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ONE TIME CHARGE GREEK LETTERS: $2. ONE TIME CHARGE Looking for a place to live? See sections 230 260 too MuNtCtlOHS tooting lor one or two te'ious role playtn to complete a parly »ot ADAO campaign Cad Scott M6 T4A6 PERSONALS - Congratulation* to the KA0 who has spent ten months with Joe K.!H We have ri»#n to an ad new high GREEKS' Tohi, me nay to tu"> emlspaM, Wady J44 A7S0 AX \ W« d like to **y thanfcS foi the parent* n.gnt test And want you guy* to snow Planned Parenthood ha*> a p** ■ > ten that it 99* • accurate one da> a'te' a m>»*«-.! py**1 ■ xl1 Ini.tudf- onbtated counseling *>. 44 >411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tasting BIRTHRIGHT 647 «6St lit The ddd * ha»h was awetome Thanks Schirmer you am a Storm Oueen ’ SOtets *h»l rw»i- lo»« you'sisters imimi ml LK Study Night Wednesday! 6YOB (Bring your own book*} ____KAO.. Stacy B. is 21 today. and H i about time' Happy Birthday' _ Uw y, Taw_J Theta Chi Kevin 6 Hey men the t*n«rt •< n on IBM compute* system end ia%e» printer Reasonable tale* Call Peggy at 342 46*6 professional typing A»*o wo*d processing adding Free ptcfcuprdefivery Ronda ®3f> ttl92 ROBIN 344 C7S9 20th Yf AR' GRAC SCHOOL APPROVE0 rditmgrd *»*r tation expertise Fu*l resume ■»«*« ON C AMPUS' CVA TYPING SERVICES M-gh quality typing end editing fast 24 hour service CaH Ann 34$ «M7 Typing, word processing. tenM , publishing graphic* Laver printer 1$ yea* * e»pen#nce «F*ee p*ck up delivery) Carpi* 6tU»6b7t) Printed text to computer files BBnmmtmn 7474580 si:offo^ii-(W«j *J fOR SALE MISC 'Tii-iO 344-45101 AOS E llthAii TYPING UNLIMITED G*ad ScHoerf Approved | GvA*«ntM fro«!*e» |IW #8 U Of 0 #'«» *‘f><-« l®#t J The WORD SPECIALISTS] V D»»cft*f»vn% '1 he »c eTapers IBM Compatible^UMk ( onset*mw» ► (Aset Print w*,T it sphn* CAROLYN CINDY '*wm : Calculus 253 student needs tutor B4|»f >44 029? mWIKTHW FRf I ISM PS/2 Windows and Word lor Windows Orientation a! V©k ano« *gy Room it9on Tuesday November 13 200pm 4ptr Th.& tree orientation <* avertable to an UO Faculty Sta»f am) Students The or>*^tation «* yawed toward _ Lifeguard & ALS an update class will b* bald 11/14 11/17 Call Sheldon Poo* 68/ 5314 130 FOR SALE - Car covat a vr > 560 *«d spaafcv board 120 ito» Wr Scmxcoi Bias Doormats 15 2 6’. mtd speaker* 5” Dash 30 * 00 S Drawer Formica M0 Ml 501/ FUTON FRAMES 3 position factory direct Twins 140 Fulls 150 Queans 160 Delivery Available -'ey Mfg 935 44?• GUITAH Great *ot beginners 1200 obc* Can 461 4204 Catherine Male your lumpy mattress'? M *• month oJ lam t.omfonatMe and lor vrti* MSrobo Cdt) 683 1434 Love seal attoman. tocher, lt/5 / toot couch 1125 Soft sided water bad Itama. headboa »d dresser A mirror 1200 Call 4*5 2076 Mayima 6 t-o- 125C Mu tub t V Draft g Ma- h » « 1400 Csceiieni orftdtbon >44 090/ One Queen Waterbed 1*69 4452 after h p m Mas# ©Me/ Pantai K 1000 camera body 1/5 Vivitar 70-210 lens i/S Hash HO Takumar 26 60 lens 1/5 Sal 1200 Leave massage Mthe 344 0210 Solid hardwood %r «- «r- an 1 ha'dea't S‘» •. « eight » 4 185 Origin *i Manmeiio (tamed ptints 36 » S. 52 * 72 195 405 8503 _ Ticket S F Thanksgiving Leaves Thurs am Cost or obo 896 3639 eves FORSlltMlsC 135 but 6b YkAot C#*h to* fCHjt UMrd Levi » 501 Too Old «» o* txi! no t»fl NX»i o» pe»nt $-6 pe* •» K«v 344 6W0 U5CABS SEIZFO CARS trv **. boai* 4 wheel e*V m«!o' t»y FBI IPS OCA Avertable vouf am a no* Caii ' *y * f • ' • 1 ! _____ IM6 VW GTI M«*tJ .. . . . tires stereo nice f«1* $5250 Call 344*775 3 mths o« Kenwood KRC 2004 Hi power tape d«K> 4 sal* $165 OG otso Ca»< 345 0096 ft*f .345 1365 87 CMtV Cavalier Wgn La*! Job Muti So*! f»acr*f«ca For $J7DOO» Trad* 7476697 its COMPUTERS/EltCTROHICS Computer Systems West I * t $749 oo | ! ?B6 $949 00 | v6C.*>X $1199 001 ;n m*tx That! 342 696? _ M5 Word SO Student Edition Brand new $W call collect 6730075 Wanted to Buy M*c»nto*h Pret«- image Writer too .>46 3761 o» 4ft4 9636 evenings WANTED TO BUY! Battery powe»«*d typewrite* with 175 INSTRUMENTS 1957 Fender St**! He issue Beautiful •.unburst w ■ a%«- $476 firm 3440472 iso SKI EQUIPMENT IT’S HERE! Ski Season, That Is. November is the time to advertise your ski equip ment in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds! It your ski equipment doesn't sell within 4 paid days, we ll run your ad tor FREE, until Nov. 30th! (Private Party Ad* Only Please1) PUC* 4Kl» at Hoorn 300 EMU EMU 0*>k A UO BookkKxt or call 346 4343 PPPOBT^ITII? If your birthday is this month, place an ad (up to 3 lines) for free! Oregon D.iiK Emerjld Room JOG, EMU i«OUTD6bBRECRE*Ti5r~ Rd trip jim Ik! Pori to Orange Cly leave 12/12 Mrns 12/2? $1?5 00/obO Call 3460096 or 344 6876 Apply for FREE VI$A/Amencan E * prtm aid A take off with .1 TWA $99 tlighl any where m the USA' Huffy. e*p Vi 30 Cal1 "-a 48$ 8839 CHRISTMAS. Spring B'ca*> iummei travel FREE Air coufieis needed and cruise sh>p jobs Call i 806682 7555 **t FJ461 Roundtnp airline tickets Leave Eugene 11/21, return from Phoeni* 11 /?6 Make otter 344 6791 R/T Plane I • 20 returns Nov 26 Must sell 667 5713 F reedom Bowl a*rta»e $99 48$ 8839 TRAVEL ANYWHERE 2 R/T tts (1 male i female) any where m the US A Caribbean Good til 131*91 Price neg Malt 485 3046 eves 2 one way plane lickata from Eugene Dec 11 lor Teias continuing on to F Ionda $99 each / both $175 34$ 0880 2 round »np. Eugene San 0 wAmTeD Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company ExCllltnl money 1030 Hwy 99 North ftdO-9027 INTELLIGENCE JOBS US Customs OCA etc Now hiring Call (1) 805687-6000 Ext K 9642 Ift tiiltr than you think to pay ter your co>lag* education working at jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Nance* or Brook for per sonai interview 344 6897 _ Law School needs Computer Tach knowledge of IBM compatible hardware and software. DOS. and modems WordPerfect. 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Fully applienced private parking ; covered walkway Move in bonus Call 663 2271 344 4219 or Chee. 485 6236 Move in bonus1 Lortdontown 601 Coburg Rd | Quiet surroundings at great location 2 bdrm apt with private ! oalio/balcony 548b Call Chris eves 6 wkds. 663 464b 715 E. 16th } Single room m large house just on* Call Chee lor more mfo/thowtng* 465 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th | Nu.e i fxJrm apt Less than 1 bik from UO Com op laundry on site j ! Off street parking Only 534b 683 4219 o« Mike 344 4219 GREYST0NE T0WNH0USES 211 Brtarcliff i Newly remodeled two bedroom j | townhouses Close to buslines' i 5395 Can 688 3650 553 E.18th Quad available now in small I compfe* Parking laundry private I ! bath 5260 1156 Patterson j Neyv'y remodeted i txJrm units Available now1 4 blocks *rom art.pus ONLY 5345‘ Co 488 E 11th Ave 883 2271 large clean 2 bdrm di&washerdisposa1 tom oi p«lmg n«w «. arpet »«nai 6A3 B919 Ltg ^ Bd*m Close lo Campus Sap ba wamfy large walk m closet IxjUgrmutil closet Specious kitchen in a clean, quiet comptes Call 4S4 4103 Roomy 2 bd»m Carpeted 2 block*, from - ampus W/D »n unit No pets S450/mo $*>0/person deposit 4B4 10S7 M 1 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU GOOD MORNING. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I'M RUNNING LATE. GOUT ME CUT TO THE CMAGE ! I ! \ t I i LAT&y THBM-G BUNA LOT OF 1005Z TALK ABOUT THBKi, BBT NO A MORALB PROBLEM AMONG THE HGHTiNG HORCBG «=>>. OF OPERATION OBGtOT YA - SMEW' imi. I'M Htf’S 10 TELL YOU THEM IS no MCmi PfiOUBM' PEPCAI Ib&Bt, IS no NOPALB PPOBUM ' ANY TAIN ABOUT MORALE PROBLEMS IS PURE / POPPY COCK! P!S MISSED! ME MUST JUST HAVE AN ATTI TUDE PRO0UM. TEAM. I • siimsiu- \ii i < 1 / ^ w. I Rent I Movie j Get the 2nd | One Free S (expires 11(30/90) I (With a movie o) equal li or greaier value) f 1888 Franklin Blvd. ! (n»«l lo 7 11 on Vlllard) i 344-2691