ENTERTAINMENT Alternative rocker Mould on promotional tour Band on campus Sunday By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter "There's no point in not pushing yourself." said Hoi) Mould, and with Black Sheets Of Rain. his latest and second solo album currently top five on the college charts, the ac claimed musician takes that te net and hurtles into some pret ty electrifying sonic territory. This Sunday, students will get to hear one of the pioneers of hard core alternative rock as The Hob Mould Band, on a pro motional tour of their newest Virgin release, makes their sec ond appearance at the Universi ty in the EMI1 Ballroom Mould has gone bat k to the roots of his music, injecting a fresh perspective to a tried and ies and Hoi House flowers; Mould has re-emerged with his classic sound and made it big again." This sort of leap has become, in a sense, something to lie ex pected from Hob Mould Prior to coming out with his first solo album. Work Hook. with its more acoustic and re served edge. Mould forged an emphatic new approach to rock as a member of Husker Du. the trio that turned heads in rock, thrash, hard-core and even pop circles. With Work Hook, which was released last year. Mould re ceived critical praise that was followed immediately hv months of concert tours in many ways, III,h k Shrrts Of Ruin is a response to the ex “Mould made alternative punk rock happen at a time when the genre is on a different turn with the likes of The Pixies and Hot House flowers; Mould has re emerged with his classic sound and made it big again. ” — Jason Miller true style. "There's definitely more guts and feeling in his music and style." said EMU Cultural Fo rum publicist Jason Miller “His latest album really goes out on a limb with a lot of dis tortion. Mould made alterna tive punk rock happen at a time when the genre is on a different turn with the likes of The Pix hilarution of those shows, which followed a two-year hia tus from live performances “Seeing how people reacted to Work.Hook live and the things that charged them up got me going in this direction.” he said “When you're writing songs, you go with where you're at at the time If you're feeling loud, that’s what you < iturlnt photo Hob Mould, one of the pioneers of hard core alternative rock, will appear with his band as part of a promotional tour for their latest album Black Sheets of Bain. should write It just seems ap propriate now to lie more ag gressive " Lyrically. Mould reaches new depths of soul searching and baring The words are heavy broken relationships, smashed dreams and general themes of disillusion are exam ined in highly personal ways But there's a certain cathartic element to it all that doesn't leave the listener in throes of doom and gloom. Rather. Mould, working with drummer Anton Fier (of ('.olden Palominos fame) and bassist Tony Maimone. infuses the songs with a power that urges personal strength and commit ment. Opening the concert is the English band Ultra Vivid Scene Musically, one of the most striking aspects of the band is the complexity and stylistic elusiveness of the compositions of band member Kurt Kalske. “I want to write songs that am real and genuine.” Kalske said, summing up the inherent contradictions in writing rock music of the thinking feeling kind. "I don’t want to hold up my life as an example to people and say. 'Isn't this fascinating? Aren't I just the most fascinat ing person?' which is what I think a lot of people do. Hut at the same time I don't think it's genuine unless it relates to what I’m thinking and feel ing.” "I'm sort of caught in the middle." he observed, "trying to express things that I feel, but not doing an emotional strip lease for someone else's voy euristic thrills." Sunday's concert is at 8 p.m. Tickets. $*) for students and $12 for the General Public, are available at the KMU Maindesk. PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY Pietro's i PIZZA RESTAURANTS FREE DELIVERY From our new P.D.Q. Delivery Stores (limited areas) 342-2323 SANTA CLARA 688-2222 PIETRO'S locations 1011 Valley River Rd 4006 Franklin Blvd 1600 Coburg Rd 3450 West 11th CAMPUS 20 E 18th All PIETRO S locations open 11AM dally. Off Any Medium Pizza ■ I I Coupon good lor ortwr »Uw Nol good any ottor oW#» or v**t» M««f th Stylo cuMomM uo«vaiu(« Expires «%• - • *%• 1,6/90 Pietros Pizza Late Dinner Special AM#f 9pm buy any amgla topping thin crutl 13 mad pi//a tot 5 99 Not good with any othar oflar Coupon haa no cash vaiua S Pietros Pizza *01) $ 099 Thin Crust * O Peppcroni Pizza (wtth Coupon) N« oood wrth any olhar olfn or w«h rtnarth SMa Coupon has no cash valua Lana ora pur a par coupon E«pir»S . • ft* ”',&9° Pietros Pizza Toim Cmm Nothmai Funfy Pin Pin.' UU Dinner For Two Buy Any 1*0 *tng»# topping. 10 Am«ll pi//A» And a liUf of soft dunk lot 11 90 Not good with Any ot*#r oHa* Cou pon hAS no CAth VAluA "'«* Pietro's Pizza "You Cm* Nonhwvfl Fsmtfy FIoa FImk*