UNIVERSITY SETA to hold weekly meeting today MEETINGS Students for the Treatment of Animals holds its weekly meeting at 5 p m in Room 152 Straub Mall. Call 340-4356 tor details Asian/Pacific American Stu dent Union general meeting is at 0:30 p in. in EMU Cedar Room C Call Mt.-4.t42 for more information. Et als Christian Science College or ganization meets from 0:30 to 7:30 p in in the koinoneu Cen ter basement. 1414 Kim aid St. For information (..ill 34.1 41.4(1 Survival fainter recycling group meeting is at 5:30 p in in EMU Suite 1. For more infor mation call 343-1 154 Student Campaign for Disar mament holds an organization al meeting for protesting CIA recruitment on campus at 5 p.m. in EMU Suite 1. Call 340-4356 for more information. Survival Center Youth Greens meet at 3:30 p.m. at borax Manor. 104H Alder St. Call 340-4350 for more infor mation. INTERVIEWS The following companies are available for open sign up in terviews through the Career Planning and Placement Ser vice Visit Room 244 Hendricks Mall for dates and more infor mation. • PepsiCola, Dun & Bradstreet, Bov Scouts of America and The Gap Stores. The following group meet ings will Im* held this week: • Precision Castparts meets from j to 4 p m in the EMI' Maple Kotnii cm Tuesday I com f. in to tt to p in . the Ralston Purina Co is available in I Alt' ('.edar Room E • On Wednesday (amoral Mills is available Tall Carole I ),il\ at Ht> t.tro vv till cpies turns about this group meeting Also, US l-'DIC meets from 7 to ft p m in EMU Cedar Room A. Bidding is available for the following companies through Wednesday •Northwestern Mutual late Yellow freight System (man agement trainee1); Hank of America Systems Kngineering (systems engineer trainee); Kn terprise Rent-A-Car (manage ment trainee); Areo (account ant); Seafirst Corp. (DEX opera tions trainee); Xenix Corp (marketing representative); Uarco. Inc (production man agement trainee and account ing management trainee). SPEAKERS AND EVENTS The University Ad Dub is sponsoring advertising speak ers Pat Sherwood (from Hal Riney 81 Partners) and Peter An gelos (from Koote. Cone Ik Bald ing) at 4 p m. in the EMU Eir Room Nomonde Noubo. a South Af rican labor organizer, speaks at 4:30 p.m. in Room 100 Willam ette Mali. The event is spon sored by the laitin American Support Committee. "What’s Ahead After Nov. K” is the topic for the lame county Democratic Forum at noon at Defrisco s Restaurant in the Atrium Building at 10th and Olive streets For more in formation call t>HI) OH 12. miscki.lankocs lesbian Parents (iroup sponsored l>\ Women In Iran mi ion. meets front 5 to 7 p m m KMC Cellar rooms I) and 1 Registration is required Call 148 4095 or 448 4099 lor more information. lesbian Support Croup sponsored bv Women In Iran sitioii. meets from f> to 7:10 p m m KMC Century Room I Registration is not required Call 140 4005 or 140 4000 for more inform.ition Over 35 and Alive group, sponsored In Women In Iran silion, meets from 7 to o p m at 841 K 18th Ave Registration is required Call 148-4095 or :t4t> 4000 for more information CD-ROM tutorial using the Social Si ience Index is at 10. to a m. in the reference area of the Knight Library Also, a tutorial using KRIC (education) is at 2 10 p.m. in the same location. Call 448-2488 for more infor mation. lararn about studying inter national business abroad in |a pan. Cermany. Denmark, the Netherlands or Spain at an in formational meeting at 1:4(1 p.m. in KMC Cedar Room A Call the Office of International Services at 448-3207 tor more information. Deadline for submitting F.t uls to tlir Kmerald front ilesk. I'M! i Suite too. is noon the day before puhlii ation Ft ills run the day of the event unless the event hikes place before noon Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted Campus events and those .scheduled nearest the publication date will he given priority The Km erald reserves the right to edit miln es for grammar and st\ le THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan when you want it' SunShower on campus wmnani im> PLAV IT AGAin SPORTS We Buy & Sell New & Used Sports Equipment 50 E. 11th Ave. • 342-4041 Cash For Textbooks Mon Sat. Smith I amil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Kccycle Thi* Paper CAR SERVICE SPECIALS In time for Thanksgiving! Set your car ready (or cold weather! LUBE, OIL & FILTER • Chassis Lube • Up to 5 qts new oil • New Firestone oil filter $4 MOST I 9 CARS I MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS *49 «• 4 cyl 6CYL $59.99 8 CYL $69.99 New copper plugs, set lim mg', and idle' Visual tnspec tion ot litters, belts, hoses. PCV/EGR valve wipers, lights, and fluid levels •'non #l*c ign i *'*i V 6 *r\g A A-C mt»(l«f®nc« »«lrd 'll rthlf | SNOW TIRE CHANGEOVER | j We ll remove both regular I tires, mount your snow j tires & electronically com puter balance them on standard wheels $4 Q99 I ^0 p*' e*' A COtfpOft I ADDITIONAL CHARGEFMSOME SPECIAL WHEELS riUMMATORSiRVici" | Flush, fill & add up to 1 gallon of coolant. In spect belts, hoses and water pump. *29*“ Chemical Treatment Power Flush $49" $1 00 shop charge added to all prices -I No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th Find out the money sa*ng basics by attending a free seminar and slide shew Tuesday, November 13, 4:00 Eib Mem. Union, Walnut Room Sponsored by Career Placement and Planning and Council on tnttmodono! CducoUonol Cxhor^c FOR LOW STUOCMT/KACUtTY ARUARES AND MOM PROGRAM REFORMATION CAU •ea-tvoo or i-eoo-tta-tasa I Support your j local business— COPIES w TH£ CO?y SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Where will you buy your replacement solutions? Check out our prices first1 RENU Dtsmlecling Solution Optitree Disinfecting Solution AOSEPT Disinfecting Solution AOSEPT Replacement Disc Pliagei Surfactant Cleaner Lens Plus Aerosol Saline B&L Sensitive Eyes Saline LUtrazyme Enzymatic Tablets Cterz II Lubricating Drops Boston Gas Perm Cleaning Solut Boston Conditioning Solution Optizyme Enzyme Tablets 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz one 25 ml 12 oz 12 oz 10 count 15 ml 1 oz 4 oz Rainbow $5 70 5 95 7 05 Safeway $6 97 7 27 6 89 4 39 4 59 5 09 299 8 75 4 59 6 39 6 39 24 count 8 19 Htrons $8 43 7 97 7 8 7 5 1 7 5 69 6 39 99 10 43 5 69 7 03 7 37 Fred Meyer $6 99 6 29 7 99 4 49 4 19 4 89 2 09 ;■ 19 4 49 5 13 6 19 10 43 6 99 Survey comp*e»UKj Awgu'.t 1990 766 E 13th Ave one block from U ol O rainbow optics Paylees $6 00 6 88 7 49 4 83 4 49 4 99 2 19 9 13 4 49 8 67 6 67 8 84 343-3333 Visa & M C accepted