Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Despite hiring mles,
CIA actions illegal
Once again the Central Intelligence Agency ia re
cruiting on campus. It should immediately cease re
cruiting efforts and get the hell away from the Univer
sity once and for all.
The CIA was scheduled to interview applicants on
campus this week, after signing a statement certifying
that it is an equal opportunity employer. Perhaps be
cause of past experiences with protests the CIA chose
to keep the location of its applicant interviews a secret.
This may be the reason the interviews were moved to
an undisclosed, off-campus location Tuesday.
University President Myles Brand said yesterday
that unless the CIA is willing to make public the loca
tion of its interviews, it may not make use of Universi
ty facilities or recruiting services.
Regardless of whether the CIA follows legal guide
lines concerning hiring practices, it conducts illegal
activities daily.
The CIA was instrumental in toppling the legal,
democratically-elected socialist government In Chile in
1973. Our leaders have acknowledged that Chilean
President Allende was murdered by the CIA.
The Contras of Nicaragua wouldn’t have lasted
three days if not for the covert support of the CIA. With
former President Reagan’s OK. the CIA was given carte
blanche to torture and kill suspected government sym
pathizers in Nicaragua.
After decades of assassinations and coups. Con*
gross finally worked up the guts to forbid the CIA to
murder foreign officials. Big deal.
The CIA does not have to account for its expendi
tures nor give annual reports. It does not even have to
acknowledge how much money it receives from tax
The only purpose of the CIA is to murder, kill and
torture. The CIA is an organization financed strictly for
illegal purposes, so what difference does it make if
their hiring practices are legal?
We supposedly live in a democracy. The CIA rou
tinely defines “democracy" to further its political
agenda, whether Congress agrees or not. As a matter of
fact, no one is sure just what the CIA doctrine is legally
supposed to be.
The University should not let the CIA anywhere
near campus. But making it go away from here fust
sends it some place else. What we don't know does
hurt us.
Speaker should cross political boundaries
The shift in the political balance in Ore
gon's House of Representatives from Demo
cratic to Republican control could lx; a po
tential disaster in a year when strong, cohe
sive actions will be needed to fix the budget
mess caused by Measure 5.
Hopefully campaign wounds will lx*
healed and the two parties will work togeth
er to come up with a solution that will
please voters.
Newly elected Speaker of the House.
Rep. I,arry Campbell, R-Eugene, has prom
ised to overcome partisan politics and work
to find the lx*st possible solution for the
This new non-partisan attitude will lx* a
switch for Campbell. As House minority
leader his job was to lx? the voice of the mi
nority, Republican party. Often times this
meant taking strong, unbending stances in
order to make sure the minority opinion was
strongly represented even though it would
eventually go down in defeat.
Observers of the State House are hoping
it was the minority leader role that made
Campbell such a partisan player. Campbell
has said as speaker he will try and represent
all sixty members of the House rather than
the 28 Republicans he spoke for as minority
leader. Such statements are positive signs
that Campbell intends to work as a team
player with Democrats and especially Gover
nor-elect, Barbara Roberts, instead of bog
ging the process down in partisan political
If Campbell doesn’t live up to his prom
ises and tries to sabotage Roberts' adminis
tration with political gamesmanship, the en
tire state will suffer. If C-ampbell plays the
role of spoiler he could lx; a tough obstacle
in the way of effective government. He has
been known for his strong presence and a
tendency to try and bully people.
We are confident, however, that he will
realize the importance of his job and handle
it responsibly, rather than using the post to
further partisan politics.
Avoiding reality
The University's response to
rape on campus luts been to
provide increased lighting and
several escort services for wom
en. l>oth on and off campus
I do not suggest we abandon
such efforts nor do I question
their effectiveness but they
should lie ret ognized for what
they are: rape avoidance strate
What message is the Brand
administration sending when
its lies! efforts to ensure the
safety of women on campus
consist of warning them of dan
ger and helping them avoid it?
What are we being taught, if
when confronted with a threat
It) our safety, well-being and
personal freedom we are told,
even encouraged, to cope with
the situation rather than change
This administration's mini
mal response to rape serves, by
example, to create citizens who
view the social realities of their
time as non-male givens, lie
vond their abilities as individu
als nr communities to change
What if the administration
chose to implement not a rape
avoidance policy directed at
women, but a rape prevention
|K)lit y dire< tec! to the commu
nity as a whole?
The process of creating a
community response to this is
sue would provide every stu
dent on this campus with an
education in social responsibil
ity and personal empowerment
thiil would continue to the
community at large long after
our diplomas are framed and
hung on the wall
So how about it? What have
we got to lose?
S. Koss
Very scary
Most students agree that ev
ery person on campus — Creek
or (M) I., grad or undergrad,
female or male, attractive to
you or unattractive to you has
the right to tie on campus with
out lie mg harassed
However. I've read many let
ters to the Emerald, mostly
from men, questioning what
does and does not constitute
harassment. So let's set a defi
nition; Harassment is any ac
tion one does to another that
makes that person feel threat
ened Sound fair?
Now men, take a woman's
perspective (or « moment. One
third of all women will tie
raped in their lifetime. One
sixth of all women on this cam
pus will lie raped every year
they are in school Scary? You
This puts many women on
this campus in the unfortunate
position of knowing that every
male is a potential rapist
Therefore a man must under
stand that to a woman he could
lie a potential rapist, even if he
knows that he is not going to
Knowing this we can under
stand why a woman may find
threatened by comments, ges
tures or unsolicited staring,
flow can a woman know if a
man is or isn’t a danger?
Men. please think about this
situation. When we look at
things from a different perspec
tive it’s easy to sec* why a wom
an may get angered by these ac
tions After all, she could be
being threatened.
|ason Siciliano
Co-director/Men Against Rape
Welfare case
In response to Tracie Hork's
letter {ODE. Nov. ti». SETA
does in no way have a monopo
ly on animal welfare and I apol
ogize if I implied such.
There are several groups in
the community that are con
cerned about the treatment of
animals on campus, however,
O'AAR is not one of them
Animals in research laborato
ries are subjected to human dis
ease. drug addic tion, toxic sub
stances. and even weapons test
ing In case you did not bother
to look up the definition of wel
fare, it includes both health
and prosperity.
I'm sorry, hut I cannot be
lieve that animals in laborato
ries lead healthy or prosperous
They are stripped of their
natural habitat, bred in confine
ment. denied social interaction,
deprived of food and water,
cut. prodded, poked, injected,
neglected and unprotected —
all for human benefit, which is
ultimately what CFAAR sup
In fact, the only welfare
CFAAK seems to be concerned
with is that of biomedical re
Todd Hausman
Power seating
Regarding Fred Koellig’s let
ter (ODE, Nov. 8). about every
one taking heed of the warning
not to mess with Greeks, I have
this to say in response to those
If fraternities want "re
served" seats at Autzen Stadi
um in the student section. I
suggest they buy the stadium
itself; then they can sit any
where they damn well please,
being in a fraternity does not
give a person or group power
over anyone else or anything.
I am not biased toward frater
nities because I do not belong
to one. It is just that I do not
have to be in a fraternity to
have an identity. If fraternities
get into the terribly bad habit of
trying to teach members of the
human race lessons, I guaran
tee they will meet up against a
great deal of opposition.
Furthermore, if Greeks think
that they will have "reserved”
seats in the student sections at
basketball games, think again.
Lighten up and get off your
power trips.
Marc Smith
Political Science