LETTERS Oaf control I have been planning for sonic time to write a letter about the security crew con tracted by the athletic depart ment. and the recent letters to the Emerald [ODE. Nov H) have convinced me that it's high time! Those rude, thoughtless folks were contracted, as I under stand it. in response to rowdi ness at last year's football games 'The most unfortunate result of the whole mess is that these blue-coated oafs were used to "control" the crowds at last spring's track meets. They replaced a crew of older folks who were friendly and effi cient. It's important to note that fans at track meets are not row dy In fact, a cheerful, friendly, family atmosphere prevails at every meet. This past spring the new se curity crew managed to ruin al most everyone’s fun at the meets They approached each meet like gestapo. They were surly and rude They carried some rules to silly extremes like not allowing an athlete to go sit with his parents, even though the stands were almost empty They clearly weren't track fans, and their actions showed that they had no appreciation of proper behavior at track meets, for example, they often stood in front of the stands, blocking people's view Their behavior at each meet was in ept and heavy-handed. I strong ly recommend that they not be used at any more track meets |im Lung (iheinistry A Grand • Finale } For Any Evening... Afte> Q hard day * woik Of for o quiet end to o vpeciai evening—come to Omen Relax your mind ov you gaze up at the star% Pampe< your weary muscle* m o 'ub of worm rushing wote' Unwind and enjoy—any night of the weeH HOuHif not tjO xinTa THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fmi Conmntanl totaling Attontabta SunShower on compos • m-iiii i» * tMiNDBUANP * ant AT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 50VIOEO GAMES All GAMES YYORH WITH NICKELS ADMISSION '1 SO STM STREET PEMUC MAMET (USERE • MI-MR4 Avoiding reality Editor’s note: because of two misprints in S Ross' loiter which run yesterday wo have rerun her letter in its entirely Th«* liniversitv's response to rape on campus has lieen to provide increased lighting and sev eral escort services for worn on. both on and oil ( atnpus 1 do not suggest we abandon sin h efforts nor do I question their effectiveness but they should he recognized lor what they are rape avoidance strate gies What message is the Hrand administration sending when its best efforts to ensure the safety of women on campus consist til warning them of dan ger and helping them avoid it' What are we being taught, if when confronted with a threat to our safety, well-being and personal freedom we are told, even encouraged, to cope with (lie situation rather than t hange it? This administration's mini mal response to rape serves by example, to < reale i iti/ens who view the social realities ol their time as uiimalleahle givens, be vond their abilities'as irldividu als or communities to change What if the administration i hose to implement not a rape avoidance policy direi led at women, but a ra|>e prevention pole v directed to the commit mty as a w hole' The process of «mating .1 1 ommunity response to this is sue would provide every stu dent on this campus with an education in six nil responsilnl itv and personal empowerment that would contribute to the community at large long after our diplomas are framed and bung on the wall So how about it' What have we got to lose' S. Ross Student 10 TANNING SESSIONS *19.95 expires November M), IWO 344-2691 T-' V SHVtPMAP VIDtO l^\ 1888 Franklin MONDAYS rHROUC.H t RIDAYS Luncheon Specials Baung Baung $425 ( ps/j/r. ne\l to II of () Bookstore CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) I . I ill) 14.1-28.12 ODE Classifieds get RESULTS! THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "That story again? ... Well, one stormy night, when the whole family was asleep, your grandfather quietly rose from his bed. took an ax, and made aaaaaall you little grandkids." BICYCLI SERV1CI t’KNHTISK wmmmmmmm K Em! 13th EUGENE OREGON Mi «*ij k*« $ Save On $ a rainy day! 20% off when it rains in Eugene hours: 8am-6pm Mon-Frl 9am-5pm Saturday offer good thru 12/15/90 Ntwique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM $2 95 In the Fitthpearl Building ?07 [ ‘ilh Avenue 343-9000 Giants / C i'nMi Is / F xams complete hi!’ on premists lor fast service Students! $15.00 off Eye Exam with Student I I). Card rainbow optics ">*» I nth A vc ttfu* Mock from l; of O f nv parking in b.u k Hours M I H.im pm Sit H.»m ^pm (il IKK I'M'IKKS II 10*10 GO DUCKS-BURY OSU MAKE THE TRIP TO CORVALLIS IN STYLE! ◄ U of 0 sportswear <4 u of 0 squeeze bottle •« u of 0 foam cool cans < if o foam stadium seats EVERYBODY DUCK into 720 E. 13th • • [ M\ I U" I \\ ||| S l» I H I I F CAMPUS COW! (TION Oregon DAILY EMERALD PO h..\ Oregon ¥?40» The Daily Emerald i* published Monday through Friday e*cept during eiarn week and vat ultons by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co a! the University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon the Emerald ■*, operated independently of the University wilh offices on the third floor of the £rt> Memorial Union and McMichaet Adnenn© Radctiff© Janet Schober Business Gorman Chapman Judy Connolly Production Jennifer An her Kathryn Barton Mia Bertelsen Tom Bos a Jdf A:-ce Cannon Lotus Child Carol Dopp Jim Finch Corine Fner Yvette Gill. 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