Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 VTU MIK€ 4 JIM T hr Bamdance was a hU%i Mop# you had fun loo Memories which will last and here s to Ihe future with you 2' Love C 4 C _ Beautiful Wanda Thank you so much for being so funny You have found ways lo really make me laugh Thanks for being there for me And Stacy M Don t be taymg OUR pushey pushey Itne Lydia_ _ C irmsn It has been wonderful knowing thal there is someone who truly undei stands what l am feeling Thank you so very much for the hugs and words of Sincerity Un beto con mucho Carlno. Lydia Beto I jusl wanted to say that you have been special m a very nice way The card Ihe cookies and phone calls have really brightened my days Through this difficult time you have Qone out of your way to make sure that I am doing Thank you Phi Delta Theta would like lo congratulate all of our new pledges Good Job guysf__ mYuMMl .. FLOYD 0 HAPPY Bday Luv. on 4 RAY NY MOM day STEVE M GARRET sa* CRAIG Wtb.sJULES WEN he ran .nlo a SCOTTISH KRIS MUS tree WE LUV YOU! 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS F1M Prv^nancy T*«tmg BIRTHRIGHT M? MV 0*M* Uptilon AH and JG Gal ra«dy to RAGE FncMy night You' ()d!»5 Will t*» Quit** a *»!• Knowing you guya •! *«‘i at* tw*'gnt Can » Mad1 lovw Cht O a JO an,j AM Eric O m»ppy BlrtM«y4 Nov* you r* really Oid (like me> Gotx) luck *1 the Beer Gardens tomorrov* n*yh! I ove Carol ♦ he Rich*# M X fra special thanks lo you Uv participating m our Dating Game lO»e Bob 4 Jach Happy Birthday Ricky Whitt! I love you, Jen KA BARN DANCE DATES Gat Psychod' Juil one more day before you will see Ho* much fun the to barn dance will be’ TAPPING IS TONIGHT!! Mf CHISTAS Tnorihi you lor *upt»ort un«J«fi!Ar>di^tf you (HOvutotj tor m# I protvapiy COuNJ« I nutk* il *i|hou! you Quy% C>*nb««ry Pnnc«»» Happy 20th Pumpkin!! Love. AJ Ray & J 105 PERSONALS - To Our Beta Barn Dane* Date* The K \ 6«n Da- r >« tomorrow mghl Get for a great brne that you II «»»eflorycl i ove Tciui K .1 0»t®9 Scoll and Joal Get •»*» for a up ro*nn n«yht >'i the WikJ VVild Wai! *f the 0/ Bam Dance1 t om you' 0/ datei Debtee and Tree lorny spatial Roommate Vaiene M Tna'mn for being there for me It wan nit *? naming a shoulder to cry on You re m«- j-ratest a - j t ic.«e you YOU' room.e l ydia Planned Parenthood has a pregna > test that i» .t !'•• . •<• . unbiased counseling < all HIHII HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mk k and Oeath1 CONGRATULATIONS John McMahon <>m tuning me tint person to correctly ?ii! out yesterday s crossarord pu/.'le Be me lost person to bring the solved crossword pu/.Me to the Oregon Daily Fmeraid Office Room • !MU *M«u a i m A * a FREE OOt T shut A a tS "iM for laisified advertising1 11 wm per woek please 'i EAGLE EVE TYPING EDITING By »ip«ntiK«d PhD atudcnl Ftll work 484 7SM 'J&’Ud 344 4510 60S C 1 Jfh Ah WOROPROCESSING E«per«»nc*<) qualify «h3»I tn^TiylMOQ ft* acatJom* t>u» t and aitT\ lan«' pooling t. *tl •'» Boj at All** 64 18 The WORD SPECIALISTS^ < iftduAtr S*. htiol Apptoved 1 ht\flUhonv'lVv I'ijvm V • HIM < omp«t»nlrlH«k l onvci*n»iv% • Uiri l*nniing,< »i«phH * • I diting, K?«umr« CAROL YN_QNOY TYPING UNLIMITED i HIM Com {Ml iW* i Gf«0 School Approval Gu«#*nltw • :• .1 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT'S are COMEDY NIGHT at Well-known Northwest comedians. 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