Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or /IQ/IQ Correct your ad call: IWi Looking (Of on* cm two *#mw» ro»a players lO complete • parly (Of ADAO campaign Call Scott (M UM f«m CONGRATULATIONS Eric Noma on being in» Writ person lo correctly | till out y*ftt«'d*y ft CfOMaOfd mtiiMr Bn I ha first parson lo (King j the solved f»(rt»r»or',l pu.v>e lo the | Oregon Daily Emerald Othc# flogm i 300 f MU a»ter 8 am A arm a FREE ODE T-shirt & ._o 344 4510 MSI um Aft ' Printed text to computer file* BBomtsaan 7J7J58Q n:o - ».-.j » The WORD SPECIALISTS! * (itadu«tr N» h»»'l Approved - inunuinmv incuvi 4|KM * IBM ( umpiiiblf. Duk ( onvtttiofti * l**ft hinting. ('laphu. * * Nnm|Kttumti CAROLYN_ CINDY Typing aroid processing. ctosMop poire Stung gr«ph»ct laser print*# 1$ . year s *»p#fMmc# (Fr** p*Cfc up'«pxlfflfxl nrrtlfi PND ilutfcfll Fiiltort 4M7SM Fl YINQ FINGER$ iyping 'ser. e Fast professional _ II Ofrpaqo Up 4*4 BOM FOOTNOTES TYPING USER PRINTING FAST! L 1\ 1 MU ?"* e* 1 346 1W jo the typing pbo IBM worn) PROCESSINGSCHTINC PAPf RS THESE* * HTATH )NS LASER IMPRESSIONS i5th * Chanwlioti 4*5 *490 PAPERS DUE’ NEEO HELP’ Your Research Assistant M«H|bnii word processing typmgeddmg etc Virgin.* 341 33*6(24 hr* > Peggy * T ypmg S#tttc# f *per«e«< «n1 typist ottering Hfvicti on IBM compute' system end laser pointer Reasonable rates _ Cell Peggy el 342 4***_ PROFESSIONAL TYPING AltO word pro< «&«mg editing Free ptckutydftiivfry RowJ« 935 l#9? ROBIN 344 0759 20th YEAR* GRAO SCHOOL APPROVE0 fdn e«pertt*e Full’*sum* ser vice l ate* printing ON CAMPUS' CYA TYPING SERVICES High quality typing and editing Fest 24 hour terv.ce C*M Ann 345 994/ i?o tuTflfciiiiBS" MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS Can it you need tutoring individuals or groups fmily 464 5406 ~ ^ MATH BIOLOGY CHEM T utoring at your home or school On# on one or group by credent M S leer her Cell Joe at *M *307 »INSTRUCTION FREE IBM PS/2 Windows and Word tor Windows Orientation al Volcanology Room tiB on Tuesday November 13 2 00pm 4pm This tree orientation is available to an UO Faculty Staff and Students The oriental»on is geared tow aid beginners __ Lifeguard & ALS an update class will be held it/14 11/1/ Call Sheldon Pool *47 S314 m iEIIU Apply lor FREE VtSA/Amencen E• press card A take oft with a TWA 199 flight anywhere in the USA' Hurry eap all now 4*5 6*39 Desk 30 > 60 5 Drawer Formica 9*0 6*3 501/ FUTON FRAMES 3 position, factory direct Twins. *40 Fulls. *50. Queens **0 Delivery Available 7ag Mtg 935 447a_ Penta* K 1000 camera body. *75 Vtvitar 70 210 Lens *75. Flash. *«0 Takumer 2* *0 Lens *75. 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Low miles. $4950. 343 7858. M TOYOTA CEliCA QT. &»p, 2SK. mr. wheel9 pome’ window 6/tOCkt More WIZOGoiter 346 1366 imMOTORCTCLES/SCOOTERS FOR SALE 71 Vespe P I25i Runs good. $350robo I Pete 3 Cell I 3426744 _I HSCOMWiBS/tUCTBmg Computer Systems West J XT 1749 00 ■ 286 $949 00 1 MtfcSX $1199 00 ; System* include DOS 1MB RAM I 20MB HD monochrome monitor Student 10 w»ll receive 5**» discount 342 4153 Epson Equity I e computer Epson LQ 600 printer Microsoft Works software Only used one term $l30Oobo Cell Angela et 6B6 2935 __ For Sale t yr old w*de carriage ?7 Pin imegewnter IQ printer for Macintosh Software drive' end cables included J Ptv.ne 346 .'*891 day* IBM Person#! Computer < - ► monitor font of software 160O!QbO Cell 646 ?916 or 66» 9453 BEST PRICES ON 346 SX 246 16 COMPUTERS ANO MULTI LINGUAL SOFTWARE OS/DD FO 10/14 MODEM 199. 2400 BD INT’L COMPUTER CENTER 830 Olive 342-6479 FgiTlAiE Milt 164 W Broactway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (S03) 343 3622 L / V / A G FUTONS & FRAMES Eurmshings * Lighting * Posters * ('lathing * Je»elr\ M*mo»y Wwd Process*9t under 1300 New SmMh Corona wd*kk d*»v#. tiaatobo Thed WW? WANTED TO BUY! Battery powered typewriter with Compute* interlace port Gall Jeremy «< 6830642 *vtnmQ« 2 Bo*Ion Acoustic 8 woo»ers mounted m Custom tK»a NfVf fl BEEN U$€0M See 10 believe' >300 Cali Dave at 68/ 5896 TODAY' TTTii mm:n: TS 1957 Fender Slrat Reissue Beautiful Sunburst wJcase >475 firm 344 04 72 Etitmtimni Suddenly. my wardrobe had better quality clothe* and I d*dn t spend my atnter grant Bing Oerry Pataca 62 W 13th um CHRISTMAS. Spring Break summer travel FRft A it couriers needed and cru>%« ship yob* Call t 80568? 7556 e*t F 1451 Roundfrtp ticket Portland to Bowman Ml leaves \2r2 490 return you choose STOOfoBo 484 1806 (lv mess) Round trip airline tickets Leave Eugene Ittfl return from Phoenix HflB Make otter 3446791 R/T Plena l uy« . 20 returns Nov 26 Must sen 687 5713 2 round trip I ’ . » Airlines leave Dec 20 return Dac 28 >356 both 683 1765 2 Round Trip «l> M ♦ • l os Angeles Can be changed Good until 12/31'90 Call 346 0756 MWHUHTIff mmni FfMOom Bowl airfare JM 4SS M3« TRAVEL ANYWHERE ? R/T ii* |t male l female) any«hef» tn the U S A Caribbean Good W 1/3»l»i Price neg Man 485 3046 eves 7 one way plana tickets front Eugene Dac 11 lot Taiaa continuing on lo Florida IN each / both *175 345 OSAO Tljg'LTPniiH? HELP PRESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE USA1 Ottering reward ol up lo *100 (dapending on pertinence A quantity of (acts given) for information concaming individuals A organization responsible for violation of basic human rights, organized harassment, slanders. A character assassination of mala individual living on Hilyard between 15th A lAth Ba aware that these individuals operate on the principle of "disinformation" concerning both themselves A me. the target" of their operations Must be willing to have all information provided notarized I will pay for notary Write J G. PO Bom 1541, Eugene 97*40_ Cfeitttrsf forum HERITAGE MUSIC COORDINATOR The Cultural Forum is looking for a student to coordinate folk music programs at the U of O for Winter & Spring terms 1991 and 1991 9? academic year Stipend available includes programming Willamette Valley Folk Festival in the Spring We have applications and position descriptions in the Cultural Forum office Suita? EMU 346 4373 Deadline Wednesday Nov 71st The Cuttmai Forum is an EQ/AA employer _ 'iiliOME: To All Faculty, Staff, Students, and Mem bers of the Eugene-Springfield Community The Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee (MLKCC) is sol it iting proposals for events and programs to mark the celebration. Specifically, we arc seeking educa tional session proposals for the UO MLK Conference 0:1 January 21,1991. Tins conference is the major clement o.'thc "recess from regular activities" on this federal holiday. We would especially welcome proposals focussing on the theme: "To rcdcdicatc commitment to civil rights, cultural diversity, racial equality, and economic equity.” Proposals must lx: received by November 16, 1990, to be considered for implementation by the MLKCC. The MLKCC may be able to provide some limited assistance in obtaining space, publicity, or audio-visual equipment. If your department is already planning an activity or an event during the week of January 15-21, 1991, or intends to do so, please let the MLKCC know so that it can be incorporated into the overall celebration week calendar. Proposals should be submitted to: MLKCC, Office of the President. Proposal forms are available in the Student Activities P.r lotirce Office (telephone 346-4000), Suite 2, EMU, or from the President’s Office in Johnson I lull. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration January 15-21, 1991 University of Oregon 2!5 [ Earn ttOOO or more per month [home ML M Call 689 7341 3 INTELLIGENCE JOBS All 8tW US Customs D£A etc Now hiring Call (D805 687 6000 E*t K 9642 It's easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Nancee or B'OOk for per sons! interview, >46 607. Law School needs Computer Tech knowledge of IBM compatible hardware and software. DOS. and modems WordpeHect. Lotus, or DBase experience helpful Preference given to work study eligible applicants Call Marilyn at 346 3660 Student ol French to assist with small amount of Christmas correspondence 666 2718 SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5.000 openings' National Parks Forests Fire Crews Send stamp for tree details 113 E Wyoming Kahspell MT 59901 Work study Instructional Asst at elementary school 2 positions 11 45 am 3 45 pm M F $7 60/hr Will work with at risk students in small groups or 1 to 1 Assist students with class assignments and homework pro vide positive modeling for social skills in ail school settings We encourage people ot color to apply Call Wendy Janks or Ted Calhoun at Willard Elementary School 687 3375 235 OPT S/buRtXES ALDERWOOD MANOR 1660 Alder S t r •« t Accepting applications for 1 bdrm & Studio Hats m excellent campus com pie* Can Mike 344 5696 for details Jennings ♦ Co 663 4719 Eugene Manor Studio $345. all utilities A cable included 464 7441 Bennett Management Co 915 Oak St Suite 200 Eugene. OR 4656991 Hideaway mil E 16 fh Great 3 txirm apt close to campus Fully applianced private parking, covered walkway Move in bonus Call 663 2271. 344 4219. or Chee 465 6236 Move in bonus! Londonlown 601 Coburg Rd Quiet surroundings at great location 2 txirm apt with private pat i oi bat cony $466 Call Chrtt eves A wkds. 663 4645 715 E. 16th Single room in large bouse just one block from campus Cali Chee lor more mfo/thowtngs 465 6236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice t txirm apt less than t tiik from UO Com op laundry on site Off street parking Only $346 663 4219 or Mike 344 4219 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BrtarcliH Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' $396 Call 666 3650 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small compie* Parking laundry private bath $260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled t txirm units Available now' 4 blocks from campus ONLY $345* rings ^Co USE. 11th A««. M3-2271 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 7H0®, HE/5-' / ^15 1HJt& 1 i i MAN. LOOK AT THAI! HE TRAVELS AjrfH 1HREB CHOPPERS! Mil. HE S RUNNING THE WHOLE SHOW. / WQND&l IOHAT THBou?man's earn TO HARANOUC US ABOUT TOVAY... / HOLD YOUR FIRS, M5M! / lOUJMORAU, rM6ue$siH6. II you're tired of Movie Theater Shakedown... aoojviRy DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate