SPORTS Photo bt r n» n <»n* Man:ie Price (5) and Daw no C.harmin (HI go up to block a Uasbington State kill attempt in Friday’s win over the Cougars Ducks split last home matches By Todd Helton Emerald Contributor The Oregon volleyball team split its last tv\i> home matches at McArthur Court tins weekend, defeating Washington State tret). I t la. 1M5. 15-fi, 15-8, but losing to Washington 12 15. la- I t. 10-15, 15-11. 15-12 In Friday's match against the Cougars, the Ducks dominated the first game earl’, as they scored the first six points but the Cougars came back to pull within 11 It before Oregon pulled away and grabbed game one from the ( aiugars Neither team could take control of the second game early Despite several Oregon rallies Wash ington State regained the lead and staved there to tie the match at one game apiet e It was also neck und nei k in the third game as both teams exchanged leads earlv It looked like (lie Ducks hail tin* upper hand leading 10 H hul Washington State i ante h.u k to tie the game at lilt and won the game to take a J 1 lead in the match The Ducks regrouped and easily heat the (ion gars in the fourth game tying the mail It and tori ing a filth game Doth teams fought haul ill the tilth game and Washington Stale led I. 1 hut the Dili ks didn’t die They regained the lead and stomped the t am gars the rest ot the way to win the mail h Oregon outside llittei \ 11 Watkins led both teams with 2H kills oil the night and outside hit ter Julie Jeflery led the Ducks ill digs with J7 kelly Hankins led the ( am gars with JO kills In Saturday night's m.iti It against Washington, the Huskies jumped to .in early 7 4 lead in the fust game kite Dm ks made a lug i omehai k and Turn to OREGON Page 13 BY 6 p. m . MONDAY IT WILL BE TOO LATE... A tpctmotogKjM bnwMhroug* a«**A**1rom Btw • f*H#*»UniArc* %mtkrt technology »the to large ■%**+*« perlorTTwnce frorn a jwih_*je «o vnaA you can hold one n the (Him ol you harxl Heurf ffw V*QK*U fwvf to S»ry »«■ < •* '»-i ,*»lj » .»■ »» ■ A« *V> Mi • » «M «• 1 •/< #»} fr» T*»MPHO» lW *%1 |» it* i »..»4hN,« «*> #*»• * in«*> **»•>]* ring f«> **.**»-•' (4ECUk .**t **»•«» ... IX) TRAI )!•: IV T( 1 REV()lA Til )NARV Hi N: AUX ST1MASS-SB Sl’tAKERTECHNOUXJV AM) (;tT S100 R)R VIX R OLD SI’HAKIRS! M«/< »vi U i «wlgM’ yOufMpMniWtXJK A »Icr »*■ XU ■ -*! '4***■•**. (flMWfcr* i* «X» •*« • ■ $749.4S Pr» f '■ 100.00 t $649'" y°°Pa'' Bonus Otters! tv-** 1 ■ **« • •*<**' rm. Wt * Row v dMtKMi K i « «•*" **> *»* J UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO MAIN HOOK ()» HOOKSTOK1 ITH AND KIM AH' M » k *. NAT JOA l*tl 'V * Did you take a crash course in neck pain? The pain you feel today could lie i a used l>> an injury you suffered years ago or just yesterday. Whatever the cause, chiropractic care < an give you relief without drugs or surgery. All automobile insurance covers chi ropractic care 100%. Services offered are individual treatment, chiropractic ma nipulation, therapeutic massage and therapeutic stretc hing II you have a question concerning your chiropractic c are needs, call Craig Balter. D C. today for a free phone consultation. The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette . Eugene . OR 342-452(3 PIZZA ANSWER Vi FfK nciKtu* CHECK OUT THIS BIG DEAL! Get a 14” 1 ITEM okIij $7.00 Plus One FREE soda Name__ Address_ 687-8600 1432 Orchard One coupon per pizza Expires 11/12/90 Go DUCKS!