GO DUCKS! BEAT THE BEAVERS! Come to us for great sandwiches for your tailgaters, lunches and evening munchies—frozen yogurt, too! OPEN 11AM-8PM 7 DAYS A WEEK Sub Shop — Two Locations 3131 West 11th 1225 Alder Marketplace West U of O Campus ‘Except on 4 or 6 (t subs GAME PREVIEW Musgrave doubtful for Oregon State game By Ashley Conklin Emetaid Spoils Etjilo* There has likely never been a sharper contrast in the 'l.'l-garne history of the Civil War game than there is this season Oregon. :i :t in the Pacific-10 Conference and 7-'.i overall, is going (o the f reedom Howl in December while Oregon State. 1-5 and l-‘l. respectively, is go ing nowhere Hill Oregon Coach Rich Hrook.s and Oregon Stale Coach Dave kr.igthorpe know that Sat urday's 1 id p m game at Park er Stadium in Corvallis will be just as heated and fierce as any other Civil War game. "This is a different game." Hrooks said "The records go ing into this don't mean a lot Certainly (in) the traditional ri val games you should lie ready to play regardless of what’s at stake kragthorpe. agreed, saying that this year's Civil War game should be a bigger game than it ever has been for the Heavers who are hoping to salvage something from a dismal sea son with a win "I think it should really mean something to our players in two ways," he said "It can mean that we can sulvage something out of what's been a very bad year for us in every sense of the word "And the other part is the normal approach." Kragthorpe said. "It's the last game of the season, the last game for the se niors. and 1 think all those things weigh kind of deep so to speak." Injuries have played a trig part in each team's success, or lack of. this season Oregon has been able to overcome several injuries to key starters this sea son to continue on the w inning trai k while Oregon Stale was without some key players early in the season namely nose tackle Ksera Tuaolo — that led to the Heavers dropping their first five games "We set a bad early pace." kragthorpe said "We had some disappointments early in terms of injuries and things like that. "We got off to a bad start and when you haven't been a win ning team, been a winning pro gram as Oregon State hasn't been in so long, it's easier to lose confidence and drop back a level." he said. Tuaolo. who Brooks de scribed as "on a different plan et when it comes to defensive lineman," has been his domi nating self for the Beavers late ly. but Brooks' biggest concern might bo the status of his best player, quarterback Hill Mus Photo bt Kr« h«m Oregon tailback Sean Burwell needs 00 yards rushing against Oregon State Saturday to become only the tifth J.000-yard rusher in school history and only theset:ond freshman in Pac-tO history to have a t.000-yard sea son. Burwell also needs only 35 all-purpose yards to set a new single-season school record in that category. grave, for Saturday's game Musgrave reinjured his shoulder in hist week's ! loss to California and is listed as doubtful for the Civil War game Musgrave has been doubtful three of the past four weeks, but has played everv time Still. Hrooks said he believes Musgrave is unlikelv to go Sal urday. despite his ability to play with pain this season "1 have said what I truly be lieve each week that he's ver\ doubtful." Brooks said, "lie i onvinr ed me the three other weeks that I've said that, this is the fourth, that he was able to play. "All I'm saving is that lie's very doubtful and I mean that sincerely." he said If Musgrave can't pla\ Satur day. junior Boh Brothers would likely start in his place Brooks hadn't decided on Brothers or junior jon Okkcn by Wednesday but Brothers has likely re-emerged as the No. 2 quarterback based on having a (letter game at Cal last week than did Okkcn. who took over as the No. - quarterb.u k follow ing the Idaho game Oregon is 25-9 over the last four years when Musgrave has started and finished a game. Turn to WAR, Page 7 UO PROBABLE STARTERS OFFENSE SE—6 Joe Rertzug (5 10. 170. Sr) LT-79 Todd Kaanapu (S3. 271. Sr) LO—59 Andy Sunia (511,283. Sr) C—53 Cottln H«H (S3. 253. Sr) RQ—67 Bud Bond* (65. 260. Jr) RT—75 David Collinswortti (6 5. 280. So) TE-88 Vine* F*ny (S4. 234. So) OB—19 Bob Brother* (6 2. 176, Jr) FB-28 Ngalu Keiemeni (6 2. 206. So ) TB-21 Sean Burwell (511. 181, RFr ) FL—18 Anthony Jones (6-0. 195. So) PK- 9 Gragg McCallum (59. 178. Jr) DEFENSE LE-90 Mall LaBounty (64. 246 Jr) NT-69 Marcus Woods (6 2. 283. Jr.) RE—99 Jail Cummins (6-6,265. Jr.) LO-47 Andy Connor (64. 236, Jr) ML—45 Jamas Bautista (61. 232. Jr) WL—51 Joa Farwail (62. 210. So ) RO-85 Polar Brantlay (64, 230. Sr) SS—3 Rory Dairy <5 10. 190. Sr) LC-27 Daryl Singleton (5 9, 176. Sr) RC—20 Daryle Smith <6-1, 181. Jr ) FS-12 Eric Castlo (6 3. 206. So) P—29 Tommy Thompson (5-10,180. Fr.) OSU PROBABLE STARTERS OFFENSE SE— 84 Craig Palo* (6-0. 166. RFr) IT—78 Brad O'Ancona (6 3 290. Sr) LG-61 Christian Millar (6 4 275. Fr) C —54 Tom Nordquist (62. 250. Jr > RG—76 Fletcher Keister (6-4. 280. So) RT—77 Adam Albaugh (6 5. 274. RFr) TE-80 Jason Blum <6-4, 248. Jr) OB- 8 Matt Booher (6 2 196. Sr) FB—41 James Jones (6-2, 244, So) TB-29 Reggie Pltchford (S10. 202. Sr) FL- 6 Maurice Wilson (5 10. 169. So ) PK—33 Jamie Burke (5-11. 186 Fr ) uercnac OE-90 Martin Billings (6 4 240. Sr) NT-48 Esera Tuaolo (6 3. 262. Sr) DT—92 Thomas Bookman (6 2. 257 HFr) 01-40 Rickey Fu-er (6 3. 216. So) IL-59 Todd Sahlleld (6-3, 234, Sr) IL- 9 Eric Davis (frO. 239. Jr) OL-42 Todd McKinney <6 3. 216. Sr) SS— 1 Dennis Edward* (6 2. 206. RFr) SC-37 Brian Beck (54. 166 Sr) WC—21 Zechariah Davis <6-11. 173. So) FS-14 Brent Hu»l(510. 167, Jr) P—97 Tim Kolias <611. 176. RFr) Oregon fans SHOW YOUR COLORS! til Everybody Duck n ‘Eugenis flou/ex Home THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 E. 13th at Patterson 485-3655 OREGON DAILY EMERALD’S SEASONS GREETINGS! A HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE FEATURING GIFTS FOR UNDER *50°° r / • ( \nnputcr* —> /• SirmJ* '' • Alhlrtu supplies j • l lot he* f •( 'IV id C'.o-Wftrs • ( iltl p*U k* ^ • flower* * -. 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