Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 .05^ERSOMALS Thonfc* to* » g*»*» t»mo on S«fu'Ct»y Ntyhl' Yog .# Ih« b*»t" lo*o .it KRISTEN! Love. Your tennis buddy Your help is needed1 Offering up to IKK) 'depending on pertinence end Quantity of fact*) for information concerning individuals and organization responsible for violation of basic human right* slander* organized harassment and characlar assassination of mate individual on Mrlyeid St at tSth Ba aware that these persons operate on the principle of disinformation concerning both themselves and me the target of then operation* Must be witling to have information notarized Both information and witnesses are needed to initiate legal case Write Jon Gregerson t*>39 Hiiyerd 5l Eugene Or see me directly between 6pm 1 'pm Phi Kappa Psi Party let s grttte *•> over each other agam’ _love AlphaChr_ AXHBARN DANCE DATES It's almost here, the funniest dance all year! We hope you're ready, 'cause we are! Tapping is tonight! Love, Alpha Chi XQ XQ Shoupie & Serenaders: I m usmt U t** • .laavn'.^Jby On* cube but not 13’ i told the neighbors P S * thins there s a ChiO to Warn*?* IlHUMEE LOST BROWN WAUET ^ t*-d m i art}* monvyfNOv 1? (S00 pffl) at UO bus stop Plaase 4d*> /VUintghi o* PlC tlKEno DepU LOST Mate up beg , ^ * . , ON CAMPUS' CVA TYPING SERVICES Mt*jh »yp*fMj *'hJ Ej 24 ^* TYPING UNLIMITED it»M Compact** C>rtv) SchO»>J App ?>•«%• call 485 3343 Ba'ba'ii land t tJJva >n '4T&&0 344 4510 tOS f 13th Art lICiaWiryM ittiWl * (»t«du«ir School Apf>t*»vcd * I httcil«lK>ni,'nKK vlk cradeni M hr.* h«j» Call Jo# at MS 7496 .30 FOR SALE Car COVf. *dtx * 160 «H30h for a *hoi* wail $7S 0»‘Q.n*i $2 . 72 $M* 4»*> as&3 FORSAU MISC It>4 W Bf litwjy Eugene Oregi n 97401 M33) 343 C-«> • , ■ « Kan wood *RC 2004 M» Call J45 00% or 344 SdM WTOrOTACEllCAOT ifcJOQroffer 34513M 8/ CHIV Cavattav Wpn 3 ( , 4 ; Lent J< 1 Mu*i Sen '»*»-. "iftce l J170Q Ot Trad* 7474697 ns NICS Fo» Sato 1 *’ . d * 'i<- .«•■ .*g«- 27 F* tmaQ**fi<«»' LO punter *o< mitisi $77Voho Phfio# :5,4ft kj9i day* FREE MOUSE! *t»rO procefcwnfl KJ UfldtdM A11 U $799 OO Computer Systems West 175* Wtllamalia 34? 4153 PC Software for *ala Mart,*- t • • >d OIF pami clipart utilities ale Manuals, 'nga registered 344 92**2 Wanted to Buy Macintosh Prefer image W»Re’ ltx. JAB 375! 4H4 ‘jOJ** r .enmgs WANTEOTO BUY! Battery powered typewrite’ with computer interface port Cali Jeremy MACINTOSH MEMORY' 1 SM * ? MBS129 4 MB $256 Memory direct Ca»« 343 254* Memory Word Proca**or • $ v *' New Smrth Corona drive 52«Oot*> Thad M2 6957 MS Word 5 0 Student trillion Brand new 599 call collect 673 0075 BEST PRIC1 s ON~36S SX~ 286 18 COMPUTERS AND MULTI UNGUAL SOFTWARE 05/00 FO H3/S4 MODI M $99 2400 BO INT’L COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342 6479 OPPORTUNITIES* 16S COMPUTERS/ELECTRgwTgS ZENITH LAPTOP * . . K :3' .. . $550 C**< Jo* 6634395 i;o SOUND SYSTEMS Rockfofd f 0*g«t* 1? pro *#r»et tub wooft* $300 3 **hi 4 soft do*** tweeter vp4ate» $'50 Punch 75 imp $250 Ungo Car Alarm $17$ A* package $600 OBOonaach 667 4244 U5INSTRUMENTS Beautiful restored T Q*?f { smNjW* TO «W>'PO*!* $«50 74 FENDER Tub* Amp * •« ,. *t *vM 7- $ sound $300 ••». M no RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar tor Man s and Woman % clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING no SKI EQUIPMENT RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc HV3 SI 205cm w7Tryoiia 390 RD f.otlach CE 550 boot* 344 3D& 700 TRAVEL' Hawaii R/T Ticket Pitd to H.io via Honolulu lama t© i«s 12 15 rat! Rd trip all Ikt Port to Or«nytf L-ty leave '2 1? rlrnt i?/27 $1?ft.00robo Call 345 0095 or >44 ‘>676 Roundtnp airlma ' ■< kets Lravt Eugene it.-2i »*tu»n f«om Pboenu 11 2f, Make off*' U46791 2 on* way plana ticket* from Eugana Dec 11 tor Ta*at continuing on to Florida $99 aach / both $175 345 0M0 FITrid!? TTTiTT.T Naad a r»da to Olympia WA Huunj trip 7hankagi*>ng Megan 346 990* mi f Ml SHMAN*SOPHOMORE 'JUNIOR ENGLISH MAJORS ! Be a Poe* Ady*tor Become tamilia* adwito* ..■.jntolof Ear*1 cnMJit Tha English Pear Advising Of tic a in now accepting application* Pick one up in tha English Off tea or 122 PlC OPPORTUNITIES m OPPORTUNITIES inferpstrrd m volunteering to help staff activities during Martin Luther King Celebration Week January t$ thru ?1 t99f> Contact Frank Geltner at 346 400Q of attend the Fall MLKCC meetings Thursday* 3 30 pm m the EMU Board Room Cn/bro( ?omm HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR program ft at the u of O tor Winter A i ! Spring ipimj 1901 and t99t 9? | academic year Stipend available i include* programming Willamette ! j Valley Folk fostoai in the Spring 1 We have application* and position ! descriptions »n the Cultural Forum j j office Suite? EMU .146 4373 Deadline Wednesday Noe ?lst [ The Cultural Forym <*> ar EO A* (ffifllfttt J Thanks tor Reading our Classified*1 Cut out this ad and receive t day ! o» f RE f advertising in the ODE Ciass-heds (3 line limit) ln\r\l m i Mrrvc on the Ikurd of l)lfptt»f% \t I mi \ht% voiunUrtt j*»MtH*rt »> Ex a ' w term and i> available u* am incmixi of ibe community a oiuknt n# a (jvulty memhet «»« an ft«[4i*ycv «*t iIk l tihrml) of < began hut may not he an employee or member ol ilic xidll **l the < >»cg**o Daily I utctiiU) uc» x|v»pi i Ux pntiUif\ purpose the Otvv- « Daily Emerald o to publish j iw* vpajxi thjt «ill provide education and training l»*r viixUnt* in all jspcO* of ik»■ *pcfatmn b\ serving a campus unIkikc with itevks editorial and advertising ll-uiil MK'mhci*. jit m mattefx .>t finance potto and personnel Meitibch are retpmed It* attend itn*nihlv meetings and in wmv vjk >> (urtuipau m ouimutUvt feepunng a.kJiito«4l meeting* fl*.- appin«ill he re*ivned h* members of the K»\*fd of Director* and tlwr> *%tH select applicant* h*t a pcf**n at intrhirt* Please mlviiit n out lettc; of ap}*Jaati«*n and tfiuinc to ttoaiW \pplisatnm Otegon Daily J mcralU P O Ho* f t*o Eugene. OR V'fUl \pj>in ,»'tom Mill tv taken unlrl * »*' p m I hutvla) Nnvewbet l^th Oregon HELP WANTED NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • • I- ‘ > r girt f TV ** • • So Cab* S' ;,i A> • • bCut nt&I Hi .s» • • I- • • ;■•!$*» • *k * « ■ • Many positions available V Can 1 800937 NANI OVERSF AS JOBS S900 2000'mo Summc yr round all countries all fields free info writ* UC. PO B« . m m a am UO Crisis Center • , i Applicant* for a 20 GTF cod>fectof j position E.p*'>enC*.n crisis i intervention and supervision and ; j framing of stall a rnust Application?, j \ job description available at 209 j Student Health & Counseling Center j Bldg Application deadline 5pm Mon Nov 20th An affirmative acHotvEO * employe! ....; 230 HOUSES FOR RENT Neat to Riverfront Park Beautiful mside/oul 3 bdrm, 2’; ba Neat fo bike path, river Fireplace 1455 E Bnarclift $750 343 6000 235 APTS/I ALOERWOOD MANOR I860 Alder Street Accepting applications lor 1 bdrm & Studio fiats m e«ceiient campus com pie* Call MiM* 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 Great for 1 or 2 t bdrm turn avail Dm. 1 block to campus. $320 lease fo June 15 No pets see to appreciate 735 F 17th 343 2114,344 1561 Hideaway 715 W E 16!h Great 3 bdrm apt close lo campus Fully applianced private* parking covered walkway Move in bonus Call 683 2271 344 4219. or Chee 485 6236 Move in bonus' Londontown 601 Coburg Rd Quiet surroundings at great location | 2 bdrm apt with private i pat« of balcony $485 Call Chris eves 8 wkds 683 4645 715 E. 16th ! Single room m large house jus! on« : Mock from campus Cell Chee for more info-showings 485 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice i bdrm apt Less than 1 bfk j j from UO Corn-op laundry on site Off street pariung Only $345 683 4219 or Mike. 344 4219 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 BnarcUM Newly remodeled I wo bedroom townnouses Close to buslines' 8395 ' 553 E. 18th 'Quad «va»»ab*e now in small ! Compton Parking laundry private i | bath $260 1156 Patterson j Newly remodeled 1 bdim units Ava.iabto now' 4 blocks from campus ONLY $345* Jennings 'Co 44W E 11th A»«. I 6*3 2271 tarQ*. clean 2 bdrm 1 Mfc !o UO Fur' U>*>**»ne: y 50N NOT REALM. SIR. JUST TNt IN-RU6HT MA6AZM / South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683*9070 s Student rates Near Campus