Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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• Out (.**) umi-i workshop w-iH h«> looking #1 M|i«n '>1 body imagir
lukuie am) fating dnord«S
Workshop begins
Nov. 14-Dec. 5th
• Four wek * held on Wednesday nights horn 4 30-6 OOpm
• Meet at Medical Library »n Student H*«itah Center
Limit of 10 people
To pn* register c all 346-44S6
Sfkvtttvtd b% i*w iJetti*’ f'knnruf hogr&n Center
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IFC to require on-time budgeting
All student-funded organize
lions must submit line-item
budgets Inr the 1***11 *12 fiscal
year, unless the Incidental Fee
(aim m it tee votes otherwise. a( •
nmling to a resolution passed
b\ the lie at its Nov ft meet
The groups most affected by
this resolution will Ire larger or
ganizations such as the Athletic
Department and the RMU.
whir h have not la*en reipiired
to submit detailed budgets in
the past
At the same meeting, the IK'
resolved to zero-fund any
group that does not submit its
ASt'O budget package on time
or that tails to properly notify
the IK! that its budget will he
submitted late
The deadline for groups re
questing less than $5,000 in
their budgets for next year is
Thursday Groups asking for
$5,000 or more must submit
budget packages to the ASUO
office by Dec. t>
The resolution for line-item
budgets was passed to “instill
accountability to all student
funded groups by allowing stu
dents to see where their money
is going." Colson said.
The zero-funding resolution
is intended to streamline the
budget process as well as im
prove accountability, he said
In other business, the com
mittee passed a third, non
binding resolution asking all
student-funded organizations
to "make the best effort to
make their services and events
as accessible to all students as
Colson said the third resolu
tion was passed to encourage
student groups to hold the ma
jority of their events on cam
pus. where the greatest amount
of students can attend.
1991 Isuzu Amtgo XS
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