LETTERS He’s not I don't know who Kred Roellig is but his letter [ODE. Nov. 8) is somewhat puzzling. If Roellig is not a Greek, he seems to have been frightened into thinking they are a very powerful and dangerous force to be reckoned with. Either that or he has constructed a clever joke designed to elicit re sponses like this. If Roellig is a Greek, and seri ous. about his letter, he's doing wonders for the reputation of the Greek system. His "no one gets hurt" threat is straight out of Bugs Bunny cartoons. I’m sure everyone on campus is shaking with fright, knowing that territorial primitives like the ones that harassed Hope and her friends are just waiting for another chance to spit to bacco on students and beat up on women to protect their sa cred seats. If Roellig is a member of the Greek system, it’s no wonder that a great many non-Greeks tend to view the Greeks as a bunch of idiots refusing to be lieve that high school is over. Way to make a stand. Roellig. lonathan Schildbach English Editor's note: Fred Roellig is not a member of a fraternity S3 PMUM CHINESE RESTAURANT 1275 ALDER ST. 683 8886 StkVNG FAST LUNCH BI ST CHINt Si- Nl U’lN^IU ORIENTAL BUFFET MTM 10 30800 f'n 10 30 8 30 Sal II 30 8 30 CIomhJ Surulav DINNER SPECIALS EVERYDAY!!! I Support your I local business— I COPIES THE copy SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 the ULTiVAtE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fans disgusting As a member of the Oregon Marching Band Color Guard. I have been encouraged to be come a unit of the band. However. following the UO/UCLA game at Autzen Sta dium. I am compelled to write this letter as an individual fe male witness to events which have infuriated and disgusted me. The band runs out of the tun nels on to the field for the pre game show. On game day. due to lack of security, there were so many "fans" in the tunnels we could hardly make it on to the field on time. The band was asked by the athletic director to do a post game show following the UCLA game. Most people know the goalposts were torn down, but there was more jubilation after the game. 1. and other members of the color guard, were verbally and physically harassed by these "fans." More specifically. I was fondled, yelled at anil pushed around. People in tin crowd were trampled. Oregon football fans have no regard whatsoever for their fel low fans. I am amazed at the rampant disrespect I saw on the field after the game. Better se curity is needed during football games. But the best security compa ny in the world is not going to change the attitudes that brought the post-game celebra tion to the abuse I witnessed I was treated better by Husky fans in Seattle than I was by Duck fans at Autzen. Now tell me again the rea sons for banning the Dead? Angela Peatow Student Adolf Sanders It is regrettable the Universi ty allowed Ingrid Newkirk. «:o founder of PFTA, to speak on campus. She seems to echo Martin Lu ther King Jr. when she stales: "The bottom line is to try to make a more respectful world where you don't exploit an in dividual because they are dif ferent." That sounds great except for the fact an animal is not an "in dividual": an animal is .in ani mal. When a slug can drive a car or a i at design and build !>() slory buildings then I might lie inr.linett to believe you But perhaps I expect too much from a woman who also said, "Six million people died in concen tration camps, hut six million broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses.” I hope I'm forgiven if. when 1 look at a pigeon. I fail to see Is Your Budget | Ripping Apart? FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION ) Many new, unused sources! Call our TOLL-FREE number today for your FREE information packet! 1-800-521-7053 \CT NOW ! Sources GUARANTEED! Murphy & Associates, Klamath Falls, OR TNI FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON In a recurring nightmare, Arsenio Hall sees himself walk onstage wearing golf clothes. Mozart and when I look at Colonel Sanders I fail to him* Adolph Hitler Frank l.imbaugh History Better band How sad it is that the Stan ford Marching Hand comes to Eugene with the intent of gain ing attention and that the local media hands it to them on a sil ver platter This is not the first time this notorious band has pulled such a stunt. Why should anyone be surprised that the band would Im* as insensitive as to make fun of one of the most emotional is sues in the area? And why is the media so willing to give them the atten tion they seek? The University’s Marching Hand has grown and improved over the past eight years, first under the direction of l)r Ste phen Paul, and now under Mr. Dave Booth It consistently provides a high quality show with an emphasis on music performance (unlike the Stan ford Band, which emphasizes outrageousness). Yet the most recent mentions in the media of the University Marching Band have to do with "geeky uniforms" and the cost of sending it with the football team to tx>w! games. As a journalism major. I often find myself defending my fu ture profession against claims that it focuses on the negative aspects of news As a member of the Universi ty Marching Band I now find myself understanding the frus tration felt by other members of the community. I only hope I can remember ibis when I enter the journal ism field Mesheal Rice lournalisrn/Political Science LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must lx; factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others. CO DUCKS-BURY OSU MAKE THE TRIP TO CORVALLIS IN STYLE! •* u of 0 sportswear + U of 0 squeeze bottle •« u of 0 foam cool cans < U of 0 foam stadium seats EVERYBODY DUCK into 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy CXieen) I CAMPUS CONNECTION UNIVERSITY Mi S l» I R 1 I Oregon milY EMERALD p o «.»% .ii», i.***t*. The Oregon Daily Emerald •» published Monday through Friday e*cepl during «*am week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University ot Oregon, Eugene Oregon The Emerald is ope*alod independently ol the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private properly The unlawful removal or use ol papers is pros ecutable by law Editor Alice Wheeler Managing Editor Editorial Editor Pollllci Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Anns Rembeckr Newt Editor Editorial Editor Spot* Editor Enlartalnmanl Editor Night Editor Chtift Bouneff Pul Maseeh Ashley Conklin Leyne lafcefish Alice Wheeler Aitociilt Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Actlettles Catherine Hawley Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Features: Stacy Ivie Reporters Tammy Baley JaSe Berg. Brian Btoch. Rene De Carr. 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