“27 years of Quality Service ” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% diSCOUnt to U of O students on all repairs. good though 12/31 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugana. Oregon 97403 342 291* EMU Recreation Center 9-Ball Tournament Sun., Nov. 18 2 p.m. $2.00 Fabulous Prizes From :ace the Music • Napoli • House of Chen Robo-student? No but she's a SMAHI student having her eye e«am at Rainbow Optics’ Muscle balance and locusrng tests m a Phoropte' determine problems with two eye teamwork Our Automated Field Anaiy/er tests peripheral vision to detect early stages of glaucoma and other sight threatening diseases The Slit l amp Biomicroscope and Ophthal * otoscope enables the Doctor to detect 1 both outer and inner eye diseases In fact, our Doctors use 21 different tests and suite of (heart * ' diagnostic equipment to evaluate your eyes and determine your precise prescription Our stall ol three Doctors and 31 trained professionals enables us to oiler evening and Saturday appointments1 When you have your eyes checked, get the whole picture, from rainbow optics 766 E 13th one block from campus 343-3333 Hours 8 am to 7 pm Mon Fn , 8 am to 5 pm Sat UNIVERSITY Walt Disney group to visit campus MEETINGS Mortar Hoard mti'ls tonight from »i to 7 in KMU Oedar Ko held today from 4:30 to 6 p in. at the Student Health Cen ter medical library. For more information, call 344-4456. "Revenge of the Tclcmarkers" is the title of a video to be shown today at 12:30 p.m. in the Outdoor Pro gram office. Room 23 EMU. Ski Touring Night will be held tonight at 7:30 in the Out door Program Office, Room 23 EMU. For more information, call 346-4365. Deadline for submitting hit als to the Emerald front desk. IMt' Suite :it)t). is noon the duv before publication. Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place fa-fore noon Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted. Campus events and those scbeduletl neari-st the publication date will be given priority The Em erald reserves the right to edit notices tor grammar and style. USE YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD HI-DRI PAPER TOWELS 3 Liter Wine $498 no limit BE SURE TO COME IN AND CHECK OUT THE BEST HEALTH FOOD & NATURAL FOOD DEPARTMENT IN TOWN! feshop save COUPON PS # iri PEPSI Products 58* [@l expires 11/21/90 117 COBURG RD. HOURS 7a.m.-11p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK AD EFFECTIVE 11/14 THRU 11/21/90 683-8670