P90s LIFESTYLES Photo by S««n Paiton Tara Fields, a University sophomore, sports a bi-level bob hairstyle, which has worked its way back into the mainstream for women this season. TV and movie stars set new hair trends It's an annual thing One of those aspects of life people think about, really think about, at the early part of each school year. It's the what-to-do-with-my-hair plight And as with most fashion counterparts, there's always a trend. Either you follow or you flee There are definite trends this year, said Ricia Wold, hair stylist at Just Hair, 50 W. 13th. Ave "The messy look is in. Style-wise, for women it's either a short, layered bob or long and curly. The guys are going with it short on the sides and long on the top "With the short cuts. I think they're popular because you can update both the men’s and women's styles without a drastic change These hairstyles are also very easy to take care of." The mushroom cut is also gaining populari ty. "I do a lot of those cuts,” said Stacie Stall ings, hairstylist at Tangles on the basement level of the EMU "That is mostly a guys' cut but there are a lot of girls too." According to both stylists, women are get ting short bobs or growing their hair out and men are cutting it off Hollywood trend might be a determining factor "After Pretty Woman, I've seen a lot of wom en wanting long and curly hair," Wold said And that popular nighttime show host, Arsenio Hall, he's always got great cuts I've done a few of those too " Continuing last year s trend, symmetrical and asymmetrical lines cut into the hair are still a common request That probably has some thing to do with Arsenio Hall too, Wold said. JL U 'i I .Ml Photo by S#*n Potion Although most campus dwellers avoid dar ing cuts. University junior Xavier chooses to sport what he calls a semi-mane style. Aside from trendy cuts, artificial color is the newest thing in the hair arena this year The blonde look has taken the high road — get ready for something new ‘ Red is the color, but not the normal red,'' Wold said. "I'm talking about really red, vibrant red Turn to IIAIK I’ayc H O ul O Where there is always Excitement and Smiles... DANCING SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK!! The friendliest crew in town to serve you...with a smile... New Exciting Dance Atmosphere SHOWS... CONTESTS... SPECIAL EVENTS... A ■ I M A 959 Pearl (downstairs) Eugene 683-2360 We are an alternate lifestyle club and all are welcome If alternative lifestyles offend you we suggest another club Mercantile • Fine quality natural fiber clothing at reasonable prices • Eclectic selection of exotic gifts • Brand new books from Mickey Hart, Robert Bly, Ken Kesey & others Sundance Mercantile 2441 Hilyard Open Daily 10anrv6pm 344-0450 PERFECT LOOKiPERFECT LOOKi PERFECT LOOK $ROO OFF IF* ANY PERM Choose from a variety of perms formulated to enhance your hairstyle. Regularly $35 to S45. long how and designer wrap* are extra Coupon expires December 15.1990 $3P0 OFF ANY COLOR SERVICE Coupon expires December 15.1990 4 MB OFF ANY HAIRCUT Men and Women reg. $9.50 Children reg $6.95 Senior* reg $7.50 Coupon expires Decembor 15. 1990 PERFECT LOOK FAMILY HAIRCARE WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS Portland • vancouw •Carnot •llgard •8*av • Hatton •Mfeouto* Aloha •Ckxltamat •O#oon Cfiy •Gmtharr •Sandy •Abany « McMnnv#* •CcwoBi •Safm •Sfxr^jfmkJ • (uy*nm • ftm Dai*! •Bond _YOUR RETAIL CENTER FOR NCj|US PRULMTTCHELL Vaiisy RivSf 345 6625 Ostia Oiks 485 3248 Wiiijrant Puua 3437190 Martut Plies Wssl 342 5144 Pionsst Pla/a 7470502 Spnngflsld Wail - 726-1377 Meed a breah? Chech out the EMTERTAIMMEMT section in the ODE classifieds