T l 35 II Scianlific $5 HP 28 S Irka new *120 Earl 741 2215 FREE MOUSE! Computer system *»th hard disk includes *ord processing spread sheet and database AM lof only S/99 OO Computer Systems West 17S6 Willamette U2-4US MACINTOSH MEMORY' I MB 169 2 MB 1129 4 MB S?56 M«mory direct Call 343 ??>41 Mamoty Word Pfocattoi Ne* Smith Corona *-di»k drive SZflfrobo T had34Z-69S7 ZENITH LAPTOP w/2 * Jh50 Can Joe 6d3-6396 nnmimoii Beautiful, restored Tiger Eye oefc Meddortf upright Gtand piano Must see-near to appre< iate 195© 747 9667 John Sharkey ' a txpen icac hing Quilar keyboards baas amt song ernting for Over 20 years (2 h«i stngles and 3 album*) lesson information 344 4452/345 5312 110 RESALE CLOTHING Girl tha Chill out' W»m> up a Bing Charry Pal Ace *«*•*!<•» 62 W I3lh its BOOKS NOW fs ML IIML! I .ill term books will be removed from our sales floor beginning Monday, Nov. ISth to make room for winter term books. I’lease purchase any remaining fall term books now. Thank you, UO Bookstore Coursebook Dept. Staff UO BOOKSTORE 1 ^!h 6t KlrwjiJ. Open Mon Sat BSBaB'iniOQl Olin 970 t Ln 190 $75 obo Ro*» 405 9639 RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc HV3 St 205cm w/Tryoli* 390 RD KoHach Ct 550 boot* 344 3835 Ski*, boot* and *ki equipment Downtown Goodwill 265 W 8th ?00 TRAVEL CHRISTMAS. Spring Break summer travel FREE A.r couriers needed and cruise snip jobs Call t 806 682 7555 est F 1451_ Rd trip elf ttrt: Pori to Orange Cty. Leave 12/12. urns 12^27 $l75 0CWobo Can 3450095 or 344 58/6 _ Ticket from Portland to Phoenii Leave Nov 71. return 26 $217 Call btwn 8 10 mornings Call 345 0254 _ 2 one way plane tickets from Eugene. Dec 11 lor Tenas continuing on to Florida $99 each / both $175. 345 0880 210 RIDES A RIDERS NEEDED R/T ride to Olympia WA Thanksgiving weekend, pay gas Megan 346 9905 Thanks' 215 OPPORTUNITIES Cnlinmi femm HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR The Cultural Forum is looking tor a student to coordinate tot* music programs at the U of O tor Winter & Spring terms 1991 and 1991 92 academic year Stipend available Includes programming Willamette Valley Folk Festival in the Spring We have applications and position descriptions m the CuMurai Forum office Suite 2 EMU 346 4373 Deadline Wednesday. Nov 21st The Cultural Fprum is an EQAA employer TrISHMAN•"SOPHOMORJUNIOR ENGLISH MAJORS Be a Peer Advisor Become familiar with English & UO requirement* Gam e>(M}rience as an adv i sot'counselor Earn credit The English Peer Advising Office Is now accepting applications Pick one up in the English Office or 122 PIC._ REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from Si without credit check You repair Also la* delinquent foreclosures Call i 806 662 7556 out H 1464 tor repo list yOur area 220 HELP WONTED BASKETBALL REFEREES NEEDED Sat•,'Sun games Earn $ have tun Call K.dsporta 6A32373 HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE' Positions available to assist students with disabilities Reading and notetaking volunteers * an ted (Some paid positions also ) Call Disabled . 346 3/11 _ HOME TYPISTS PC users needed $35 000 potential Details <1) 605 687 6000 E«t B 9642_ INTELUOENCE JOSS- All Branches US Customs DEA etc Now hiring CalU (t.805667 6000 E*t K 9642 It's tester than you think to pay tor your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money tienbie hours Cali Nancee or B'ook for per • • a 344 6697 NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • San Franoscol gut SiSCVwk • a So Calif newborn $t 7*> *k * • Connecticut infant $180>*k • • Boston 1 girl $160-wk * • Vugima 2 children $225 ** • Many positions available One year commitment necessary Call t 800 937 NANI OVERSEAS JOBS $800 2000/mo Summer yr round all countries all fields Free Into write IJC, PO B* 52 0R03j:ofona Del Mar CA 92625 U0 Crisis Center is recruiting j applicants tor a 20 GTF codirector j position Experience m crisis intervention and supervision and i ; training of staff a must Applications j A job description available at 209 I Student Health & Counseling Center j Bldg Application deadline 5pm Mon ; | Nov 26th An affirmative ectton/EO j ! employer Doonesbury 50AA6V5 eoopsiE oerr/NO (MKHfW MAM' t S*£S MOT t^€60T csmuv an... 1 I ! j COMMAND THINKS OONCBKTS ART A SbCURfTYRISK. THF-Y'fZ ALSO tuawep ABOUT OFfBNP :N0 THt 5AUPIS. SO NO . PANONG BASI S FOR , - THANKSGIVING' n-t9 MU JhATS A DAMN 5HAA/]£ ... YOU SAID IT. I HJONDEK MHO lYJ-'itoeriN / STEAD. BY GARRY TRUDEAU r HOLD IT! | ‘jhouuxii BGK£ARN6 L £AMCUHA£ | i FATIOU& -l UM... I THINK you'll ■ moKAt\ . 5tR. J It you're tired of the Movie Theater Shakedown i im. & DELIVERY DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate