EDITORIAL Time to take a stand before a war starts Tho latest word from President Bush about the Per sian Gulf indicates that he is toning down his rhetoric about U.S. offensive capability. The public furor that arose when Bush decided not to rotate troops in the gulf and instead doubled the size of the gulf force showed he does not have the support at home that ho thought he had Bush has met with key members of Congress to as sure them he is willing to wait for sanctions to work and to re-establish support for his policies. Bush has realized that the public’s support for sending ll.S. troops to the Middle Kasl will drop pre cipitously once it appears those troops may actually be engaged in combat. As soon as he begins to move clos er to war. the public will want to know exactly what the goals ami justifications of such a move are. Before this week, campuses across America have remained fairly silent, and there have been few anti gulf-war demonstrations. But the controversy and dis sent over the troop rotation decision shows just how potentially volatile the situation is. Bush has not given Americans enough reasons to justify a war. His administration has said Iraq’s occu pation of the region is costing jobs and hurting the American economy. He has also talked about fighting against “naked aggression." Neither of these reasons is enough to warrant risking the lives of tens of thou sands of young Americans. If our country is so dependent on another region's resources that we must send young people to die de fending it. then perhaps it is time to look for alterna tives to that resource, or learn to lower our standards. No life is worth a strong economy. Politicians have never figured that out. If you believe that war for the economy's sake is wrong, gel involved now. Don't wail until relatives or friends are fighting and dying. Stop the bloodshed be fore it starts. Make sure there is never a need for a “Gulf War memorial." Get involved locally by joining or organizing pro tests or letter writing campaigns to the President at: President George Hush. The White House, Washing ton. DC. 20500. Register your opposition to war by phoning tho White House at (202) 456-1414. so* fcEEEKl nl. t MOUSETRAP1. J® Build student housing on DMV site The University needs a student housing site close to campus, and the Department of Motor Vehicles wants $500,000 for its prop erty at the corner of East 15th Avenue and Franklin Boulevard. The University wants to buy the land. But for what purpose? Original talks between the two sides centered around the University buying the property for student housing. About 125 new units could be built on the land, ac cording to a University Housing study. But now the* University is considering alternative uses for the land. One option is to move the Physical Plant from its current location along the Willamette River, where the proposed Riverfront Research Park land is. Other options include relocating the University's printing department or using the? site as parking for students who live in tin? residence halls. We say build student housing. The Uni versity has procrastinated long enough on this problem. Two Springfield legislators helped se cure Sll million in bonding authority from the Legislature last year to enable the Uni versity to borrow money for construction of new student housing. The University wants to be certain that enough students will rent the housing to cover the repayment of the bonds, but we see enough students scrambling for any kind of housing each year to know new units would he rented as long as they are afford able. The University must build housing to keep private investors from cornering the market and building rental units too expen sive for students. Too many students are trapped in unwanted living situations be cause of the lack of housing The DMV site would be perfect, and the University has the bonding authority — now it’s time to get busy building. LETTERS Safer now Congratulations to those who campaigned against Measures H and 10. Your hard work has made it safer for many who were not even allowed to vote. Darren |. Walsh law Butt out In response to Fred Koellig's letter | ODE. Nov. H) concern ing Amy Hope: If they had intended the stu dent seating section to be "re served" seats, they would have printed the seat number and the section on the ticket. Notice that information is not printed on the student ticket? About Roellig's warning that we should all "take heed of." relax, we won't Have you no •iced that this is 1990 and we .re no longer in the Dark Ages? Come out and join civilization People have the right to sit anywhere they want to (••spe cially in the non-reserved sec tions) and violence only moti vates people to fight harder against your kind of ignorance VYe are glad that Hope had the courage to fight and not "avoid the experience" no thanks to the so-called security guards Fred. oh Fred. you call your self n man' We certainly don't consider you one Did you not learn anything about standing up for your rights ' Perhaps you did. hut are just too afraid to take action and de fend yourself. Is that why you suggested for Hope to "leave" and "avoid" the barbaric l>e havior of the fraternities in volved? Wo are behind Hope's efforts; perhaps that will teach people such as Koellig a lesson that enough is enough, and that no one should tolerate such ani malistic behavior. |enni Gomel Cindy l.y Diane DeBemardo |ohn Trinh loanne Mitchell Students Real care In response to Tracie Pork's letter concerning Students for the Ethical Treatment of Ani mals: I agree SETA members are not the only people concerned alMiut the welfare of animals on campus I think most compas sionate people are concerned about animal welfare But I would not count the Coalition For Animals and Animal Re scarc.il as being among the con cerned . Uork says CFAAK is a moder ate group supporting the hu mane and responsible use of animats in research Yet CFAAK supports all the re search projects on campus, in cluding those of Itarbara Cor don-Lickey, who admitted in court that her almost 20 years of research involving cats in virtually the same experiment has yielded no real results Is this responsible? CFAAK also supports the use of animals in research to find treatments and cures for dis eases that people, through their lifestyles. give themselves, such as heart disease and many forms of cancer How responsible is it for peo ple to make themselves sick and then turn to animals for treatment and cures? if CFAAK is so concerned with animal welfare, why is it that every time 1 see one of their informational tables, there is a barrage of pro-research readings, and only one or two readings concerned with ani mal welfare? Finally. CFAAK says it op poses household-products test ing on animals, Hut do tin* ma jority of CFAAK members use cruelty-free products in their homes' I situ erely doubt it I think a more honest name for CFAAR would bo Coalition for Animal Research, since 1 st*e very little CFAAR concern for animals. Kathy Yonker Political Science CIA fairness It's ironic that the majority of people who protest against CIA recruiting on campus also claim to l>e pro-choice regard ing the abortion issue. Both causes attract people with liber al ideals. Those who are adamantly op posed to allowing someone else make personal or moral choices for them on abortion are more than willing to apply their own value system on others, with regard to the CIA recruitment on campus. These people are quite obvi ously hypocrites. It is plain to see that these protesters apply their ideals of free choice only when it suits their own politi cal or social beliefs. No matter what the CIA rep resentatives may say about their hiring practices or their alleged illegal activities, it will automatically be disregarded by these protesters. Fairness in hiring is not the issue with these people, it is just a tactic. They simply hate the CIA, for whatever reason, and want to do everything they can to dis credit it. Fine. They can hate the CIA as much as they want. But just as no group has the right to make moral choices for another person on abortion, nobody has the right to apply their values on another regarding career choices. Michael Sears journalism LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others.