Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Qy|C JIQ^Q Correct your ad call: w mramm CONGRATULATIONS Doof HMi on bemg the first (Wton to correctly fill out yesterday t crossword ponto Be the first person lo bring the solved crossword pui/te to the Osgon Daily Emerald Office. Room 300 f MU after flam A win a FWI ODf T-sMrt A a t§ credit tor classified advertising' ft win per week please*)__ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NIW INTERFAATEANITV COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Pres Jobn 0 V F*res Barry N Treat Barclay G Sec Kurt l Rush Chris l Tnb N»ct H Gac Keith C P R Craig N IMC Kevin R _ GREEKS' Today •& the flat to your order envelopes from last week eno r> party Wady. J44 AT50 GRUBB STREET AT PEGASUS PIZZA WED. 9 pm-12 HAPPY 71a# Shawn f t FINALLY Hop* you re reedy to C*t«tKPCt We toy® you' love Kobe Happy Hat LtlPC YOU RE FINALLY IN THE CLUB' II * time tew lh# anooymou* (W«Hi giver 10 pel her payback* Your help is needed! Offering up I© 1100. (depending on ptrliAtnct and quantity of facia) tot information conctmMg individual* and organization re«pon»ibte for violation of ba*ic human right* \lenders organized harassment and character #*»a**mat*on of male individual on Hityard Si at 15th Be aware that theta per ton* operate on the principle of disinformation concerning both themaatve* and me the target ol their operation* Mutt be •rilling to have information notarised Both information and wttna**e« are needed to initiate legal case Write ion Gregerton. 1S3$ Hilyard St Eugene Or *ee me directly between 4 p m A 7 p m Honeybear don't be blue always remember how much I LOVE YOU!!!! Scan RtnckH Yahoo1 Thank » (o< Hit good Him Irtday night You guy* an ragin t Low yo Lola. Kalhiaon 4 Mk hollo KA_ KA Planned Paranlhood * * ai infection chech* turth control and counseling Day* and evening* _3MB411_ PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tailing _ BIRTHRIGHT M7-—1 _ L+tC The dad** baah was awetoma* Thank* •o much I Thata* £?S " . TIM G The prefunc wait tun Swamp Stomp *** greal and the tunnel* were worth the wad Thank* lor a terrific weekend love Becky_ Oregon Daily Emarald’s 1 stop Marfcalplace uni-aii® Red bike found on High St Preaent Krypl Caff 34B SMB Reward 3 ring* io*l between Mac Court and EMU area Nov 2 (evening) U2 9104 WORD PROCESSING FAST, fl per paga MS 2 m iiiLliilliH* he FLYING F IMG! AS typmg aaortca Fatl aCCu'4ta. pfOfMft«on«i tiOPpago up 4MMM -JO. TMf miO MO* M)«OM IBM WOHO PHOCISSlNGtfDtTING PAPCRS TMESCS. PtSSCRTATlQMS Typing Sandeo tipanaocad typtfl OWUIQ tanrtcat on IBM compute tytlam and law ponta» Raa*onaC4a ratat CaM Paggy at WGG PAOFCSStONAL TYPING Alto word procatamg. adding Frtw ptckupMMivtry Honda 935 1099 QUALITY TYPING laMK Printing. Iltft par paga Norma. MIAMI or MTITN_ ROBIN 144 075* J0«* YIAA* GHAO SCHOOL APPNOVI0 f ■ r i p . 1 « / TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Co#npa»»b*a • Gtatl School AppfO««d j Guaranteed { PI««m call 485-3343 B«b«a L»n<| 2515 Fronts Biv»*k ( imuiin#' • I Pn»»lm|/(»i*pKk» * K4*n»*/Re«»mf* CAROLYN_CINDY 1?0 TUTOWIMG Noodod Tulo* lo» CIS 120 Cull Mart,J4I 31#7 SftAu MATH BIOLOGY CHEM Tulormg «t you* homo ©* ichim! 0n*on omJ to* &oU»' Sftfrobo CoH 6&3 1*54 . lo*o M«l Ottoman rock** |I7S 1 tool couch. 112* Soft ttdod «*•»•« bod, homo hoodboord drtut* I minor. S200 Coll 4#S?07ft Moylino ft ktooi and mapl* droMmg lo bio S7S0 Mutch LM Dialling Mot h>n* 1400 t icoMfltnl condition 344 0907 FOR SOLE MiSC I LI* FUTON FRAMES 1 pn»im». lactory «ncl !•*». MO. r«0». MO Ohmm MO. 0»0»»n A .MUM* bfMIf. •»«« On* Qu**n Wat*rb*d With bOOkca*# headboard Gelt 660 44W aMerfip m MaM offer NMn k WOO cimwii body, 175 VMt» 76710 lent m. Fleth. f 10 Tafcomar TOM L«n» ITS. Sol WOO liw mOQOQfO: Mike. 1440710 Solid hardweed thotvet vtd hardware Enough for « wbo*e wall. ITS Ordinal Manmekko framed print*. 36 a 57". 57 « 77 165 485 0563 Coeh lor your u*ed lev* t *0t Too OW i« ok but no big ho*e» Of paint 15 pa* pant Kay 344 4670 ~~ 1001 Toyota Corona Hatchback Run* escottenl. A/C. iunroof 110QOtobO Aofc Jojr I go»v* 6661054 ■t Kenwood KRC 7004 >■ power tape dock 4 *a)a St65 00/obo Can 3450005 Of 344 56/6 _ 86 Mazda 323. 4 dr. AM/FM cassette, under lull warranty. Low miles. $4950. 343 7858. M TO»OIA CUIC* 01 . ?#K • wheel* power *mttet 345 1 355 •7 CHtV Cavalier Wgn 4 last Job Mutt Sail Sacrifice For 13700Of liada 7476697 Hi COMPUTERS/tlECTROWICS Computer Systems West Xt SMSOO V'MU 00 msx ittswoo System* include DOS 1MB HAM ! /0MB HO monochrome morn tor | Student 10 ail* receive 5% discount 342 4153 for Sala 1 yi ou.1 wtr 141 lm«QtaMt8« tO printer to* Macmtoth Software driedi *n<3 cables included 17 7S‘Obo Phone 346 3891 Oayt BEST PRICES ON 366SX. 266 16 COMPUTERS AND MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE OS/OO f D 10714 MODEM 106. 7400 BD INT'L COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342 6479 MACINTOSH MEMORY} 1 MB 169 7 MB 1170 4 MB 1756 Memory direct OR 343 7541 Memory Weed Processor under i.»00 New Smith Corona w*di*k drive ITflOobo Thad 3476657_ MS Word SO Student Edition Brand new 166. call colloct, 4736075 Warded lo Buy Mactntoah Prefer image Wider loo 3463751 or 464 6635 evenmgt_ WANTED TO BUYl Battery powered typewriter with compute! interface port Calf Jeremy at 663 0647 evening* ___ FbH/lLEMKc - 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (b03) 343 3622 FUTONS & FRAMES l urnivhin^s * 1 iphnnj: * Pixjcrs * Clothing # Jewelry m COMPWTEki/aiCHWWIci ZENITH LAPTOP *G 77OK drtm $550 CNI Jo* 6A363S6 itssowhwwi nociiora r otgut 17 pro MrtM wt> mwlor MOO nximiwmmimmi m> runcti rs omp UM Unpo Car Alarm lin As pscMQi. 1100 OAO on aach. M7 4244 ...KiAU W Corns »M ot The mo»! eacitmg resale store around Bing Cherry Poise* MW 13th m0VTP90Higcn^i|ia_. Ski Touring Night U0 Outdoor Program presents “Ski Touring Night" in preparation (or the ski season. Wed Nov 14, 7:30 pm in 'Outdoor Program room. : FREE. Come learn about equipment and places | to go. 346 4365 Rd trip a«r tkt i Lttnw 12/12, rtm* 17Q1 $i75 00/obo Call 34500% Of 344 54176 TooTfcAKii - Hawaii IVT Ticket Ptld Jo Milo vi« Honolulu Female tvs 12/16 rtlufn 12/29 Make otter 343 0341 Koundtnp *nlm» t > » < Eugene 11/21. return bom Phoem* 11'26 Make offer 344-6791 2 on* way plan* ticket* Irom Eugene 0*c 11 tor Tea** continuing on to Florida $9»aach#bothfl7S 3450440 2 round trip. Eugen* San D**qo Ainka Aiu.w leave Doc 20 return One 24 $.356 both 6A3 1 m 2,i6W>RtiIiTilf interested in votuntaanng to halp staff activities during Martin Lufha* King Cal*Oration Weak January 15 j lluu 21. IM11 Contact Frank Geltner at 344 4000 or attend th* Fall : MLKCC meetings. Thursdays 3 30 pm in th* EMU Board Room Ctdtur&t forum HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR Th* Cultural Forum »s looking for a studorn to cocKdmafa folk music programs at the U of O for Winter A Spring farm* 1991 and 1991 92 academic year Stipend available Includes programming Willamette Vaitey Folk f estival in lh* Spring We hava appiit al*ons» and position descriptions in the Cultural Forum Office Suite 2 EMU 3464373 Deadline Wednesday Nov 21 *1 PROGRAMMING/PLANNING INTERNSHIP WITH WESTERN RIVERS GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL The care#' Development Internship Program offers ff>* opportunity to gain practical espen#nc« and upper divt sion credit Read position description in 221 Hendncks Hail and sign up lor an interview* SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition waiver plus monthly stipend tor Qualified persons interested in earning a master s degree and special education certification For mora details writ* to Sandi Davis 176 Education. University o» Oregon hi mu BASKETBALL REFEREES NEE Of 0 Sat/Son games Cam S have tun CaM Biti Weaat. 484 0486 or Ktdsports won__ Owctn awN. Great Alaskan Bus* Company Excellent monay 1030 Mwy 99 North 8889027_ Earn 91000 or mora par month at homa MLM CaM68B 7341 INTELLIGENCE JOE*- Alt Branchas US Customs. OEA. ate Now hiring Cailjl) 90S 6878000 Cut K 9642 It's aaslar than you think to pay tor your college educat»on working at Jiggias Excellent monay flexible hours Call Nancaa or Brook tor per sonai interview. 3446097 Law School naads Computer Tech: knowledge of IBM compatible hardware end software. DOS, and modems WordPerfect. Lotus, or DBase experience helpful Preference glean to work-study eligible ■ppBeawlk. Call Marilyn af 348-3880._ LIVE IN JAPAN Individual* with professional experience m business education, engineering languages or related fields with a university deg reels I interested in teaching English in Japan lor one year to employees of major corporations and governmental agencies should send a comprehensive in-depth resume to IES Shin Tat so Bldg. ID 7 Dogeruaka 2 choma Shibuya-ku. Tokyo 150 JAPAN tat 103)463 5398. Fa* (03)463 7089 OVERSEAS JOBS 9900 2000/mo Summer, yr round, all countries, all fields Free into, write UC. PO Bi S20R03 Corona Dot Mar CA 92625 SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5.000 openings1 National Parks, Forests. Fire Crews Send stamp tor tree details tl3 C Wyoming, Kali spell MT 59901 ratfti/lMiHEkff ALDERW00D MANOR 1860 Alder Street Accepting applications tor t txlrm A Studm Hats in excellent campus com plea Call Mike 344 5695 tor details Jennings • Co 663 4719 Hideaway 715 W E 16th ! Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully appliance*) private parking coveted walkway Move in bonus Call 663 2271 344 4219 or Chae 485 6236 Move in bonus) Londontown 601 Coburg Rd j Oute? surroundings at great location I 2 bdrni apt with private ‘ pafiu/batcony $485 Call Chris eves 6 wkds. 683 4645 715 E. 16th Single room in large house just one block from campus Call Chee tor more info/showings 485 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice t bdrm apt Less than 1 bik trom UO Com op laundry on site Off street parking Only 9345 6834219 or Mike 344 4219 GREYST0NE T0WNH0USES 211 Bnarctitt Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' 9395 553 E. 18th Quad available now m small complex Parking laundry, private bath 9260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 txlrm units i Available now' 4 blocks trom campus ONLY 9149' Jmnnktgs+Co v 488 E IHh A»e. 3 683 2271 Latg*. dt«n 2 bdrm i bik lo UO Furn do«*»tof'dtspo&«i loft ot taking n*w carp*. vaiu*. 6QW ____ largo ona bodroom apt. c>om to camput ptmip SAUPt ARABIA .. TWO LIBERATE KUWAIT! ANP three, restore peacg and STABILITY 10 THE. REGION. THAIS WHAT PA BEEN ORPEREDTOPO, ANP THATS WHAT I'M DAMN mi TO00' IS THAT CHAR? V3P5, SIR, IT... \ TO. GENERAL! WHYPOmCU PART THE-R£P SEA WHILE TO/RE AT ITT FREE Movie Rental with rental of equal or greater value VCR & 2 Movies 48 Hour Rental only S59b valid Wed & Thurs only Thrj H 30 1495 E 19th 342 4972