Oregon DAILY EMERALD Morula), November 12. I1**) Eugene. Oregon Volume l>2. Issue 54 Briefly All student-funded or ganizations must submit line-item budgets for the 1091-92 fiscal year, un less the Incidental Fee Committee votes other wise. arcmding to a reso lution passed by the I Ft' at its Nov. 8 meeting See story. Page 4 Jim Harrison doesn't look like the typic al pilot. The flyboy image made popular by movies doesn't fit Harrison. He owns a flight jacket doesn't wear it very often — but no silk scarf. In short, he is unpretentious and very good at his job See story. Page 8 Sports Terrell Brandon The Oregon men's bas ketball team built a big lead early and proceeded to hang on for a 92-89 win over Brandt Hagen, a Orman club team. Sun day afternoon in an exhi bition game at McArthur Court Oregon Coach Don Monson said the game was "the blahest game' he's seen at Mac Court in his eight years at Oregon See story. Page 9 After digging itself into a 21-3 first-quarter deficit against California Satur day. any chance Oregon had of coming back to de feat the Golden Bears in Berkeley. Calif., went out the window when quar terback Bill Musgrave went out of the game. See story. Page 10 Regionally SALEM |AP) — A rally to deplore racism at Wil lamette University drew hundreds of students and faculty. See story. Page 6 Storm the Stairs Students seeking a cure for paralysis were greeted with warm, sunny weather as they participated 1/1 the Recreation and Intramu rals-sponsored "Storm the Stairs benefit at Aut/.en Stadium Sun day afternoon Photo by Mia Hertelsen State scrambles over Measure 5 By Rene DeCair Emerald Reporter The passage t)f Measure > has dumped a heav> load m the laps of (fregon legislators a-, they si ramble to re plate the lost revenue to keep public serve es and schools afloat Measure '> requires that property taxes he lowered to SI a per $1000 of assessed property value In UH'i ‘Hi Ait ortling to the slate's legislative revenue off It e. this change will prodtu e a StiOO million gap for the |q«H <) } biennium and eventually lead to a r ! I lie |>h>it