SPORTS Ducks look to season with new, young team By Robert Weber Emerald Spoils RepoMei Coming off of a 1712 season, the 1990 Oregon women's Ims kelbalt learn is supposed to spend much of the year Irving to adjust to life without n-foot 7. all-conference center Stefa nie Kasperski Hut these Ducks seem too ex cited about their upcoming sea son and their new players to worry about trying to replace kasperski or guard forward |aci|uic Semeniuk. Duck Coach Klwin Meiny says that although Oregon lost over 50 pert ent of their scoring and retmunding from a year ago to graduation, he isn't expect ing this to lx> a down season. "You have to say rebuild ing." Heiny said, “but at the same time, we're very excited We're excited about our young players and the maturity of our older players. I think this team could Ik- better than last year's, but I don’t know if our record will reflect that " (Iregon returns three starters from last year's squad in senior Trina McCartney, junior Staci \Vdllenlx>rn and sophomore Va nessa Seidell, but will need a great ileal of help from its freshmen to hei min' a contend er in tile Pacific- HI (umfereni e Freshmen Debbie Sporcich. Missy Slow ell. Sara \\ ilson and leshu Smith make up a re< ruit mg i lass that Is ( onsidered the best hi Oregon's histor\. and one of the nation's liest last year. "Our young kids are ver\ '——-—-—:—- butts.’ Sophomore point guard Vanessa Selden will play an impor tant role in the new-look women '* basketball team this season. athletic." Hriny said “They run I hi1 court, retiound. play defense and are winning spots The\ have looked outstanding in prai tic e so far and will really he a great addition. Items lias I teen so impressed with Spun ich and Wilson that he has (with of the t) foot .I posts inked in the starting lineup Placing Sport u h w ho tossed in 20 points and snared 12 re bounds in the Ducks’ scrim mago on Sunday, and Wilson, who chipped in with 11 points and nine boards, in the starting lineup will mean a new look (or some of Oregon's older players McCartney is expected to move from the post position she has played the past three y e a r s to a wing w h i I e Wallcnborn will he asked to play more guard than her usual forward spot this year. The only starter not changing positions this year is Selden. the Ducks' point guard "I love to run.” Selden said, "and I think that we will really speed up the game this year." The Ducks will be tested throughout the season in the murderous Pac-10. a league that includes defending nation al champion Stanford and other powerhouses in Washington. IJSC and UC1.A with Oregon picked seventh in the pre-sea son coaches poll. Oregon opens its regular sea son with five of its first six games on the road against tougli opponents, but Heiny isn't worried. “The problem with those tough road games is how we cope with it.” Meinv said. “We can have some setbacks along the way. the key is dealing with it and doing better." The Ducks will take their first step of the exhibition sea son tonight as they host the Civic Advance Capitals from Canberra. Australia at 7:30 in McArthur Court "This is a team that with some early, unexpected success could just build." Ileiny said, "and that could give the team a lot of confidence." Add confidence to returning talent, solid newcomers and ag gressive play and the Pac-tO will have a tough time keeping the Dm ks in seventh place this year. IDilt ZERO A Kyfcnwl «••«»•'* « IN* 1-m-mwrirtT •< V*» "*4.i *-»4 C trttaHi, )•*** GENERAL BOOK DEPT. SECOND FLOOR MILE ZERO A NOVEL BY THOMAS SANCHEZ "Dazzling... a comic masterpiece crackling with backhanded wit... burst ing with vital characters... a novel of uncommon richness..' NY Times Book Review 11 Wi. M 'le "0r°'rnarks tt"ie loca,lon of K®y 1% Mm W€ t - the island that defines the end ■ Mm ■ of hie American road, the cultural B W I junction where Anglo-Saxon. Latin, and Afro worlds collide On this island, with its cruel legacy of slave trade and Latin revolution, and Its turbulent pre sent of marijuana millionaires, threadbare Illegal immi grants. and hard-luck treasure hunters, lives St. Cloud, an American expatriated in hts own country, a fugitive from the unresolved anguish of his generation. Chronicling St. Cloud s dangerous reawakening. Mile Zero illuminates the inward and outward tumult of our time in a huge startling, and profoundly felt novel There are a handful of writers who dare to wrestle larger-than life themes, pursue extremes and transcend the normal limitations of prose to reach for ... The Great American Novel. Thomas Pynchon, Norman Mailer and Robert Stone come to mind. With Mile Zero, Thomas Sanchez joins them." - Playboy l.vni A\D KINCAID MC>\ I Kl 7 10 - MX) SAT 10-00 - MX) I'll 14m1.HI DUCKS Continued from Page 5 fusion of Brandon (6-foot 0) and junior college transfer Kevin Mixon. (6-3) now a senior, as well as the inside play of Lucas. 6-7, and 6-11 freshman Bob Fife, now a seasoned sophomore. "I told people after the 8-21 season that I was ready to give it to the sea lions but I still had good support from the admin istration.” Monson said. "The thing 1 enjoyed about last season wasn’t so much that we won more than we lost or that we went to the NIT, but the way the kids respond ed to the coaching.” he said. "They liked to play with one another and played with a little flair." Brandon led Oregon in scoring with a 17.9 point per game average and Mixon added 12.6 points per game Brandon also had the second-most as sists in a season in Ore gon history with 17-4, and Mixon set a school-record by canning 80 three pointers. Fife and Lucas had big years as well. Fife set a freshman school record with 38 blocked shots, and Lucas had 10.9 points per game and was fourth in the Pac.-lO in re bnu tiding at 8.5 per game The only concern for Monson then is to find a replacement for small for ward keith Reynolds who averaged 15.6 points a game and was u model of consistency last season. The leading candidates for Reynolds' spot are 6 t> senior David Blair, a three-year letterman. and ti-ti freshman Jordy I.vden from Beaverton High School. Both have looked good in scrimmages and prac tice. hut Monson said he'll start Blair in Sun day's exhibition game with Brandt Hagen at Mac Court. “I’ll give David Hlair tin* start on Sunday and sue how ho performs." Munson said “He’s al ways been deserving. He’s a four-year letter man, a good team player and knows the system." Munson also has some options with his bench this year with Hlair or l.y den. seven-foot junior transfer Chuck Patterson and freshman guards Clyde Jordan and Orlando Williams The Ducks will be test ed early with a tough non-conference schedule that includes one of last year's Final Four teams in Arkansas as well as Dig Fight power Missouri. Alalrama-Birmingham. Utah and Wisconsin. After Oregon gets through November and December, it's the tough Pac-10 season, and then, the Ducks hope, an NCAA bid.