Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or AQAQ Correct your ad call: 275 MElfiN5T RIFLE CLUB Organ. Mtg. Sunday 11/ltfBO W Cedar A. 7 00 pm Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Club Sports Study Abroad Information Meetings Business Programs Mon Nov 12,1:30 pm EMU Cedar A Germany Tues Nov 13, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Linder Japan Tues Nov 13, 3:30 pm EMU Cedar C England, France, Italy. Germany Wed Nov 14, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Linder China Thurs Nov 15, 3:30 pm EMU Cedar C France Thurs Nov 15, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Linder Contact International SerVIcen 330 OH, >3207 2«0 EVENTS A Charity Ball anil be held at the Hilton Hotel Profits made will be donated to the Eugane/Sprtngfiefd Charities "NO'v 16th. a mm for looal ohariUeS.” Date Nov 16th. 1990 Place Hilton Hotel, Eugene Dinner A Dance SI? per person ($6 tor only the dance) Time: 6 30pm 1 00a rn (dance will start at 9 00p m ) Drees Code: Semi formal Ti< lets arr mow available at KM11 Main tlr>or the laMirganized student hhmm lal Ions Presented bytMong Kong Student Assoc Korean Student Assoc Singapore Student Assoc Co sponsored by:Japanese Std Assoc International Student Assoc Asian Pacific Std American Std Assoc Special HelpViafnamese StudentAssoc riot 2MJ NOMINATIONS WANTED FOR OUTSTANDING WRITING GTE Did your GTE in English Composition help you beconw a belter writer? Here is your Chimc« lo say thanks If you Niiih to nominal* your writing 121, 12? or 123 teacher lot the E nghsh Department » annual OUTSTANDING GRADUATl STUDENT TEACHER Of EXPOSITORY WRITING award pleas* writ* a letter ol nomination and send it lo the director of Composition f nglish Department. 118PIC Nominations will be solicited throughout the year f Rct->clt Ihh paper. UO CREW’S 24-HR R0W-0TH0N 10:00am today 'til 10:00am tomorrow. Come support the team and buy a shirt. EMU Courtyard. ?«s mts $ emItert Aimwim POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Travel & Sometimes the Postman Don't Ring at all 500 Nownbw t5.IS.17. VUtMd Hall II Donation Gladly Accaplad University Theatre Second Season presents LEAP OF FAITH an original play by Lorilyn Jirges, Theresa Mason and Grant McKernie November 14,15,16.17.29,30 December 1 8:00 p.m. Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346-4191 $4.00 General Public $3.00 Students ?»5 ARTS A twf ERTAIWMEWT ofcouHi mow WWU N^v*y 7 00 100 > INI Ifcwtl f — —<■ Metropolitan •n WMWtw >•#■% ' jo • » HOLLYWOODS^V*.'* MAVERICKS KLCX 104 7 LATE NITE ■am* tuTniMiSao - ajua FLATLI > LIVItjG DEAD tirs oo rm im mmt r-ll ROCKY HORROR*11 U»wm *■ an Ml* *«*•? «*M • Own Ml Ml mti. fewt »*« ***** k aa amkamut -m1 University Theatre presents BURN THIS November 9,10,15,30. December 1 8:00 p.m. Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 S6.50 General Public $4.50 Students University Theatre presents EASTERN STANDARD November 2,3,8,16,17,29 8:00 p.m. Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $6.50 General Public $4.50 Students liHioiUim HD BUNGEE JUMP $55 6830857 $95 REGGAE ★ MORE* ★ TIME* at La Salsa 44 East 7th Weds., 11/14 8 p.m. midnite "mum_: (Neil lo Pizza Pete's) 2657 Willamette 344 0816 h»>l • Item • H«gr Virrn IN '' kinih • *! dmw'iiK jm*I unp«t hrii Mfctu Hu'* >m Mf» • K*‘f»**» f" — FITNFSS CONSULTANT (,«• . » mots «eigh! luming specific sport Profession*! l |>t n 24 I lours ( )|Hll ”* D.iv s TERIYAKI ALLEY Pan Fried Noodles wI Meat and Vegetables or Vegetarian Small $2.50 Large $3.50 (bring in this coupon for a free soft drink) 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COULD YOU BY WORMNG AT THE UMVBtSrTY OF OREGON THERMO • EARN $6 00 PER HOUR PIUS BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE • WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RAISE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FRANKUN BLVD. 546-5433 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HM. (ADM 1>VRE tORNED INtO WE COHVPT-.ON QUEEN WWEN SW. FOjhD OjT t AAONT even started *t diorama PROJECT *>HtN IT W*S _ UPEA01 WE t\ TOOM ZI8 m « oNt ^ \jxz ' www s i W-Av V J ilS NOT *>S IF i/FfS iO*J irj Wrench JO'S* hi* COmrlJei wTu,wMn Mm*'0 roi /Hf Told me\ ' Ht'i JoimHO A ItKA U pvrptT W/iT«r \rMure... y my, watch it wir/ns m HAIM, yy ^27 ^ C A J U> f f R'Kf ThflU L -IV