SPORTS Men’s golf team finishes eighth Tin' Oregon nwn'i golf team finished in eighth place at till! San Francisio Invitational Tuesdav while tlir women’s team stands sixth after the first two rounds of the U.S Interna tional Tournament in San Diego, Calif. The Duck men finished the 54-hole tour nament with a 1132 team score, finishing 28 strokes off of first-place Stanford's total of *tt)4 Oregon was 11th after the first 18 holes on Monday, hut moved up three noli lies over the final 36 holes as the final two rounds were laith played Tuesday Doug DuChateau led the Ducks and fin islieil in a tie for 25th in the individual stand ings with an 18-over par 231 w ith a 77 and 7(1 over the final u> holes Teammate |eff Lyons tied for 27th with a 232, hut tied for the sev enth-best score over the final 1H holes with a 75 Mark Aldrich and |im ("hrisman ear li fin ished tied for l‘lth w ith a 54-hole si ore ot 2 l(> Aldrir li had a 77 and 7*1 over the filial Hi holes Chrisman. meanwhile, had a 7(i and 78 mi the final dav The women's team w ill conclude plav to day in Ihr 54-hole U S International Tuunu miMi! with an opportunity to plat e .it least third in the team race, if not higher. The Ducks an* sixth with a f>f>7 after ll> holes but trail third-place Illinois hy only 12 strokes Brigham Young holds the team lead with ti t'l strokes Individually. Leigh llornung sits in eighth place for Oregon with a lti1 after firing an 82 Tuesday after carding a 70 in the opening round. Oregon's Amy F.lieff and Lynn Yonemoto also stand in the lop 25 as the two are tied with three others at 1(>7 in 2 trd place Klieff shot an H-t Tuesday after opening with an 85 Yonemoto stroked an 81 on Tuesday to im prove on her opening-round score of 8fi. Rounding out the Oregon scoring are Beth Mam zak and I aura Blevhl who are Iwitli tied for 42nd with 172s Mam zak had an 88 l ues dav after shooting an 8-t Mondas while Blevhl re< overed from a first-round score of 00 to post an 82 over the second 18 holes fnxitH The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for ihe Special) 95 (Addl Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Musgrave wins scholarship Oregon quarterback Hill Mus grave has added another award to liis lung list of honors Iwith on and off the fonthal! field. Musgrave has been awarded a $5,000 scholarship by the Na tional Football Foundation and Hall of Fame The award is in addition to a $10,000 fellow ship the senior from Grand lumtion. Colo, received last November. Musgrave. a finance major who was the Pac ific-HI Confer ence all-academic quarterback last season, is also lining con sidered for several other aca demic awards as well as on field honors III has already completed the nei essarv application for a Rhodes Scholarship, and is also living considered for an NCAA Top Sis Award and an NCAA post-graduate scholarship award Bill Musgrave On the field. Musgrave is one of the five finalists for the |ohn ny Unites Golden Arm Award, being presented for the fourth time this season, to the top se nior < oI lege quarterback DUCKS Continued from Page 8 The overtime session be lunged to the Saints Miriam jenkins hit two free throws with I 1(1 remaining to giv^i the Saints the lead for good at 7H-77 Shanna Daniels, a 1990 grad tiate of Oregon State, led all scorers on the night will) 27 points for the Saints, hitting five ol seven three-pointers and also grabbed 10 rebounds I think we played a very good team and a very experi enced team." said Oregon Coach Elwln Heiny. "They're not just a Mickey Mouse team. ” The ti-foot l Sporcich led Or egon with 2t) points on seven ot nine shooting, nine rebounds and Bring your car to the K Preventative Maintenance Program • Close to Campus • A S E Certified Technician Tune ups Brakes • Fuel Injection 1917 Franklin Blvd. • Eugene 485 8226