EDITORIAL McDonald's to stop use of polystyrene Ronald McDonald and the folks from the golden arches have decided to stop using polystyrene to “wrap” Big Macs. It's about time. Polystyrene is a nun-biodegradable plastic that will forever sit in landfills. Years from now archaeologists will dig up hamburger-shaped polysty rene boxes, a reminder of a wasteful society. Discontinuing the use of polystyrene was a long time coming. But McDonald's has listened to custom ers before. A few years ago patrons protested McDonald's practice of frying everything on the menu in animal fat. Health reports and nutritional information eventu ally persuaded McDonald’s to switch to vegetable oil for everything except their french fries. However, con tinued customer pressure forced McDonald’s to use vegetable oil even on their beloved fries. The next step for McDonald's is to adopt guide lines encouraging recycling. They should only use re cyclable paper products and. when possible, recycled paper products. Now that McDonald's will be saving money through improved recycling methods, the costs should be reflected in their prices. McDonald’s can show the fast food industry that recycling not only benefits the company, but customers, too. Children will be able to watch commercials in which Ronald McDonald battles Polystyrene Man in stead of the Hamburgler. At a few Eugene outlets McDonald's experimented by setting up separate re cycling bins for paper and plastic. While this was a noble gesture, it still left trashcans for the non-recvcla ble polystyrene. Now that one fast-food chain has taken a step for ward. hopefully other fast-food establishments will fol low McDonald's lead and stop using polystyrene. Whatever else we may think of McDonald's, at least they are reacting to environmental concerns. But the only way to stop the use of polystyrene is to stop the manufacture of polystyrene. If we all stop using it. the chemical companies will stop making it. Encourage eating establishments that you patron ize to stop using polystyrene for coffee cups or doggie bags. Remind your friends to follow recycling guide lines because if McDonald's can do it, we all can do it. I'M NO DiPTeReNT FRO* \ jrfdotf eise. i want to isave mw A ua<*8CY~ SOMETHING eNPlK!NG~ for F\rru«e GONe«t3Ti'(7Ns.*v Ale Pen aid's Ove* 6“ &iU4°N MDOSTRUClifte pidSTJC &OX?S szmv r House the homeless, don’t arrest them The arrest of three homeless people Thursday emphasizes the continuing prob lem concerning single homeless people in the Eugene area. The three people had been camped in front of tin* Line County Courthouse in Eu gene for more than a month. It was only af ter the number of people camping there be gan to increase that county commissioners decided to have the protesters arrested. They had been camping there to protest the closing of the Opportunity Shelter The shelter was closed because commissioners said they wanted to use those resources to find more permanent housing for homeless people. However, the only new shelter that lias been opened up is located in Clenwood. It also is open to families only. This is the second time homeless people have been arrested in connection with pro tests over the closing of the Opportunity Shelter. This summer as many as 25 people were arrested when the shelter closed. While city councilors and county commis sioners met with protesters at that time, no real progress was made to ease concerns ex pressed by the protesters. It is time for city and county government to come up with some concrete solutions to ease the current tensions. There is a need in Eugene for a shelter to meet the needs of sin gle homeless individuals. Finding permanent housing for these people is good policy. It should be a long term goal of both city and county govern ments But. temporary housing alternatives should not be abandoned before the long term housing is in place. Everyone has the right to have a place to sleep. It is not a local government’s place to decide that single homeless individuals are not entitled to a bed or meals. And now that the protesters have been arrested they not only have to worry about finding a place to sleep, they have to find a way to pay their $50 fines. LETTERS Tar Side* fan Print fewer letters and more "Fur Side Sam Nhem Student Seat you later Thank you Mr Fred () Knelling ( ODE. Nov H) tor ex pressing my opinion so well lauive the "reserved” seats alone Hv the way. I have reserved .ill the seats at Autzen Stadium for next year and have hired lo cal soldiers of fortune to insure that rude people like Amy Hope do not steal my seats Do not mess with me. Yes, that means greeks. too Brian Kivers Psychology No G.O.W. I, like many of you. have la*en wondering wlnit is hap pening in the Middle Hast and why. I've also joined in won dering why nothing has I teen done to stop this movement to ward war Our historical attachments to Saudi Arabia are primarily based on interests in oil The o< ( upation of Kuwait by Sail dam Hussein is a historical goal to unite the Arabic nations With history in mind. I need your help to lorm a coalition called no (I ().\V No liulf Oil War It's the people that can tmlv make a difference it we make a peat eful and logical effort. You i an begin In i ailing vour president at (202) 456-14H and by coming to an Oregon DAILY EMERALD N) K»* »!**» I U(.m lh,r»i <5II I cldo* Ai‘ • Wh W#n»gmg | ditOr Editorial Editor PoliliCI Editor Graphic t» Editor CMnslopnof Roti W*«l JO* KkKS S9in Pontoft Mmhl Frfilni N*tM» tcino« f ditonal Editor Sport % Editor £nt*rt*inm*nt Editor aounerr Put A»h»ey Conhhh l Ayo* t ek«t**h r«tgni tanof • •• informational mooting on Thursday. Nov. 15. Call H42-70H lor more information Katie McVeigh Political Science Pepsi, no Coke As most students know the University has recently switi hed from selling Pepsi to selling Coca-Cola products Dus was done liei uuse Coke had submitted a lower hid than any other company. However, many students may not know that the reason Coke was able to submit such a low hid is because it has been doing business m South Africa since l!»:t7. Coke utilizes the black "slave” labor force to manufai tore Coke It makes nearly $J20 million yearly in South Africa by controlling 6!1 percent of the suit drink market there. For the University to make a large contract with a company that openly takes advantage of a slave-like system is horren dous The financial planners mav have only been trying to maintain soft drink prices here, lint no students were consulted about this change I personally would rather buy .1 more expensive Pepsi product uml we'rs sure many other stu dents would, too Until the Coke contract is discontinued. 1 plan to boycott all University cafes and restaurants and to stop drinking soft drinks at the cafeterias. Please join me in doing so and lot the campus University hierarchy know how you feel atxiut this keep apartheid ofi our ( ant pus. Alesha Durfee Student Nix Nike 1 want to thank Operation PUSH and (hit Black United front for making clear to the rest ot us what sort of operation Phillip knight and Bill Powerman are running up in Beaverton. The fact that knight pur chased the privilege of having his name attached to the main library does nothing to obscure the fact that the operation he runs is as white as a bedsheet Henceforth I will refer to that building as "The White Li brary.” I received a "personal" letter from Bowerman written on Nike letterhead promoting a hate campaign against an able legislator who has supported higher education and lower tui tion throughout his career. I re fer to David Dix, whose oppo nent can only be described as a know-nothing, proto-fascist air head whose campaign litera ture repeated the most disgust ing, shopworn lies of the anti choice womb enslavement movement. This alone would give me sufficient reason to boycott Nike. Ann Tattersall GTF, (Geological Sciences LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others.