Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
causo ho is back and forth t>e
tween the archive basement
and the dorm basements, w hen1
more records are kept.
Another floor of Fenton
houses "hundreds and hun
dreds of architectural drawings
and all of the dissertations."
He has file cabinets of broad
sides used for publicity and
"50,000 negatives
Richard is an admirer of Uni
versity history. The yellowed
piece of paper on his desk is an
"As far as the law is con
cerned. this has no earthly val
ue.” he said. "Throw it away.
But history would say. No.
this is a unique item.'
In 1870. the Uiurean Society,
a campus men's organization,
formed a Committee on Illumi
nation. Its sole purpose was to
determine the manner of light
iug the candles before each
meeting. But the members were
not uninspired by their negligi
ble task.
Instead, with ironic resold
lion, they attac ked their duties
and "dispelled the deep shades
which have hitherto darkened
this room
Student irreverence is one of
Richard's favorite topics lie
has framed and placet! on the
wall two versions of the “Ten
Commandments." dated 1HH2
The first was the faculty's edict
of proper behavior The second
version was a clandestine stu
dent version, which "essential
ly told the faculty to sit on it
Kic hard is fas< mated by ster
eotypes. Me said students today
do not believe students of the
past had a sense of humor, and
that history tends to romanti
cize its heros He suggested
George Washington would
have welcomed 1’eptn liismol at
Valley Forge
"If you pricked him. lie
would have hied," he said
History also romanticizes
war A student flag hangs high
on the wall of the archives It is
dated 1914 and has only 4H
stars. Women on campus
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Good through December 15. 1990
sewed it for tlif University Ih
vision for World War I Al
though the ambulunee corps
left. the flag staved Ivohmd
The archives are not just
about the past Kit hard has
great stories about more recent
hero® Vic: Sabin, an archilei
lure student, is a favorite hi
his fervent desire to save a pop
ular student hangout. Sabin
wrote a petition The year was
1963 and he was the harbinger
of social revolution
Sabin look his petition to the
fraternities and sororities Soon
after. On Omega wrote a letter
to the dean of men in protest
"They wouldn't let him in
the door." Ru hard laughed
"This awful (warded man It
was the beard th.it really turned
them off At that time he was
too much lor them
The campus does have a radi
cal past. Richard revealed Dur
ing the revolutionary years of
the late 1960s, there was glass
broken, rallies, and 1*1 X* was
Iximhcd Police were stationed
on campus
Richard has stories about
contemporary heroes, some
thing Iti.it makes him a re
souri e tor the national net
works When Ahmad Kashad.
who was known as Hobby
Moore w hen he played football
.il Oregon, began work at NIKI,
the sports department bor
rowed film of him. Richard
said He has also sent stills to
(IMS Sports
Richard has University ath
letii events on film, including
the oldest football game on film
from l'H I lie also has early
film of campus KKZI used his
footage lor their segment of
"Kugone, 1‘ti‘i 1‘IH‘I" last year
Photographs show l-'enlon Hall
used lie a baseball diamond
Richard has I.(till) audio
tapes of University speeches
dating from l‘Ht< John Ken
nedy. Robert Kennedy. Dick
(Iregory. and Stokely (.'armi
i hael are among the speakers
"lames VIit honor spent a few
days on campus, giving lee
lures and talking with the Kng
IinIi classes," Richard said,
,hMini’ that lie plans to make a
catalog of these tapes and dis
tribute it to the faculty. At the
moment, they "don't net much
Ills upcoming projects in
i lude converting to video the
nation's first student film, a si
lent called "Ed’s Co-ed.” He
said he plans to add some mu
sic and sell copies to the pub
In In the spring lie wilt take
over the glass cases at the front
ot Knight Library fur an exhib
it Last year his theme was
"Looking at the Campus from
Last to future." lie displayed
( lass photos from HUM) along
with reunion photos to show
"people grow ing old and dying
off "
Kit hard has an exhibit in the
library now, tilled "This was
Football." showing pictures
and antique Dm k athletic
equipment. Kit hard said be
tries to c hange Ins display at
least once a month
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