UNIVERSITY Campus hiring policies examined ROTC policies appear in conflict with University standards By Carrie Dennett Emetaid Reporter In the early 1980s the Univer sity was one of the first to ex amine the seeming contradic tion between its anti-discrimi nation policy and the Reserve Officers' Training Corps' (ROTC) anti-gay policies, yet now it lags behind the times. Recently, however, there is a resurgence of attention to this issue. Many students and facul ty are asking the administration to admit that a contradiction exists between the two policies, and take some sort of action. ROTC allows any student to enroll in its classes through the military science department, but homosexuals are excluded from ROTC scholarships, facul ty jobs and military commis sions as part of the Department of Defense's policy which bans gays and lesbians from military service. Nationally, several colleges and universities have taken ac tion ranging from issuing writ ten statements to the military to protest discriminatory policies, to actually giving ROTC the boot. Stefan Stent, a student sena tor and former ROTC cadet. said kicking ROTC off campus is too extreme. "I don't want the ROTC to be suspended .. I want the University to take a stand on the issue.” Stent wants to send a letter of protest from students and facul ty to the national head of ROTC. Me has presented the idea to both the Student Senate and University Senate and plans to address a University student/faculty committee when they meet in January. The committee includes Lt. Col. Jim Hinton, head of the University's ROTC program, who could not Ik; reached for comment. Stent said a definitive stand against the anti-gay policies by the University would help initi ate a positive change in mili tary policy around the country. Associate philosophy profes sor Cheynev Ryan said the ad ministration needs to take ac tion of some kind. "Anything is better than what they have done, which is nothing.” he said, adding that any step taken by tin; administration would be a show of good faith to support their claim that they take their anti-discrimination policy seri ously. "The University has |an anti discrimination) policy. If it's Z O T3 C O o BUY 1 get 1 FREE* POSTERS • CDs VAM5 & CONVERSE SHOES 10PK EZ Whip Cream Charges $3 99 • selected regular-priced posters only Lazar's Bazar 57 W Broadway, Downtown Mall 687 0139 ZOTJCOO A unique blend of SALON * Kcnra Finest Professional Products 25% OFF First Visit 10% OFF Returning Visit with U.O. ID • slyte and quality • naming and product • service and expertise • precision and value Visit us to find out how pleasant the salon experience can be. 1611 Oak Street 342-1751 HOLIDAY SPECIAL 20% off PERMS AND COLORS Good thru December not going to enforce it. it shouldn't have it.” he said, adding that although the Uni versity is not tile source of the discrimination, they are still part of it The administration maintains that the discriminatory nature of the scholarships is isolated from the University because the funds come from the Depart ment of Defense Ryan disagrees with this stance because of the unique re lationship between ROTC and the University's military sci ence department. “There wouldn't be a military science program if it weren't for those scholarships." lit? said ROTC gets away with discrimination in scholarships and faculty status that would not be tolerated in other de partments SPRINGFIELD^ SCIENTIFIC SUPPLES >1* UK SOW J S»n»oi p »«**' H 1H77 | (503) 726-9176\ 1800044-2047 \ Don Juan Mexican Restaurant 00 OFF LUNCH or DINNER /f! With Purchase of 2 Combinations Mailmum 2 coupon* par parly Not Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go Oiler t ipircs 11 ?6 90 DON JUAN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 685 E. Broadway • 344-1091 • (Close to Campus) BY 6p.m. MONDAY IT WILL BE TOO LATE... A technological breakthrough etxdk/sAeiyirom Bose! Patented Acaustimess speaker tachnotogy is the key to large speaker performance from a package so small, you can hold one in the palm of your hand Read what the experts have to say: One d "Amencas Ten Bag Owggns' among al (X0ductspf0ducKl«i»wUS A n I9H81 ■Bosecontnues lurwg »** gwdier «vo<« upwtedwnn 8qualfc*—s 1/2-prtc* (when you buy • Bo— Acoustim»s»SE5 system and any surround sound r—«vf I iBo-jj <0' «mud ■ UO BOOKSTORE AUPP/VIDEO MAIN FLOOR OF BOOKSTORE 1TTH A\'D KINCAID M-F 730-6 SAT 10-6 PH 146-4131