Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: msm Behais Third mar‘testat*on toon Free info PO Pkv» 1 t«f. Col1age G»OW DM24 JR Thanks for a greet dm* on Saturday Night* You re the bail" low AG DZ Him C A Knilm S Congxtt ofl you' tccvptanc* m o»de» of Omega low Deb M Your help is needed! Of faring up to 1 >00 (depending on partinanca and quantity ol lectsi for information concarmng individual* and organization responsible tor notation of basic human right* slanders organized harattmant and character assassination of mala individual on MHyard St at iSth Be aware that theta parsons operate on tha principle of ' disinformation concerning both themselves and me the target of their operations Must be willing to have information notarized Both information and witnesses are needed to initiate legal case Write Jon Gregerson. 1539 Hilyard St Eugene Or see me directly between 6pm A 7 p m *0 Pledges W* . , , •> Glad wn re titters' tow hjUhlcf.f. am! Mm hell* KA • ME Soccer Players You guys ere awesome* Congratulations Champs1 Your KSisters Mouth thanks for b«nng such a g-'«*at friend* Watch out I<*» squirrel* low Riggtesnort Planned Parenthood to* Pap smear* infection th« >*. b«»th control and counseling Day s and evening* M4 9411 SMOOTH 23 Tomorrow makes one whole entire year* WOW Thanks lor soma of the best deys of my life Love, Pup To my se* therapist If you re ev»» »n a jam here i am it you re ever up a tree call on me And it you ever w»« the idlery remember who was there when you *r'r -n a jam and up a tree From Beautiful Me To the Newman Cantar Parable Gang It we walked inio a bar would Phil or James notice 1 il Still don t get •1*1 let % stay spiritual together love Hw.io U0 ATI! and LK Get »e*dy f«» C»v»* War cause wr »c going ti; haw the time ol Our lives even if the ducks do w«n OSU ATI). HIM Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds Wf’re ai >our wrtkr! FOR SALE MISC "OlOSUFODIO I LOST SHOWN WALLET v cs U c*fdi '? 00 pm? at UO iHii •.!•>{ ,*ii 4ft*. /S64V" ghlti O# PtC f lftll «Q Ovpl> LOST Mafc« up bag l «gh! r>i«# a *-t> »a F n<|*y 'f Call MJ 6004 Rad bifc• found on M»gh Sf Piaaanf Kfypt C*«l 346 ‘>*49 115 TYPING SERVICES hnr\t im utur fufnrr ,rh Of if jjirrfjum T LYING FINGERS ng . • fm «ctu'*to _ft Ofrpaye . 444 90JI _ FOOTNOTES TYPING LASER PRINTING FAST! S1 VY{ ^ f MU Mm f*21 346 3729 JO THE TYPING PRO 64 3 6064 IBM »VOHO PROCf ‘.MNc» f OlTlNG PAPERS THfSfS DISSERTATIONS PAPERS DUE ’ NEtO HELP** f.-v' Ri*f.f*a»» I' A ,! ant Pi-ifoiiH .i * .*d j)it*i«5smg typt’->g Ot1ff«ftng MHVifOS ■ IBM -h v t>t«r*r*-* and .!•>♦»< pnntai M«avmatH© fate* Call Paggy •! 342 4664 PROFESSIONAL TYPING A»*k> *0(4 pnxaivng nthting f rrt p'Ckup^d#!• »#*> Ro« V94? T ypmg wwd pxKttting (JaiAtop j.-ubtifiling graphic* l«Mt IS VflAT & PipCfiAfKA (Fim* ptcfc U|*d*I.MKyl Carol* 6686678 WORD PROCESSING FAST ft par paga 643 2315 Printed text to computer hies QBDlZKZjQnn 747 458® >i? o i.j-. •• u '/&Q3 3444510 604 t OtfiAv* The vvono specialistsI • l H*du*tr S. Iw«*l Appimtd * • I hvKiUtfcirtv ! hr^f >. r«prt« • HIM ( ompalthl*. I >nk ( nn^miiih' • I a%c» 1‘tinttng. < >ii|>hi< * • l limn, Kf'umc' CAROLYN QNOY i ?o TUTOR IMG Neey ife*l#nl M ' ttM 0«i Call JO# at MS 74*6 1___ 110 FOR SUE E«c condition Sinurw. . nt> matties* A I7S0 Can 683 1?68 FOR SALE MISC 130 FOR SALE Cm comm w-Kwrfc 160 ana »p#«4>*r board IPO {to* VW Son* «Bi* * ''oornmis $*-• ? 6‘-i rrmJ **:«"• r, H$ W«a77? GOVERNMENT Sfl/EO V*h*c»*t »»om ItOO fonJi Cotwlit* Ch*ry* Surplus You* Ar*a <1)606 6ft 7 AOOO l .»S M47 Mata jowf lumpy mattr*»»T M • a month old ?* — ■ om!o*1»t>l* a«d ' ft**- VS<4>o Call bft.T 14 >4 lova **at attoman rock** H7S 7 tool couch Jt?6 Soil *»dwd wata* ba-d frama haadb©aid drat*** 6 mmo* l?O0 Coll 466 P07ft Maylma ft r.inn! and m*p»# drabrntf ’a bi» IPSO M rloh LM 0«thng M* *ma *400 E*c«MI«mt condition 344 0907 Solid hardwood •.npi*n» hard**'* Eno©gh to* a whoi* wai' *76 Original ManmwAfcO l «663 uoPETS Rada* D*t actor Whtslla* *50 41*4 909.1 us CARS Ski Van f -as-. 74 VW I #1’^' V* S*«ls 7 S4w«p* 4 OrQinai ft nt< aitwnt *330frobO 666 S4 76 19fti Toyota Corolla Hatchback Ruhft r»i 4 ftft TOYOTA CEUCA GT . wh**t% powar wtodOwsTtoc** Mo»* \t&ooofft ms i :tv> 87 CHfV Cavail*' Wgn 4 Cyl 4 S|X1 l a*! Job Must S*li $4K nftc* To' *3700 0* T*ad* 747W9? 25U RALEIGH TICHNIUM 400 Alummwff) frame and rmtft 12 SpWed 1 ‘Jttfl mlt*r 346 9S76 FREE MOUSE! Computer sy«l»m with hard diftk ) include** word processing spread ifHHrl 9*Hj (lAltUxljH' All fot only $799 OO Computer Systems West USA Willametla 342 41S3 HI SI PRIC I S ON Jttfc SX 266 16 COMPUTERS ANO MULTI UNGUAL SOFTWARE DS/OO FD KV$4 MOOL M $99 2400 BO INT’L COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342 6479 MACINTOSH MEMORY* 1 MB $#9 2 MB $129 4 MB $2S6 Mr ■ Memory Word Processor untkr $ «I0 New Smith Corona w-diftk 0»»e J. m. :t. • 3 4. t-r • MS Word SO Student Edition Brand new $99 call colled 6?3 00/S ZENITH LAPTOP * . . * V.bO Call Joe 66.V639S )70 SOUND SYSTEMS Rockford F osgate 12 pro ftettaft tub woofer $300 } m*d A soft dome tweeterv pie Its S ISO Punch 7S amp $2S0 Ungo Car Alarm $US A* package $400 OBO on each 647 4244 wsiwsTrumewts Beautiful restored Tig*-' E >r <*». H adder ft upright Grand pian< M-..st see-'fxtar lo appreciate S9S0 *47 9662 FINOtR Tub# Amp *•••.*■! *re.it i'vfrliOh \ sound $.300 fir r c.» 344 iws no RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore Wa pay TOP dollar tor Man % and Women % clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING 1M RESALE CLOTWIwd. The difference between dressed end •e-'i dressed t to be Momm* fcng Oarnr Paac* (J tv *j»h i»o sm EouipMnrr RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc MV3SI JOScm w/Tryotia 390 RD Kotloch CE 5SO boot* 344 3MS mtrtum -1 Hawaii R7T Ticket Ptld to Hilo v>a Honolulu female let return • W ■ R Olympia WA Round trip Thanh sgiying wkend Pay gar* Megan 34( 9005 ?is OPPORTUWlflfs" r Rf SHM AN’SOPHOMORE’JUNIOR 1 ENGLISH MAJORS Be a Peer Advisor Become familiar j mth English A UO requirement* i aSnoi'i («jnv‘iof Earn crad*t The English Paar Advising Of tie a It now accaptmg application* Pick ona up in tha English Of fie a or 127 PIC Ctoftatraf Tornm HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR | Tha Cultural Eorum >* looking for a j iludrrni to coordinate folk muttC ! program* al the U of O fo* Winter A Spring farm* 1991 and t991 92 j academic year Stipend available j Include* programming Willamette f V ahey F olk f estival m th© Spring , We have applications and position \ description* m the Cultural Eorum | office. Suite 2 EMU *4b 4373 Deadline Wednesday Nov 21*1 1 Thf CMtturai f QJum is *n { OAA empipyer ??0 HELP WANTED [ Earn f 1000 or mor# pl»» month at j h- ML M Ca»i ter* rWl HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE* Po&tf.:>nt available lo assist student* Mitli di»ab*t*f*e* And noteta*»og volunteer* wanted (Some paid positions also ) Call Disabled 146 3711 HOME TYPISTS PC useit needed 135 000 potential Detail* 5 667 6000 Eil K *>47 ft* man you th»n* lo pay tO» you' college education working at Jiggled Excellent mcxwy henbie hours Call Nam:«« or Brook I Of per new 144 6497 __ Law School need* Compute# Tach knowledge of IBM compatibly hardware and software DOS. and modem* WordPerfect Lotus Of DBa*e aipafianca helpful Preference gtven fo work iiudy eligible applicant* Call Marilyn al 346 3660 NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • Su * !4 m.o I girl 115G** a •' t' -*i S ' ‘ a » • e C ' hh l.cul tnfaM lldO ak a • Boston T g«r< $t60 w* a e V - a 2 children $726- wk e Many position-, .1. juatxr C-ail 1 rtOO 91 * NANI OVE RSEAS JOBS $900 2000;mo Summer yr round all COunfrte* all field* Free info write IJC PO B» >‘D3, Corona Pel Mar CA 92625 - ir • . ’-ng j appn. ants for a 20 GTF codirector ! position E »penance *n cn*<* ; tremmg of stall a must Applications & job description available at 209 j Student Health A Counseling Center Bldg Application deadline 5pm Mon 1 Nov 26th A' affirmative act ion) CO I ?20 HELP WANTED BASKETBALL REFEREES NEEDED &al/Sun games Earn | have »un Call B «» Week* 4«4 04H6 O' KidftportS 683 2373 maim Nail to Rnartrool Rarti Beautiful mt»da/out 3 bdrm 21* ba Ne«t 10 twk* path' river Fireplace 1455 E Bnarclifl 1750 343*000 ALDERWOOD MANOR i860 Alder Street Accepting applications few 1 bdrm A Studio flats *n e*cet»ent campus com pte« Call M.k* 344 6696 for details Jennings ♦ Co M3 4219 Graaf for 1 or 7 • ' ' 1 . M0C> to cam pus 5320 tease to Jun# 16 No pels see to appreciate 736 E 17th 343-2114/344 1SB3 Hideaway 715*1 E 16th Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully appiianced private parking covered walkway Move in bonus Call M3 2271 344 4219 or Chee 495 6236 Move in bonus' Londonlown 601 Coburg Rd Quiet surroundings at great location 2 bdrm apt with private pahcMbaicony $486 Call Chris eve* A wkds M3 4645 715 E. 16th Single room m large house just ona block from campus Call Chaa tor mora into/showmgs 495 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice t txjrm apt less than l blk from UO Coin op laundry on site otf Streel parking Only 5346 M3 4219 or Mika. 344 4219 GREYST0NET0WNH0USES 211 Bnarctift Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' 5396 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small Comple* Parking laundry private bath $260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 blocks from campus ONLY 5345' M Jennings Co SB. 488 E. lllh Ave, SLj 683 2271 large. clean 2 bdrm l bfk to UO f urn dtswasihendtsposai lots ot parking ne* carpet vinal 6*38919 large ona bedroom apt close to ;<«mpui 946 E 19th SJ96 VonKiem Property Mgmt 486 7776 Irg \ Bdrm Close to Campus Sap ba/vamty large walk in closet bd/tvgrm/util closet Spec tout kitchen In a clean, quiet compte* Call 4*4 4103 Millrace Apts 1*05 Garden Ave 2 txJrm Hal just 2 blocks from campus 3525 Hurry1 Only 1 left' Call Gary at 346 7276 or Jennings ♦ Co6*3227t 1923 Garden Design your own space with moveable dividers Accommodates up to 3 people Fully apphanced Spacious On Mu Race S445 mo Lease required Cali Jennings * Co 6*3 2271 ['EM; Campus CouM Quad awn! diim On 1 One block from campus Single room pnvale . t>am includes util 4b4 7140 Fu»n Quad avail wtntar term util ; d-d male or lemaie ne»l to campus PRIVATE ROOM with own bath All utilities included 3259/mo Right neat to campus Cali 343*935 ESMZZZZZZZ Quiet room 3 blks lo UO Available m»d Dec H75 EWEB garbage pd female only 343 *t760eave messagoi. «oj Oorm Contract For Salt Call 346 ftti4 a vat Aik tor Deborah Dorm contract For Sale Half caae of any beverage FREE Jeff .146-9389 Winter Tarm, Dorm contract available 346.8898 Wanda 2 dorm contract* * ..» « contact ut at 346 9820 Fraa 6 pack included A male/tamata roommata naadad to share 1 bedroom apartment on campus >21 Of month Cali 344 3923 Roommata furnished 2 bedroom 5 blocks from campus >150 deposit >26? 50/mo Call 343 0009 Furniture, stereo, camping equip household goods, clothes (kid'adult), toys 1510 M.ll Eugene 11/17 9 3 RIFLE CLUB Organ. Mtg. Sunday 11/16/90 w Cedar A. 7.00 pm Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Club Sports 2S0 EVENTS - A Charity Ball will be held at the Hilton Hotel Profits made will be donated to the Eugene/Spnngfteld Charities "NOv 16th, a &&)eQo for looal ohapit*eS." Date Nov 16th 1990 Piece Milton Hotel Eugene Dinner A Dance H2 pet person iSfj tor only the dance) T ime 6 30p m t 00a m (dance will start at 9 00p m ) Dress Code Semi format t ii k«-K an- turn av ailatilr* at KM I | Mam I k-\i or lti«* i u oriiaiiiri'd «ituil«*ri! Presented by-Mong Kong StudentAssOC Korean Student Assoc Singapore Student Assoc Co sponsored by: Japanese Std Aswc Intetnationai Student Assoc Avan Pacific Std American Std Assoc Special HelpViet names# Student Assoc _ NOMINATIONS WANTED FOR OUTSTANDING WRITING GTF D»d your GTF in English Composition help you become a better renter1 Here is your chance to say thanks It you wish to nominate your writing 121. 122 or 123 teacher tor the English Department s annual OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT TEACHER OF EXPOSITORY WRITING award please wnte a tetter ot nomination and send it to the director o» Composition English Department 118 PLC Nominations wit) be solicited throughout the year Palestine Solidarity Day Tuesday Nov 20th. EMU Fir Room • 1% Ur at*I trl up for iItUkh Hurt' Video lecture by Paul Findley t200 noon Mr«t» A Ur**l . u«fl« l or i <*a< ilultott Video iectuie by Ahmed Deedat 2 JOpm •llPMitnm V««nutil Presentefior^Oue*t»oft A Answer Session by T T abtb J 00 pm • Alaqsa Mtiwjur Documentary Film. A 00 pm tnfo A Literature Free Admission Sponsored by Muslim Student Assoc. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HtLPVOUR seif. Bumr. I HOPf- YOU PU VOLK uKUBfOUafit. poievtR1 iUHAT tSTHte, MAT* SOUP* B66PIANT* BEAT'jME. IT TASTES L IKE- SOME SORTOE GfO/T/NCr COMWiP ' MAN, I (UtSH BOOPSJB UXXJLV C£T A PACKAGE TOMB. TVf-BEEN OPEAM/N6 EVEfCf NIGH T ABOUT HEN BANANA 0PEAPANP CHOCOLATE; CHIP COON H£.‘S BEBN 5£NPfNC>M£ A V.m.t€ xetp^ae ARBT1& UJUL.H& tSUNP&t. AlOTCP STR3S5&...