m_W-_e Hmto fliirl California had a lot to celebrate Saturday including three touchdowns in the First quarter and a possible (kipper Bowl bid. PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY FREE DELIVERY from our new P.D.Q. delivery stores (limited areas) r IAMPUS 20 E 18th 342-2323 SANTA CLARA 2620 River Road 688-2222 Other Great PIETRO S Locations 4006 Franklin Blvd 1011 Valley River Rd 1600 Coburg Rd 3450 West 11th All PIETRO'S locations open 11AM dally. 3 Off Any & ^ Off Any Large ^ m Medium Pizza Or wM Pizza Coupon pood fc* offr* above Not pood **th any orher offer or wflh Hearth Style Expires 11/1&90 cutlon^f t^rurtuf* Pietros Pizza “Your Oral F«rn£y ftCM FI** ' Jjrt. 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(tones).” Musgrave said. “I thought I was in the clear and just relaxed "It was one of those hits that you take every game, full my shoulder just wasn't ready for that today." he said. "I was a little surprised by the hit " |on Okken came in to relieve Musgrave but was ineffective and had to l>e replaced by Hob Brothers Okken completed five of eight passes, but for only 21 yards and it was bis fumble on a sack by Jason Wilborn and the recovery by Hall on the Oregon 12 that set up Cal's last touch down in the third quarter. Brothers had perhaps the best game of his i areer, i ompletmg 12 of 24 passes for 14 t yards, but although he was able to lead the Due ks inside Cal terri tory several times. Oregon was never able to get the ball into the end /one "We did not generate any of fense." Brooks said "Cal de served to win They outplayed PILOT Continued from Page 8 "IX:C has the best flight sc iuiol in the Pacific Northwest. and is in the top Id in the country Harrison said he wants to fly tor the airlines someday, but that is years down the road l or tin- present, he will contin ue to leach, racking up (light hours until lie hits 511(1 Then, it's off to Haines, Alaska for air taxi service1 in the spring Pac-10 Football Team Washington California use UCLA Oregon Arizona Stanford Arizona Si Washington St Oregon St Conf Overall WLT WIT 6 1-0 820 421 631 421 721 4 30 5 50 330 730 440 640 340 400 240 4-50 2 50 3 70 150 190 us 1 don't know if wo plavod well enough lo beat Cal today, but we should have played well enough to be competitive There was some concern coming into the game that Ore gon might not be emotionally ready after knowing it had al ready secured a Imwl invita tion. brooks said he didn't know if that was the case or not. just that he didn’t have any answers for the Ducks’ per formance. “Whatever it was. I'm not very happy with it," hit said. "We played very lethargic in the first quarter, but then we tame hack. Hut when they jump out to a 21-0 lead, they can pin their ears and come at you." Oregon now has to regroup for Saturday's Civil War game with Oregon State, but might have to play without Musgrave. If he couldn't go. Brothers would appear to be tin* starter. Brothers is 0-1 as a starter, but the Ducks are now 2-9 over the last four years in games Musgrave has either not started or finished, and the last time he missed a Civil War game, the Beavers won 21-10 in Corvallis Duck Notes: Tailback Sean Hurwell carried 24 times for 124 yards and now has 934 yards for the season He needs only i>t> yards to lop the 1.000 yard barrier and become only the second freshman in Pac-10 history to have a 1.000-yard season Becoming a pilot is expen sive Harrison wouldn't say just how much money lie's put into his flying career, but in com parison. a private pilot's li cense |4T> to 55 flight hours) costs about $2,500. Harrison is well beyond that, with an in strument rating and a cummer cial instructor's license. "A flight career is a lull time. lifetime commitment." he said. "There's something about the joy of flying You just have to experience it." F O B INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS P O S T F. R S RESUMES AND M O R F. 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