Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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You know it’s true-songs faked
Nt;\Y YORK (AP) Milli
Vanilli. the dreadlor ked p<*p
duo whose debut album sold 7
million copies, could bet time
the first act to be stripped of a
Grammy after it was learned
they didn't sing a single note
on the record
"If there's been a substantial,
fraudulent. misrepresentation
of the entity. 1 think there is a
high likelihood that the acade
my would have to take some
action." said Michael Greene,
president of the National Acad
emy of Recording Arts ti Sci
ences. The academy adminis
ters the Grammy Awards
He said the academy's action
could include taking back the
group's 1989 Grammy He said
no one has ever been stripped
of a Grammy in its ,t:t years
Frank Parian, the German
producer who turned a pair of
anonymous pretty boys into an
international phenomenon, re
vealed in an interview this
week that hunky dudes Pal) and
Rob Robert I’ilatus and
Fabrice Morvan were actual
ly the fabulous bunko boys.
Parian said the bare-chested
vocalists once descrilred bv The
New York Times as "exotically
sexy" did nothing more than
look good and lip svm for vid
eos and TV .ind concert appear
ances while others did all the
"The record company never
knew that I never told them
Continued from Page 1
freedom in I lie i lassroom but
discourage the (list ussion of
"controversial matter which
has no relation to the subject
"At minimum, we have to
admit there is a controversy
within the law school commu
nity.” law Professor Michael
Axline said. "1 think problems
would 1m; better addressed early
than late I propose there
should be a dialogue between
administration and students
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We ve got
your tan
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anything." Parian said "later
on, after the record was out.
there were some people who
raised some questions
The Yanillis won a Grammy
for lies! New Artist and Rob
and Kill) l>e< ame international
stars, "Girl You Know Its
True" and "Blame It On the
Ram" were both huge lot sin
gles for the band At the MTV
awards, the ho vs boasted they
were better than Klvis or Boh
Parian would not say who
the real singers were hut added
that they will appear on his
next allium not a Mdh
Vanilli album
He said Wednesday he was
forced to go public with the
revelations when the bovs told
him they wanted to sing on the
folhm up to Cirl Vou Hum It's
"I said. No I don't go tor
that ' Sure, they have a voice,
hut thill's not really what I
want to use on my records."
Parian said
In .1 statement Thursday, Rob
and Pab said. "We have insist
ed since 1989 that we he al
lowed to sing on all Milli
Vanilli records We have been
ready, willing and able to re
cord our own vocals and have
been prevented by Prank Parian
from doing so ."
They also expressed their
"reluctance to participate in
that kind of misrepresentation
now." Axline said
Johnson was present at the
Thursday meeting, although he
declined to comment. "At this
point in time, you don't need
me to tell you I'm in a very ten
uous position." lohnsnn told
the audience.
Holland wrote in a memo to
the Kugene chapter of the Na
tional Lawyer's Guild on
Thursday afternoon affirming
the school's support for aca
demic freedom and stating it
would "undertake a careful re
view of the situation "
Through <1 variety of < inert ive
maneuvers, our wishes to i reu
lively participate in our record
mgs have been denied
The reveltition didn't bother
Arista, the label that raked in
the cash when tlirl Vwj Know
It's True topped the i hurts
"Seven million albums? Em
barrassing?" asked Kov Lott,
vice president for operations
”1 don't mean the end pisttfies
the means Hut we sold 7 mil
lion albums
According to ITirian. the idea
to hire Koh and l-'ab as front
men for the hand c ante to him
when the pair arrived .it his
studio in (iermam shortly after
the recording of toil Von Know
It s True
"It suddenl\ clicked in in\
mind, and it was kind of evi
dent I had the music . there
were the people who wanted to
perform outside," said l-.irian
"And I said. I lev let's put
that together and make a great
record out ot it
1.1 it I said the label is uni on
c erned about the dupe, and it
plans to distribute I .man's new
As for Koh and l-’ab. their lu
lure’s a bit more unc ertain
"We are purely their dislrib
utor We do not have a spec die
deal with Koh or l ab," Lott
Continued from Page 1
su\s he is more interested
in the controversy in ( >n
tral Americ a
Is the veiling Sanders
inc lined to follow Ins la
liter into the politic al are
"Being a politic ian is
loo stressful It's impossi
ble to please people all
the time." Sanders said
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And so it went, night after night, year after year.
In fact, the Hansens had been in a living hell
ever since that fateful day the neighbor s
“For Sale" sign had come down and a
tamily of howler monkeys had moved in.