Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    Continued from Page 6
Faculty with strong con
tacts throughout the country
will increase the probability
of more professors coming to
Fugene. Davis sakl.
Besides creating salaries
that are an incentive to teach
at the University. Davis said
the task force hopes to find
resources and support.
“Salaries are a big issue
but resource support is more
important Pay is one issue
and indeed a critical one
Resources and support are
other issues as is the quality
of life and creditability of
life at a institution," Davis
The task force is expected
to have a plan of action by
the end of this year
Members conducted a fac
ulty survey on why profes
sors stay here and the prob
lems with hiring. However,
the results will not be re
leased until the end of this
A pilot study involving 20
faculty members, conducted
by Scott Kerlin, University
graduate student and task
force member, showed that
10 had considered leaving
the University.
Job satisfaction which
was the focus of the study, is
one of a variety of issues the
task force is addressing, ker
lin said Demographic infur
mation and the cross section
of faculty are other topics
under consideration
('lass load and time avail
able for research art* also be
ing looked into as issues
which make a university
more attractive to professors.
Portch said
"It takes people to get
people," Davis said "We’re
committed to retaining good
faculty and recruiting excel
lent faculty that, along with
a good program, makes this
a good place to be;
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Continued from Page 1
Protester Phil N’ebcrgail said
in1 considered the interview
cancellations a victory. but not
an overwhelming one because
the (HA is ii'ii in return in
the future
Prior lo the protest. ( ulhane
s.nii he iliii not object to stu
dent protests, but to the denied
.11 I ess of students who want to
be interviewed
"Everybody1* entitled to
their own opinion." ('ulh.ine
s.dd " The only thing I object
to is when people interfere
with other students' privileges
to i ome and see me. "
Culhenc said he rarely en
counters protests when he re
cruits at other northwest col
leges and universities
When asked about the stu
ill-lit complaints of disi riniina
tion against gays and lesbians,
and illegal CIA activity, (ail
ham* said it was a "matter of
Liter in the afternoon, brand
addressed the issues of CIA re
i niitment and the protest by
saying student protesters have
the right to freedom of speech
but cannot legally deny access
to those who want to he inter
y lowed
"They have every right un
der the hirst Amendment to
make their feelings known."
Brand said "They don't have
the right to interfere yvith the
individual rights of others."
When asked alKiut the pro
testers' complaint that the CIA
discriminates against ga\s and
lesbians, brand said the I m
versitv requires recruiters to
sign a non-discrimination state
merit, but does not have the
means to evaluate whether or
not recruiters are abiding by
"We do not possess the abili
tv to investigate the CIA or any
other companv as to whether
they are falsely signing the dm
umenl." Brand said "We ask
them to sign in good tatth that
thev are follow mg the I 'inverse
tv's non-dist nmination rules
"That’s as far as we tan go
with it." lie said "We don't
have the where-w ith all nor the
legal lapahilitv of investigating
sin h agenr les as the (IIA
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