Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES targe clean 2 bdrm 1 Mk to UO F«m d<***»her disposal lots of parking n«»w carpet vma> 683 6919 Irg 1 Bdrm Clot# to Campus Sep ba/vamty largo walk in closet, bd-lvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a claan. qulat complex Call 464 4103 Millrace Apts 1605 Cardan Ava 2 bdrm flat just 2 blocks from campus 5525 Hurry' Only 1 left' Call Gary at 345 7275 Qf Jennings « Co 663 2271_ ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Two blocks to campus, off street parking 5360 par month Call 345 4155 Roomy 2 bdrm. Carpeted 2 blocks from campus W D m unit No pats S450/mo 550/person deposit 464 1057 WHY RE NT’HOliES FOR |1 00. REPOS. GOVT GIVE AWAY PROGRAMS' FOR INFORMATION 504 649 0670 Ext. R 9982 1923 Garden Dasign your own space with moveable dividers Accommodates up to 3 people Fully apphanced Spacious On Mill Race 5445 mo Lease required Can Jennings * Co . 683 2271 Aldar Si Quads no 25 Single room w shared common area Female only an utit paid $235/mo 343-5916 Quad A,.i single room w/private ’ bath, parking avail 1 blk to campus female only 5239 includes util Can 344 2663 2*5 ROOMS Quiet room 3 blks lo UO Available mid Dec, 5175 EWEB garbage pd female only 343 6l76Heave message! ROOMS FOR RENT $t85 5235-mo Heat and util included 3 blocks to campus Call 34 5 4155 250 DOBM CONTRACTS Dorm Contract For Sale!! Maie-temaie opening winter term Free au pack of any beverage 346 8502 Dorm Contract Available Winter Term Ask tor Maya 346 9304 _ Dorm contract tor sale' Can Jenny at 485 3843___ Dorm Contract FOR SALE _Mary, 346-6160_ 2 dorm contracts tor sale Please contact us at 346 9620 Free 8 peck included 255 ROOMMATES WANfEO Female to there furnished 4 bdrm house with 3 roommates Very active 6 lun to live with Call 344 3945 _ Roommate furnished 2 bedroom 5 Mocks from campus 5150 deposit. 5262 50/mo Cell 343 0009 275 MEETINGS RIFLE CLUB Organ. Mtg. Sunday 11/WtO ** Cedar A. 7 00 pm Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Club Sport* Study Abroad Information Meetings Business Programs Mon Nov 12,1:30 pm EMU Cedar A Germany Tues Nov 13, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Under Japan Tues Nov 13, 3:30 pm EMU Cedar C England. France Italy. Germany Wed Nov 14, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Under China Thurs Nov 15, 3:30 pm EMU Cedar C France Thurs Nov 15, 3:30 pm EMU Ben Under Contact International Services 1 330 OH »32Q7 __| “0 WNTS I.ZI [ The Council *or Human Right* »n I Latin America and | Latin American Support Committee i present NOMONDE NGUBO South African Labor Organizer to speak on “Women, Culture, and Organizing” Today 4:30 p.m. 100 Willamette $1 stu./$2 gen. pub. Co-sponsored by Black Student Union Students Agamst Apartheid Jewish Student Union International Students Association ASUO Center tor the Study of Women in Society the Political Science Department and the Women s Center.. ng'Mtfs — NOMINATIONS WANTED FOR OUTSTANDING WRITING QTF Od y©ur GTF in Engh*n Convpo»tii0* tVAlp VOu b*COm» A b*H*r writ*' ‘ H*f» •* your chuncA to My ihAnt** If you *rt§h lo rtomtnatA you' writing 1?1 122 or 123 t*ACh#f fo* th« £ngti*h C%»p^»itw#ni % *nnuAf OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT TEACHEM OF E X POSIT OR V WRITING Award *Mt0 0 i«M0f of rKxotnattoo *nd wnd h to the (Jtrootor of CompoArtton Engii^ DAPAMmoni 1 fft PtC Nominations wtii tx» soliotAd throughout if*# y**t Thank* for Reading our Cut out thli Ad Ami fACtHva 1 day of FREE Advertising m |h# ODE Classifieds l3 i»mn limit) | look fpr mort special* »n Mum _j ?»5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 QIACOUNT INQWt WWe U ?hn Met S3 WTt r H*y»T r oo * oo Wmll| a *tm ■Aai.it Wm AothA wkll Metropolitan rtNAl 4 OAT% N* f'Yy * .V 4 JO HOLLYWOOD £££&,'»**' MAVERICKS SSiST Hm, i mm Wi jtnjIMW. WHCCi 4, KLCX 104.7 LATE NITE 4, UOIN fUTMknt ANO • JULIA *oa*wm FLATLINERS 'hj ferWalft »NIGMt Of THE LIVING DEAD: r Th tJ-Pf Ha |4 i>U*Fr Ha |4 irrs oo rw* ns* wamp aqa.a i'.A ^lA: -'IL.ua Bl II ■ aw*Ms.r ^ University Theatre presents EASTERN STANDARD November 2,3,8,16,17,29 8:00 p.m. Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $6.50 General Public $4.50 Students ?»i ARTS& eNTERUIMMEHT University Theatre presents BURN THIS November 9,10,15,30. December 1 8:00 p.m. Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $6.50 General Public $4.50 Students University Theatre Second Season presents LEAP OF FAITH an original play by Lorilyn Jirges, Theresa Mason and Grant McKernie November 14,15,16,17,29,30 December 1 8:00 p.m. Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 S4.00 General Public $3.00 Students 2S5 HEALTH & fltHE^ FITNESS CONSULTANT C.em-ji f.t r>«*3 I tammy ific s{K»l PfOl«H9fon » tabling aru I confidentiality Call uihthrigmt ea/etsst U of 0 Crisis Canter Helpline 34M4Mm« ntgfttt A .*. r CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 Soho "so long!" 5 Dull rout in* 8 Biblical nam* 12 Basil or saga 13 Eggs 14 San —, Italy 15 Elavator man 16 Universal 18 Having many branches 20 Groups, ir biology 21 Top or back lead in 23 Pallid 24 Cook on top ot the stove 28 Obedi ence school 'lesson* 31 Tokyo, once 32 Pill lor FkJo 34 Anger 35 'I — Dance* (old song) 37 Unlimited 30 Vital fluid 41 Food fish 42 Mountain crests 45 Tantalizes 49 Leisure wear 51 Normandy town 52 Gaelic 53 Fish delicacy 54 Membrane 55 Source of venison i 56 Printer's measures 57 Exchange DOWN 1 Norse god 2 Luzon native 3 Smartly designed 4 Engross 5 Lasso, tor one 6 Pulpy fruit 7 Sharp taste 8 Combat areas B Mental impair ment 10 Arab chiel 11 Cape near Lisbon 17 Morning phenom enon IB Service Solution time 24 mins. Yesterday's answer 11-10 tree 22 Spring blossom 24 Church bench 25 Commo tion 26 'How absurdl* 27 Crescent shaped figures 29 Ending (or fire or lore 30 Assonling vote 33 Ollendud colioq 36 Shred or scrap 38 Dean Martin's parties 40 Footliko organ 42 Mimicked 43 Steak order 44 Always elf active 46 Nourish ing dish 47 1 ogan or Fit/gerald 48 Daytime TV fare 50 Ending tor bill or bull Mumo ® kPMUM & CHINESE RESTAURANT 1275 ALDER ST. 683-8886 SERVING FAST LUNCH BEST CHINESE. INEXPENSIVE ORIENTAL BUFFET M TH 10 30 8 00 Fri 10 30830 Sal 11 30 8 30 Qo»oi Su"3ay DINNER SPECIALS EVERYDAY!!! (GENTLEMAN'S I ENCORE S QUALITY RESALE CLOTHINI ,B IFOR ME N AND WOMEN OF | DISCRIMINATING TASTE B I 9 1111 WILLAMETTE EUGENE. OR 97401 343 6179 U m lU 1. 1 H M» . »>K o»NM«.S BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COUtD YOU BY WORMNG AT THE UNVERSffY OF OREGON TELERJND • EARN $6 00 PER HOUR PIUS BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE • WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RAISE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FRANKLIN BLVD. 346-3433 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson mis is HOK-usy won w t SUfftfceO ID CRtWt K desert scene in mis snot BOX WHEN l OONT ENtN KNOW WHM K DESERT ICOCS lit Nt'flR BEEN TO A JfSfcRr' MoM ANO DM> ■&WK. TMtE WV Mintst FUN OH'iACMVOKV IF [UEF 0 TAKEN MV TO K WSVR »M£T\ME. 10 KMGM NTO STUFF * 't'-.K A MiO CjQ TO M.L mw r*x*/~ '(IWT /SJfe' ICCt im » Bust wt rut «rt OTUtK TWlNOS TO DO K1TW TM UTV HlVtUS ms tXJ KNOW ' rk>uV hwi UWi.HtHb, «MCH KHOftAHCt IS IKStMi'WftOjS'7 hr =p; v> W N snarl STNIVS IN 2D KiNUllS Aftt 1CW GCXNb TC> HUP at OK NO* f Hudson van curen by Michael Russell rl'M not ure you. pn nor u<( $TAfl I'M fummy TMfFfD IN A WOALD I NtVlA MADl* I "(Art, WHFRC'S M/ f x I'M COiSCj Off TO >1 HANG with MY owN Kind, FIHD MY Hoots ... if 1 may f JiNY, AH/Moaf. ~<(~\LAT{f, HUDSON. 7 WfU. it LoPKi Like The sn?'? k*v( in Fi^sr iMiPenT OF fWCMl TtMiOkJ.