Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS M>\ I MM K \T1R\« I IONS 7..,., adt laalur.rag .aluabla Claaailiad Maart.unfl O.*counl. will t» ptKM in random claaallicaliona Cul out I ha taaaai ad and I urn il in with yout ad lo*m lo racaiaa lha dracoonl daacribad arilhrn I ha ad (1 »•**•« *d p#« p#f»on p*f «r*«4 ?«••%•> To Place, Cancel or Q/|C VIQ^Q Correct your ad call: ronfliifflflrcHrffni* mj f p»on Equity I ♦ compul#* Epion LO *j00 print#*, Mtcrototf Wo*>% *oft*ofto C#M For S#i# ‘ . LO print*' lo» M#» »nto*h S©tt*ri»r# » N|VER BEEN USED1* S## to b#l*»v«' 1300 C#t« D*vw _ nmi ,,0 resale fcLbtHiw!; Gentlemen’s Encore We pey TOP dolte* lot Men % end Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING Need Ce*h‘> Slop mopmg ten those w?ni*r cloliwt to B>ng Cherry Petec* 13th £2L LLiii Plene Ticket from Pom io S f 1 «***'* 11/70 return ll*» 2/9 0C*ofco C* Oewnn MS 1430 urn DUCKS ♦ DISNEY** $162.00 ami up Im link* mMiKtiwch ifintftMiMMn. iv.Hci ir.n*k«». rnttnovi •4 H*nvi IKKI1 ( VpOi'iul lour i »ir »iUkU ill I A tnJ Air PitUgn «« *1*. f W A Al l NOW >44 )020 or I NiV 4HK K)2i JHIPS AMOY CRUISE A TRAVEL in th« Hilton Motoi GO imiLwnnni DUCKS OPPORTUNITIES Make a difference! ◄ POSITION AVAILABLE ► on the OREGON DAILY EMERALD BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Oregon Daily Emerald in searching for a person to serve on the Board of Directors Al-l-aree Director This volunteer position is for a 3 year term This position may he filled by any member of the community. a student or a faculty member or an cm ployce of the University of Oregon, but may not lx- an employee of the Oregon Daily Emerald The primary purpose ol Ok- Oregon Daily Emerald is lo publish a newspaper lhal will provide education and training lor students in all aspects ot newspaper opeta turn by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content Hoard members act in matters of finance, policy and pci sonncl Members ate required to attend monthly meet mgs and in some cases participate in committees requir mg additional meetings The applications will be reviewed by members ol the Hoard of Directors and they will select applicants lor a personal interview Please submit your letter ol appltca lion and resume to Hoard Application Oregon Daily Emerald P O Bos TIT‘> TOO Erb Memorial Union. University ol Oregon Eugene. OR ‘>7401 Applications will be taken until TOO pm Thursday. November !5lh Oregon DAILY EMERALD >°°™m , I Roufldlrlp Hck«! PoMi«fw1 to M! leave* 12*24/90 **tum you crtQOM A200 obo 4H4 I606(>vm«tft< FriMtom Bowl »t»Ur» IW 44*> M)l TRAVEL ANYWHERE 2 H T to (1 m*to 1 an,r*hrf'n m the US A Caribbean Good t«» 101191 Pot# nag M«»! 4ft*. I04A live* 2 on# way plan# ticket* from Eugene 0#c 11 for Te*a» continuing on to Florida *99 each both* 1F5 J45OAA0 2 round trip Eugene *>en Diego A'**** Airline* l eavff Oec 20 return Dec. ?S A3S6 both 6«3i P65 4 tick el* UO/Cal J44 A 240 CALL TO PHOTOGRAPHERS! { MU Aperture Gallery wants to Ihow four work Galt Cultural Forum to Mr! up m appt tor today to drop 0*1 you work VU> 400C HE IP PRESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE USA* Offering raward of up lo 1100 (depending on partinanc# A quantify of facta given) for information concerning individual* A organisation re*pon*n of mat# individual living on Hityard b#1w##n 15th A Mth B# awar# that the** individual* operate on tha principle ot disinformation concerning both thamtatva* A me the target ot their operation* Mult be willing to have all information provided notarised I will pay tor notary Write JG PO Bo* 1541 Eugene 9M40 Need t* tludent* a survey .nv< !» ing environmental fi**s Receive S5 *or at* Mil 45 minute* work Monday November 12 lo Gilberl 336 at 6 30pm OPPOBTUMITHS - SUMMER JOSS OUTDOORS Over S 000 openings! National Park* forests Fir* Crews Send stamp f©r free defers 113 € Wyoming. K*J, 1990, to Isc considered for implcmcnt.it ion by ttw MLKCCI he MLKCC' may lie able to provide some limited assistance in obtaining space, publicity, or audio-visual equipment. It your dcp.utment is already planning an activity or an event during tbc- week of January 15-21, 1991, or intends to do so, please let the MLKCC know so that it can Isc incorporated into the overall celebration week calendar. Proposals should he submitted to: MLKCC, Office of the President. Proposal forms are available in the Student Activities IV source Office (telephone 346-4000), Suite 2, EMI), or froi., the President’s Office in Johnson 1 fall. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration January 15-2 I, 1991 University of Oregon KoHElOwWiP .. AMAZING JOBS AVAILABLE ’^UflEO Tatefuod o«>eds you Eifn j i&TU while working flexible day and «v*mng hours Slop by 2001 Franklin Bivd today o» call !W 343) BOB MOULD Security and Loading crew still has a few positions open. It you «»e interested in working at | Vft«t show an a volunteer pleas* stop by the f MU Cultural Fo»um office (C MU Suita 2) before 6 pm today and sign up Bob Mould and the Ultra Vivid Scene 8 pm EMU Ballroom Sun. Nov 11 It's easier than you think to pay tew your collage education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible bouts Gall Nancee or Brook tor per ivonei interview >444—7 Janitors, immediate openings toll time positions Must have janitorial experience One week pa»d vacation after 1 full year of employment Send resume to SWEEP Janitorial 2145 Centennial Pia/a Eugene Or 92401 A A. FOE ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES Hideaway 715V> E Wth Great 3 bdrm apt ciosa to campus Fully apphanced private parking covered walk *ay Call Tim tor appt. M3 2271. or Chee 465 6236 Move In bonus! Londontown 601 Coburg Ad Quiet surroundings at great location 2 bdrm apt with private paliobalcony MB?> Call Chris eves A wkds M3 4645 715 E. 16lh S>ngie room in large house just one block horn campus Call Chaa lor more mtorshowings 465 6236 Student Plaza •45 f I9lh N«ce t bdrm apt less than 1 bik from UO Com op laundry on site Oft street parking Only 5345 M3 4219 or Mika 344 4219 GREYST0NET0WNH0USES 211 Briercliff i Newly remodeled two bedroom I townhouses Close to buslines' V.M Can 6M 3650 553 E. 18th J Quad evaCMMM to!» of p«ikmg o*»w vinal 6831919_ EVENT? m>PtS/DUl>UkE* - ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860 Aider Street Accepting Applications tor 1 bdrm 6 Studio fiats *n e*cel)ent campus com pie* Can Mifc* 3*4 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co._IM-42W Condo . : • r ;■ ■ * * d rent $550 tst/lasl-'cleaning Buy $39 900 4*4 0520/ 3466760 Eugene Manor Studio $345. ail utilities A cable included 4*4 7441 Bennett Management Co *15 Oak St Suite 200 Eugene. OR 4*5*991 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Sep ba/vanity. large walk in closet, bd/fvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a clean, quiet compies Call 4*4 4103 Millrace Apts 1*05 Garden Ave 2 bdrm fiat lust 2 blocks from campus $525 Murry' Only 1 left1 Cali Gary at 345 7275 or Jennings ♦ Co 6*32271 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT T wo blocks to campus off street [ - $360 per 145 -1 t'.‘ 1923 Garden Design your own space with moveable dividers Accommodates up to 3 people Fully applianced Spacious On Mill Race S445/rno lea-^e required Call Jennings • Co . 6*3-2271 Alder St Quads no 25 Single room w shared common area Female only all util paid $235/mo 343 5916 Willowtree 15*0 Lincoln St Quad living at its best1 Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus $245/$255 Jennings 5 Co 683-2271 ROOMS ROOMS FOR RENT $1*5 $23Vmo Heat and util included 3 blocks to campus Call 345-4155 ?5o dorm Miith&cT? Dorm Contract For Sale" Male'female opening winter term Free si* pack ol any beverage 346 8502 Dorm Contract Available Winter Term A*k tor Maya 346 9304 Dorm contract tor safe* Caii Jenny at 4*5 3*43 ?S5 ROOMMATES WANTED Ftmalt to thart IwniihMl 4 bdim houM with 3 roomrwl#* Vary Ktlvt A tun to livw with Call 344 3945 F uimihtd Near Campus $330 includes util 3 bdim house business majors preferred Women only^Cen 346 8815 Roommate blocks from campus $150 deposit $262 50rmo Call 343 0009 »*mm. Openings avail tor 3 mo 36 mo Educational environments . Call for information 484 5956 HOE DISCOVER THE FUH! Join the Diabetics Discovery Group!! • NNc are mu about the "medical facts" of Diabetes • We arc not uNhji lecture format learning BUT... • We arc about sharing our experiences of Diabetes V • We are abt*ul planning our oven group activities i e trips, parties and guest speakers • W'c are an ongoing, social group in the quest of the Discover) of ourselves NEXT ME! Iiv. Mov. v>\ i: b. HI PM • KMl < KNTl K\ ROOM t « all i?IO fur morr inf or malm* Doonesbury IN The S7K6575 OF SAN FRANOSCO TONIGHT, WORE IS AKXX JOY OVER THE RB-UECVON OR LACEY WVENPOFCT... I ! I I her unexpected return to OFFICE, HOWEVER, Hft CREATED SOME UNIQUE PRO0UMU TOR TT€60N6RE2SW0MAN... ___ 51NCI 5HE SEVEN CAMfWQNEP, m3. WWENPOKT15 NOW IN THE UNU3UAI PC&VON OF HAVING TO F/NPOfT UJHAT5 ON VOTERS' MJNP5 AFTER THE ELECTION! BY GARRY TRUDEAU r l ...ANVHMj MANY THINK WESHOUU? !NW£ KUWAIT2 A SHOUJ OFHANPS, PtfAbB! I i I &. DELIVERY / 1l) 7 I ‘hi, \.mi, FREEDOM BOWL