PARKING Continued from Page 1 public protests, .ind have called and written University admin istrators and Fugene adminis trative stafl In condemn the idea. “I apprec iate the University's being sensitive to the feelings of residents." said (lamp boll (Hub resident John l-lanery of the dei ision to discontinue parking garage plans "I'm very happy I think it means the neighborhood exists tor people who live here, not for people to park their cars " "What it suggests is ideas like the free ridership program are working." Oliver said of the shift in parking demands The University has a conlrai t with Lane Transit District to al low free bus rides to people who show University identifi cation, paid with student and state funds Oliver said Sacred Heart Hospital and Northwest Christian College have ar ranged similar contracts with LTD. The Stale Lmergem v Hoard authorized about $3.5 million last vear to build the parking garage Oliver said at the Oregon State Hoard of Higher Kduca lion meeting in Corvallis Fri day that administrators will re quest the remaining funds lie diverted to improving, expand ing and adding surface parking lots on campus Hy paving, striping and light ing the Bean Residence Hall parking lot. 140 parking spaces can be c reated. The same im provemenl of the Whittaker lot. north of Franklin Boulevard, will add 1.10 spaces The Uni versity science complex offers 50 spaces, and another 30 spaces can lie added around campus. (iliver said Adding bicycle parking facil ities has also decreased de mauds for car parking. Oliver said "We know we have a parking shortage," Oliver said "The i hallenge is. c an we act ran plish the same goals in differ ent wavs?" + MJNDCRIAND * GRt AT fOR PARTlf S AWO WRTMDAVS '0VIDEO AlL GAMf s "o** 5^,,utu WltHNICRlLS GAMES ADMISSION ‘1 SO SIM STRUT PURUC RUMST (UC(Rf • UI-MR4 «£>j Dklk'Ki\(i And DRIVING CAN KILL A I KlKMISUn* MMMMRMMI Mushroom hunt Dave U.igiwr, University biology professor. lends na ilin' lovers mi .1 hunt tor mushrooms nml still blooming nihlflow rrs in Alton linker l‘nrk. This hour-long troll happens ever\ I'lmrsil.n nt 12 p.m. until lfe( ember 12. Photo by (■oil Kussoll Budget Travel cminar Find out the money sasmg basics by attending a free seminar and ski slide shaiv Tuesday, November 13, 4.-00 Eib Mem. Union, Walnut Room Sponsored by Career Placement and Planning and Counctt on murnttlon«l t dutMton* Uchon^i FOR LOW STUOCNT/fACUITY AMFARES AND MOM PROGRAM ^FORMATION CAU tta tvoo OR 1-400-MS-MS4 RECORDS 542 7975 < 25® 2 15th < - 2 Cash For LP'5, CD'S and Tapes Open until 6 5un-Thurs Open ’til ? Pri & PMt The Customer Is Always Right. Well maybe. . However your ideas combined w ith our technical and design experience can assure the ultimate in personal design, structural integrity and timeless satisfaction. Goldworks 1502 Willamette 343-2298 Tues.-Fri. 9 am- 1pm. 2 pm-6 pm Sat. I0am-4pm Evening appointments available BISTRO DINNERS $695 UNDER* From Mon.-Fri.. includes entree ft dinner set Ltd sXv OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER DAILY 11:30-Midnight • 754 EAST 13th AVENUE. 342-K983 Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 686-7377. 'Flu* Eating Disorders hi (gram at Sacnni Heart Engine Service 1000 S Bertrlsen Rd (I tugeno OR 17*02 One Block North ol W IIIh Nolan Ind Plan Specializing m Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts HPIZZ4 ?e.T££ AU YOU CAM EAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH OARLIC RRIAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m. to 10 p m. 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery IBM announces an enhancement to the PS/2. A high-speed loan. Available to college students, faculty and staff’ Low interest rate Affordable payments Up to $8,000 per loan Quick approval Easy to apply No application fee I, |PA»*»l«4.,) itn-l, „ , ihi* M,w l turn iMm ,tl I |»00lt> 14 >108 Kind out mure at the No*. 14 I'un Kair in the KMl Kir Room and the Microcomputer Support I ah Mondat - Krida\ Vam-5pm .V46-4402 TU5