UNIVERSITY Child care task force meets today MFFTINCN ASllO Child Care Task Force meets today at 1 10 p.m in KMU Cedar Room A For more information, call ;t724 Active Christians Taking a Stand meets tonight from 7 to ‘I in Room 146 Straub. For more information, call 688-4 I 2 I Et als Women in Transition will have a group facilitators meet ing today from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in EMU Century Room F At tendance is required. For more information, call 346-4095. Korean Christian Fellowship meets today at 4 p.m. at the Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid. For more information, call 746-4209. Kultura Pilipinas, the Philip pine student organization, meets Sunday at :t p.m at the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St For more information, call 346-9671 or 346 4387. HCSCB meets today at 4 30 p.m on thi- top floor of Chap man Hall For more informa tion. call 346-5414 Anti-CIA coalition meets to day at 2 p.m in the EMU Ben Finder Room For more infor mation. call 346-4248 SPEAKERS (In'Kim artist Frank Hoyden will present a free U*« lure. Fif teen Years of Ceramics." todav at -1 .10 in Room 177 |.awrence For more information, call 346-3632 "Meiotio Recombination at the Molecular Level” is the li tli' of a molecular biolo gy evolution lecture to be given by Dr Michael l.ichten of the National Cancer Institute at lie thesda. Mil The lecture will lx' today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 110 Willamette Men justis international Sales Manager for F’W Pipe, will speak tonight at 5 p.m about international marketing and the role of women in the international business arena. MISCELLANEOUS Service of lloly Communion will he held today at noon .it Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St For more information, call 346-4694. Millet's Shabhot will he held today, beginning with a 0:30 p.m. service, continuing with a 7:30 vegetarian potluck. and ending with H to sharing For more information. call 34.3-8920 CD-ROM tutorial on the Marxism talks planned Three-part series examines future The University's Humanities Center will host a series of lei turns, beginning today, to de hate the future of communism Titled "Is Marxism Ohso lete?" the event will consist of three lectures and is cosponsored by lame County League of Women Voters and the Kugene Springfield Solidar itv Network. "We wore asked to sponsor by the Humanities Center." said Sue Cirardeau. league president “They said it was good to have an outside group involved. ” The lectures were made pos sible by a grant from the Ore gon Committee of Humanities, an affiliate ot the National Kn dowment for the Humanities The Northwest Conference on Philosophy has given addition al support ■‘This topii dors intents! us." Girardeau said "We’re glad we were asked It's nice to lnt involved with the Universt ty.” The first lecture, beginning at H p m tonight m the KM I' Guimvood Room, is entitled "Human Rights and Nationali Is Rights Marxist latninist Theory and Soviet Practice." and ss ill Im- given hy |ini Nickel of the I Iniversity of (adorado "Analytical Marxism and the Crisis nl Socialism." is Satur day morning's lecture and will begin at 11:30 in the EMU (humsnod Room kai Nielsen from the University of Calgary will give the speech The final lecture of the series is "What Is To lie Done'" and will he given hy University as sociate philosophy professor C hey ney Ryan Her speech starts at -t p m Saturday, again in the EMI' (lumwood Room Stretch your dollars by using coupons f rom the Oregon Daily Kmerald. A HI INFORM (business) data base will lie held today .il 10 .10 a in <0 the reference dusk, of the Knight Library A tutorial on thu (amoral Science Index will ho given today .it the Science Library, also at 10:30 a in For more information. < all 346-2368 International C.ofTee Hour will bo hold today from 4 to t) 30 p m in the KMU Interna tional Lounge For more infor mation. call 340-4387 Free Mac orientation will be hold today from 1 to 3 p m in Room 175 Computing Center The orientation will cover basic operation for beginners For more information. call 346-4304 Psi Chi members ore remind ed to partii ipate in "Storm the Stairs" Sunday. Meet at Gate F. of Aut/.on Stadium at 10:3(1 a.m. Dentil ini' for stibmillinK Et KW1-(III IKK Upalofe* fey Into • EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7um-llpm • drop ofl's 1430 Orchard St. • dn cleaning .145-61.13 What Jogged-Out jocks Say About Onsen nscn MOUUY MOT TUO KINTAL Call J4J-904I for reservations 1883 Garden Av#„ Eugene The Class Act on Campus If you knew what they felt like, you’d be wearing them now. 3426107 Arizona Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun 12-5 HAVE A FUN FILLED WEEKEND AT FRIDAY NIGHT U COMEDY NIGHT Well known Northwest comedians. The fun starts at 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT u LADIES’ NIGHT ☆ Drink specials for the ladies CASH GIVEAWAYS ☆ Drawings for other prizes WATCH FOR THE BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL' 343-4734 • 2222 Centenial Blvd wexi Aui.vujsHwiium) TNK FAR SI DC By GARY LARSON We must be careful, Cisco!. . . Thees could be the eenfamous Queek Sand Beds of Chihuahua. Oregon DAILY EMERALD PI) Hot M<«. tucrnr. Ofr*,** The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday e»c.«pt during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at trie University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros oeutabla by law Editor Alice Whm.«k*r Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rob Ward Jo© Kidd Sean Poston Anna Rtmbeckt Naar* Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entartainmant Editor Night Editor Chns Bouneff M.i'iV h Afhltfy Conklin Lay net L dfcefish Cayenne H;nvl6y Associate Editor* Community: Don Points Student Government/Activities Catherine Hawiny Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Features She , Ivu* Reporters Tammy Batoy. Brian Bloch. 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