Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mm IT’S HERE! Ski Season, That Is. November is the time to advertise your ski equip ment In the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds! If your ski equipment doesn't sell within 4 paid days, we'll run your ad for FREK. until Nov. 30th! (Private Parly Ada Only Pteaaa!) Placa adt at: Room NO. EMU EMU Main Doali i UO Oootaton Of call 340-4343 Recycle this paper. ZMMSEZIIZ CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OCX OFFICE. no EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN OESK BOX ADDED: $2. ONE TIME CHARGE GREEK LETTERS: $2, ONE TIME CHARGE mbuti ERRORS The OOE m«l«i every •» fori to avoid errors in Mfvadtta menu Each ad it proofad bafora m •anion However. mitiala* torn* Mom iMp through Wa ask that you chock your ad carefully M you should find an error. rapon It lo tha Classified Department right aw ay by calling MMM1 and wa will gladly ra run your ad corractty Wa ragrat that wa cannot bo responsible for more than ona day * tncorracl pubh cation If you do not call tha arror to our attention Tha 00C cannot ba h able for an amount greater than the amount paid for such advertising Thank you CONGRATULATIONS! Jennifer Kosta ODE Display Advertising OCTOBER S SALESPERSON OF THE MONTH We’re proud of you!! OPPORTUNITIES MTISITTES" mmm ◄ POSITION AVAILABLE ► on the OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Sc OrcjCfo I Ki*l v Emerald i* «riahtn|i ftw a pcivoi to verve in the Hoard of Dtfwiws At I arjgc Director Till* volunteer ptMilion 1% for 4 Vyr letni 4ml 1* available to an* member of the community. a student or 4 faulty member of an employer ot the liimrniy of (ktpm. hut mav not he an employee 01 member of the Mall of the Oregon Daily I menkl newspaper the primary purpose of the Ofcf«»n iKnly Emerald 1% to publish 4 newspaper that will proside education and training It* students in all aspect* of newspaper operation by serving 4 lampu* jlkIiokc with news editorial ami advertising Hoard member* as l in marten of finance. polio and prr*«*nnel Member* are required to attend monthly meetings and m unite c*»tr* pattK ipatc m committee* requiting additional meeting* I tie applKOlMim will be reviewed by member* ot the Board of Dtrcvt*** and thev will soleu applicant* lor a perwHi al interview Weave whmt your letter of applHatM** and resume to Board Appfuati.m Oicgtm Dml> Emerald P O Bo* M5V Eugene OK <*7401 Application* will be taken until 5 00 p m I hurvdav November 15th Oregon DULY EMERALD MAKE MONEY Second Hand Clothing (est. 197li) WE BEY. TRADE 8f CONSIGN quality clothinq (new to 1 yts. -'l(l) Remember us when cleaning out your closets. Or just come browse through our unique shop Call Mornings for Appt. 344-7039 SAVE MONEY IO b Mon.-Sal. 1M) I I 11H hrlwrrn Mill (k lliqli Hear environmental activist JEREMY RIFKIN Cited as one of 150 people in the U S. most influential on federal government public policy Author ot Time Wars. Alpcny. Entropy Into the Greenhouse World. I he Green l.tlcslyle Handbook I00t Ways You C an Heal the Earth in a public lecture on technology ami society. GENETIC ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENT Friday, November 16,8HN p.m. Silva Hall, Hull Certer, Eugene. Tickets through Hull Center and authorized outlets. 6#7 5000 Substantial discounts for students and seniors rrcw<*sl a, an im*uk s« taxm K«a«*n in, *nj Piaa» r»J*> C.»M»«v«nl 1* Orcp« is*u nut *»’ Hanaro lM- ( uomraoH, CMcp. nnJ ««• a,',,** It* luftnt H.lum 2 tkkHs for the prict o(l •Pick up vouchers from Anthropology Dept Office or Biology Dept. Advising Office Picture Perfect. When You Want... m QUALITY PHOTOS OB FAST SERVICE m LOW PRICES Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore SAVE MONEY! We guarantee the lowest prices in town. Bring in any coupon and we will meet that price. Ill* Don’t wait! Bring your film in by 5:00 p.m. and have the photos in your hand by 11:00 a.m. the next day! SAVE TIME-WE’RE ON YOUR WAY We’re right on campus, so you j can drop oft your film between classes! ■rats LET US ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS Our sales staff are knowledgeable and they cater to you. Come see us today!